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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

28 minutes ago, cervids said:

There's a certain wildlife biologist who was also zoo whose brain I'd love to pick on this one...  shame he's been gone for years now.  Miss him.

Cervidae?  AKA heiferhammer, ToR, Tim O'R*****?  Indeed much missed, we had long and convoluted email conversations.  

Only other person I know with more than a little knowledge of such critters is Ramseys.  Never had much discussion with him however-- 


9 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Cervidae?  AKA heiferhammer, ToR, Tim O'R*****?  Indeed much missed, we had long and convoluted email conversations.  

Only other person I know with more than a little knowledge of such critters is Ramseys.  Never had much discussion with him however-- 

Wasn't going to use his name because I wasn't sure how public that all was, but yeah.


Not that any of those are his real name.  Get off my feed, FBI.


13 hours ago, cervids said:

Not that any of those are his real name.  Get off my feed, FBI.

If it's possible to point and laugh from the beyond, there's the fact that he's permanently out of reach.  

"Yes I shagged deer.  And a list of other fun critters.  So take your legislation and shove it!  Nya nya nya nya nyaaa nya! "


even though i was sick as a dog (hahahaha) and no deer kissing for me....my covid test came back negative so i guess at some point i have to get a booster...anyone else gonna get one...


I will get one as soon as its recommended or at least given an okay.  I got Moderna.

I've lost a 2nd cousin to the virus, and at least 5 other extended family members including an aunt have it.  All are breakthrough cases (they all were vaxed) [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":/" width="20" />

11 hours ago, shortleash said:

even though i was sick as a dog (hahahaha) and no deer kissing for me....my covid test came back negative so i guess at some point i have to get a booster...anyone else gonna get one...

Yeah me too, there's other crap going around.

44 minutes ago, Eagle said:

I will get one as soon as its recommended or at least given an okay.  I got Moderna.

Yeah me too, and me too.  

And still live like a hermit....  


Got mine (Moderna) last month.   It was much worse than the first 2 but not as bad as regular flu for 1 day.

Before anyone asks, I've had 2 detailed blood works since then and the only thing out of sorts is scoring off the scale on a single specific antigen test for cancer.


5 hours ago, caikgoch said:

off the scale on a single specific antigen test for cancer.

Well that's charming as hell...  !


On 9/29/2021 at 9:03 PM, heavyhorse said:

If it's possible to point and laugh from the beyond, there's the fact that he's permanently out of reach.  

"Yes I shagged deer.  And a list of other fun critters.  So take your legislation and shove it!  Nya nya nya nya nyaaa nya! "

I think he told me pretty much something exactly along those lines two months or so before he died.  He also threatened/promised to go out with an epic porno of some type.


Man was a fuckin prophet. Shame he didn't do the latter.

Anyways, I've lost family to COVID, both literally and figuratively.  Only one death, but one half of the family is literally not to be visited until the pandemic is over or they get vaxxed.  So probably never.  One of them is my cousin whom I basically grew up with.  He just got married.  I did not attend.


 I'm going to get a booster within the next couple of months.  I originally got the Pfizer with no no side effects other than a sore arm, we'll see how that works out.

I understand that the Covid antibody test will show a positive result on nearly any coronavirus antibodies.  There are a lot of them out there, many affect animals.  Dogs get one (with many strains) that causes explosive diarrhea.  That one went through my pack years ago after a major road trip.



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