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So I hear the fort has fallen...

I hear zoophilesforum is closing up via reddit.  I can't say the mods and I were spot-on friends there, but it is sad news regardless.  The place did serve a purpose.
I'm getting sick of some of the "gate-keeping" and what I honestly percieve as "zooier than thou" shit over at reddit, that and I never really liked the reddit interface much, so I quit there whole-hog and deleted my account just the other day.
Hopefully this place will morph into something better.  You have my best wishes, Silverwolf.  Maybe I'll even be tempted into updating my story, heh.
-Rannoch / Trangle / "That batshit insane zoo" depending on what year you look at.
I'm a nice guy now, honest. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]


You've got to work at it to get banned here, though it can be done. Just ask the "girl" who spammed human vaginas all over my blog. 
I really like to see updates to your story.
btw, I'm the silverwolftippysmat from reddit too. I get somewhat bored with it at times though.


I don't plan on working at it, though honestly at zoophilesforum if I'm being frank, it wasn't very hard.  It was more my reaction to the initial ban that made the ban justifiable than the initial ban, if that makes any sense.  The initial ban was hogwash and always has been.
I really am easy to get along with, just ask anybody who doesn't ban me on site and you'll hear the same story.  I don't know where anyone got the idea I was anything but. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]
Maybe if you say a lie enough, it becomes true, at least to some...


hello and welcome...


Quote:You've got to work at it to get banned here, though it can be done. Just ask the "girl" who spammed human vaginas all over my blog. 
I really like to see updates to your story.
btw, I'm the silverwolftippysmat from reddit too. I get somewhat bored with it at times though.
​ Eewww, I can see how you'd get upset.
 Human pussies vary a lot, but so many are just plain gross to me.
 And, unlike some animals, they get sloppier and sloppier as they age, and looser than a goose that laid an ostrich egg, LOL.
 I would do the same, ban someone who pulled that crap.
 If I ban someone, they have earned it by either not heeding warnings, or just being so bad that they are NOT what any of us want to see on a decent forum.
 I am not on Reddit, not sure I'd want 6to even bother.
 BTW, most doe goats will tend to get a bit tighter in a few months or so after they kid.
 Several that I had got nearly too tight, and one I always wound up waiting till she was ready to kid once more
 Just love them goats.


I Agree with you cabron45, human vagina is not appealing at all [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img] And I think it's great the way you described it lmao.. I thought I was the only one that found the human anatomy gross.. But hey I guess I'm not alone [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]


Zooforum may be gone, but at least we all got a place to call home here [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy.png[/img]


Quote:Zooforum may be gone, but at least we all got a place to call home here [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy.png[/img]
​ Don't forget:
 Online and running...
 Has been online coming up on two years in August.


Don't turn my thread into a thread about human vaginas guys.  I think that's kinda my personal definition of hell.


Quote:Don't turn my thread into a thread about human vaginas guys.  I think that's kinda my personal definition of hell.
​ Actually, the vagina is inside, what you see on the outside is the vulva and lips, some of which are not bad, but most turn horrible, yuck, ugh, ugh, ugh, etc....


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