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Sex guide for Mares

NOTE: NOT MY AREA OF EXPERTISE!  Though I know horses, I'm NOT an Equine zoophile. If any equine zoo has something to add, remove, dispute, please do so. Found this during some "Stormy" research, and thought it sounded fairly accurate to what I'd expect as an outsider. sw
<strong style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Making Love to a Mare </strong><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><strong style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Receptivity </strong><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">It bears repeating that all mares are different. In my experience, they break down roughly as follows: <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Perhaps one out of ten mares wants nothing to do with a human partner <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Approximately four out of five mares will accept a man when they are in heat, without bribes. Half the remainder will accept a man when they are in heat if given a treat. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">About two out of three mares will accept a man when not in heat for the consideration of a food treat. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">A tenth of all mares will take a trusted human partner at almost anytime, regardless of incentive or heat. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Notice that these categories are not mutually exclusive, so they don’t add up to 100%. Also, the figures are based on about 40 mares, so there is a significant margin of error. Mares that fall into the last category are truly super zoo horses. I have owned two of these, and met several others, and they were priceless lovers. You can simply walk up to them, nuzzle a bit, and climb on. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">If you plan to purchase a mare with which you hope to develop a relationship, it is a good idea to make the following offer. Tell the seller that you will provide a 30% deposit to take the mare in for 2 weeks. If you decide that you like her, you will pay the remainder, but if you don’t the seller gets to keep the deposit. This allows you time to get to know the mare and decide where she fits into the categories above. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">A word about food bribes is warranted here. Horses love grain, but if they are allowed to eat too much it can cause them to colic and even die. Never bribe a horse with large amounts of grain or sweet feed. Excellent treats include alfalfa cubes and carrots. These both contain fiber, and take some time to consume. Some mares even accept good quality hay (especially alfalfa) as a treat.<br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><strong style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Warming Her Up</strong><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Receptivity can be greatly enhanced, and the likelihood of being seriously kicked can be abated, if the mare actually likes you. Time spent grooming her, bathing her, sniffing her ears, hugging her, and generally showing affection without sexual demands will make her much more receptive to your advances. Never attempt to restrain a mare on anything more restrictive than a loose lead line. Doing so may cause her to panic and do significant damage to herself, you, and the immediate surroundings. I do not believe it possible to rape a mare, and I highly condemn anything that resembles force or cohersion. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">If she is in heat, you will want to tease her in the same way a stud does. Imitating the "propositioning" grunts of a stallion can help as can mane biting and the other techniques mentioned earlier. If a mare does not feel receptive, she may make a faint of kicking in the air to tell you so. Watch the ears! They are the mare’s mood-ring. If she raises a hind leg in threat or the ears go back, or she stomps, these are signs that you better apply more foreplay, or give up the idea of mounting her. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">If the mare raises her tail and starts winking, she is interested. Don’t, however, assume that she wants to be fingered. As it turns out, a lot of mares do not like the feeling of a bony, dry human finger with its sharp fingernail being forced into her luxuriantly soft and sensitive tissues. Many mares will welcome the human penis, and reject fingering. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">One great substitute for inserting a finger during foreplay is to press the fingers flat along one labia lip, and to grind it slowly against the other. Thumb insertion is also appreciated more than other fingers. The thumbnail should be trimmed close, then the thumb should be held vertically against the lips so that it enters in an upward posture. The thumb is then rotated downward until it presses on the g-spot. This action can be repeated as long as it gets positive reviews from your lover. Note that the tail is an excellent gauge of her pleasure. The higher it goes, the better job you are doing. A clamped tail is one of the first signs that you are displeasing her. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Before going further, let me say a word about lubrication. If a mare is in heat, she will produce adequate lubrication. At other times, however, you will need a lubricant. I have found saliva to be a poor choice in general, and recommend a human product such as KY Jelly or "Silk" (a thinner lubricant that does not tend to dry and become sticky). Either lubricant will be essential if you plan to use your arm at any point, as described later. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Oral stimulation can be a great lead in, but it can also make a nice intermission between intromissions during long sessions. As mentioned before, it <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">is important to wash the mare before doing anything that involves penetration. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">This has the following effects: <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Prevention of infection to the human during oral stimulation <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Prevention of infection to the mare caused by introducing fecal matter into the vaginal tract. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Prevention of a gritty feeling that can detract from the fantastic orgasms which mares can induce. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Washing with a soft washcloth soaked in warm soapy water is a terrific stimulant to the mare. Both mares and stallions are positively sensitive to moderate heat.Washing is the fastest turn on there is for a mare. Even mares that are not in estrus will wink and raise their tails when the warm washcloth is pressed against their vulva and squeezed to cause the warm water to splash over them. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">When a stallion is probing for entry, he will emit a thin, sperm less ejaculate referred to as "pre-cum", the purpose of which appears to be to lubricate the external vulva and make entry easier. It is possible that warm water feels like this ejaculate. The effect is not lasting, but it is certainly an effective technique for introducing other stimulation. Mares have a wonderful, mild “sweet hay” smell and flavor, very unlike their human counterparts. Beware, however, that they are prone to break wind if you begin to successfully excite them, and this can be a real surprise given the position of your nostrils! <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">As already mentioned, most mares love oral sex. There are many ways to do this, and you need to find the one that your mare likes most. The face-first straight up posture with insertion of the tongue is the most obvious and but often the least effective. More advanced techniques include putting the lips around the clitoris and sucking it into the mouth while caressing it with the tongue. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Beware that there is sometimes a waxy “bean” under the clitoris and it should be <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">removed during cleaning. To stimulate the labia lips, turning the head at an <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">angle, inserting the tongue between the lips, then sucking a lip into the mouth <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">while stroking its inner surface with the tongue is very popular among many <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">mares.<br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><strong style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Intercourse (the fun part) </strong><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Intercourse can be most pleasant for both partners if you do not simply pump away until you get your rocks off. Mares enjoy things starting slowly. Some like it that way all the way through, while others like fast and furious thrusting once things get going. There are up to three distinct stages: passivity, arousal, and orgasm. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">The act of entering the vulva appears to be a turn on to mares, and fully withdrawing and then plunging back in appear, at least at first, to be well <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">received as opposed to shorter strokes. The early part of intercourse should be an extension of the foreplay. Even though the mare has allowed your entry, she may not be fully turned on, or even turned on at all! She might just be allowing you because she likes you, or your bribe, and it is mildly pleasant. The first phase is also a way for the zoo to pace himself so as to avoid premature ejaculation (an easy thing to have happen in such a wonderful place!). <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">As the mare passes from the passive phase to the arousal phase, one of several signs will occur. Most mares will begin to elevate their tails. Some, but not all, mares will begin to wink on their mate’s penis. Others will wink when he fully withdraws. Some mares will push back against their mate. This can be a subtle nudge or they may elect to grind their hapless lover into a barn wall! I prefer the former, despite the obvious thrill of the latter. These signs can be subtle, so it is important to be observant. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Another sign is detectable in the sound that the penis and vagina generate. A mare’s vagina tends to collapse and telescope in on itself when she is not aroused. This effectively shortens the passage. In a pony or miniature horse this can prevent full penetration even by a human. As the mare becomes excited, the vagina will distend and louder sucking noises may occur. If she has been <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">given a food treat (bribe), she may stop eating it. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Another sign is that of funny head gestures. Some mares make biting and nibbling motions against any close surface or in the air. They may also swish their lips back and forth. Some will begin to bob their heads up and down. The ears will be <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">erect and forward. With many mares, this may be the most pleasurable state you can reach by intercourse, so enjoy it and make it last. No mare is likely to show all these signs, so you must learn the set that your lover uses. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Now to apply the lesson learned from the diagrams. Since the human penis is not capable of triggering the g-spot by its size or length, it is often highly effective to either push downward on the base of the penis, or to run a finger in along the top of the penis to exert maximum pressure between the head and the g-spot. Beware, however, that this also increases your stimulation and may cause you to lose control. It is also possible to generate this pressure by pushing downward on the external skin between the vulva and the anus. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Since full size mares are not a tight fit for men, and mares in heat are even looser, if you extend intercourse for an extended period, you may find it difficult to achieve orgasm. This can be quickly remedied by the old downward pressure trick applied for the purpose. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">You will also receive a report card after you have finished doing your best and dismounted. After intercourse with a stallion, a mare will almost always squat and strain. This act will eject semen that is in the outer vagina, often in an incredible splash! For this reason, horse breeders have always believed that the mare was harming her chances of conception by this act, and have almost universally dictated that she be walked immediately after breeding to prevent her from doing this. Common sense says that nature does not encourage acts that reduce the chances of conception. Since this act causes a contraction of the vagina (similar to maregasm), it is probably intended to force more semen into the uterus, and speed that in it along its way, while expelling those sperm that were too far away from it to have much chance of fertilizing an egg. Your score will often be reflected in the presence and intensity of this straining and subsequent winking. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Again, such things vary from mare to mare, so your score will be relative. Also note that she may not display this behavior until you move away for several minutes. Having said this, a protracted session of straining and winking after your lovemaking is your mare mate's way of saying "you done just like the big boys!" <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">At this point it needs to be said that there will be days when your equine partner may permit you to have intercourse, but she will show little or no <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">arousal no matter how hard you try to excite her. On those days she is taking you as a favor and there is no shame in accepting the favor. The same situation occurs between human couples and this is no different here. Be grateful that she likes you enough to do this and just enjoy it.<br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><strong style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Inducing Maregasms </strong><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Do not expect your equine mate to regularly achieve maregasm during normal intercourse, even with all of the tricks listed above. The occurrence of <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">maregasms in this way is quite low, even under the best circumstances, especially in the larger breeds. There are some ways you can give your lover a <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">better chance at one, either before, during, or after you have achieved yours. The relatively few times that I have experienced a mare orgasming on my penis have been when the stimulation was very strong. One technique is to allow a stallion to tease her face to face over a partition, while you mount her. This is frustrating for the stallion, and if he does a good job, you owe him an orgasm too (although this will have to wait for another treatise). <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">On larger breeds, the most effective way of providing the mare with an orgasm is to use one's arm. I dislike the term "fisting", as this has a violent connotation. If a mare is in total heat, she may truly enjoy this simulated stallion penis. Be sure that your arm is clean, and that you have removed all jewelry. First form a fist and apply flat pressure to the vulva to test her reaction. If she raises her tail high, lubricate your arm with KY Jelly or any human sexual lubricant. Never use any form of petroleum lubricant or soap as this can cause serious injury to the mare. Form your fingers into a cone and insert your arm slowly. Watch her signs and if she shows displeasure discontinue at once. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">As your hand passes the narrow neck above the g-spot, you will find the vagina opens into a luxurious cavern. The walls may appear to be held apart, but if this is the case it is because the tract has become filled with air (often by the action of pushing the arm in). The softness of the walls is indescribable. Form you hand into a fist and make slow, gentle thrusts that if possible end with your fist making firm but gentle contact with the forward wall of the vagina. You may separate your index and forefingers, and allow the cervix to be pushed between them. This simulates the stallion's recess coming into alignment and may induce a noticeable reaction on the part of the mare. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">In all of this you should gauge the mare's reaction to determine how to proceed. It may also help her to feel the weight of your body on her rump. If straight strokes do not induce orgasm, pull your fist back as if to pull it into the neck of the vagina, but only until the pressure becomes significant. Then push your arm back into the full depth, repeating this as needed. During arming, the mare will either orgasm or become satiated, at which time she will pull away. You must allow her a breather at this point. In many cases she will move her rump back into position for you to repeat the procedure. In this way, it is often possible to provide the mare with multiple orgasms in a matter of minutes. My personal record for orgasms in one session is seven, but some zoos report much higher numbers. When she has had enough, she will let you know using the signs already discussed. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Finally a word about vibrators. Ponies are often too small to use your arm, but you would like something larger than your standard equipment. Dildo vibrators can be handy in this case, as well as with larger mares. I recommend the soft jelly filled, waterproof type. While you are getting ready, leave the vibrator or dildo in the bucket of warm water. This will make it feel more like the real thing, as mares and stallions are very sensitive to temperature. Before inserting it, coat it with your lubricant. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">I have not found vibrators to be a magical turn-on for mares, but at least some of them seem to enjoy the feeling. With mares in estrus the vibrator seems to be more welcome, and I have known one mare to repeatedly impale herself onto one held at the appropriate level. On the other hand, do not expect to use a vibrator to make up for the courting and flirting described earlier. <br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><br style="color:rgb(232,232,232);font-family:Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Finally, remember that becoming accomplished at pleasuring a mare requires practice and patience, and the development of a mutual trust with the mare. It may take years to get to the point that you really know how to please a particular mare, but the journey is pleasant in the extreme. Start with a deep respect for the mare and for the great privilege you have in being with her. Do not regard her as an object that you own, nor as an "animal" or inferior being, but as a very special lady from a different species. If you do this, you will find that she is much more aware of your feelings than you would have believed, and you can enjoy one of the most pleasurable of all relationships to say nothing of some incredible sexual experiences. She will become your true mate.


I'm not crazy about the white on black text either, before you complain. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img] 


Quote:I'm not crazy about the white on black text either, before you complain.
​I think it has something to do with what keys you hold down when you Paste. On a Mac, Command-Shift-Option-V will strip the formatting from text pasted in Firefox or Chrome. In Chrome, Command-Shift-V will also do it. There's probably something similar in Windows.


It depresses me how extremely careful and respectful we are to the animals, studying their language so that we can make sure we are causing no harm to them and make sure they enjoy as much as us just like a kid playing with a dog, yet everyone else will forever believe that interspecies consent can't exist and that we are just animal rapists.


I know it's a cliche, but how exactly does one rape a 2000 lb clydesdale mare? She would have been able to kill me with the ease of swatting a fly.[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wub.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":x" width="20" />

What does amaze me when watching wild ponies & horses, is how rough it is. Much kicking hell out of the stallion by the mares. Over many years, I've only been given the hoofed "go away" once or twice, gently. But between horses, things get rougher. Getting involved in threesomes with a mare and stallion is when you can get hurt. This big in heat draft mare, gave the stallion both barrels, whilst I was busy giving him some personal attention on my knees, and drenched me with her pee that jetted out. The scent was beautiful, but the power that draft mare stuffed into the ribs of the stallion just inches above my head was hell of a reality check. How his ribs survived that, I don't know.  I am older and slightly wiser now. Be lucky.



4 hours ago, Janner said:

I know it's a cliche, but how exactly does one rape a 2000 lb clydesdale mare? She would have been able to kill me with the ease of swatting a fly.[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wub.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":x" width="20" />

What does amaze me when watching wild ponies & horses, is how rough it is. Much kicking hell out of the stallion by the mares. Over many years, I've only been given the hoofed "go away" once or twice, gently. But between horses, things get rougher. Getting involved in threesomes with a mare and stallion is when you can get hurt. This big in heat draft mare, gave the stallion both barrels, whilst I was busy giving him some personal attention on my knees, and drenched me with her pee that jetted out. The scent was beautiful, but the power that draft mare stuffed into the ribs of the stallion just inches above my head was hell of a reality check. How his ribs survived that, I don't know.  I am older and slightly wiser now. Be lucky.


That's why we keep harping on needing a sound relationship with a horse before bringing up sex.       I know how to walk up to any stallion at random shouting (in horse terms) "I'm a mare in heat!!!"      And he will do exactly what he is supposed to do and fuck me like a mare.        It's a great fantasy but my chances of surviving the experience suck.        And you can rape any mare you desire, IF you have the strength to hold her and the weight to anchor her.

I have been there when a bitchy mare kicked my guy.      It literally sounded like someone hitting a side of beef with a pickup truck.       He kept after her and a little later she stood and he covered.     I've seen him stagger a full grown Hereford bull.      Yet I feel completely safe teasing him to a sexual frenzy, letting him nibble on me, letting him lift me, push me around, and finally embrace me.      

That's where consent is proven.     I offer him my consent and he demonstrates his by taking mine in a careful and controlled manner.      I had to spend years working him up to just how much of a mare I could stand being.       We both know how much bigger, stronger, and faster he is but we play the game like I am his equal.      It's fun but it also demonstrates a full understanding on his part of what we are doing and why we are doing it.     If he was the kind of hormone crazed, instinct driven maniac that everyone makes stallions out to be, I would have died many years ago. 


<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/153-caikgoch/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="153" href="<___base_url___>/profile/153-caikgoch/">@caikgoch</a> I'm very curious, given the information in the other horse sex thread about stallion flares growing up to three sizes larger during orgasm; I don't know if your partner is a pony or smaller sized, but did you have proper care about sizing up his equipment first? Maybe the answer is in some other old posts, that I'd have to find, but I just realized I can ask.


On 7/25/2017 at 8:17 PM, Actaeon said:

I think it has something to do with what keys you hold down when you Paste. On a Mac, Command-Shift-Option-V will strip the formatting from text pasted in Firefox or Chrome. In Chrome, Command-Shift-V will also do it. There's probably something similar in Windows.

I just tried it on Mac.  

Copy onto new document. > Format >  "Make Plain Text".   Then > Format > "Make Rich Text".  

(There are actually some invisible headers like "Making Love to a Mare" and "Warming Her Up" hidden in there.)


Making Love to a Mare 


It bears repeating that all mares are different. In my experience, they break down roughly as follows: 

Perhaps one out of ten mares wants nothing to do with a human partner 

Approximately four out of five mares will accept a man when they are in heat, without bribes. Half the remainder will accept a man when they are in heat if given a treat. 

About two out of three mares will accept a man when not in heat for the consideration of a food treat. 

A tenth of all mares will take a trusted human partner at almost anytime, regardless of incentive or heat. 

Notice that these categories are not mutually exclusive, so they don’t add up to 100%. Also, the figures are based on about 40 mares, so there is a significant margin of error. Mares that fall into the last category are truly super zoo horses. I have owned two of these, and met several others, and they were priceless lovers. You can simply walk up to them, nuzzle a bit, and climb on. 

If you plan to purchase a mare with which you hope to develop a relationship, it is a good idea to make the following offer. Tell the seller that you will provide a 30% deposit to take the mare in for 2 weeks. If you decide that you like her, you will pay the remainder, but if you don’t the seller gets to keep the deposit. This allows you time to get to know the mare and decide where she fits into the categories above. 

A word about food bribes is warranted here. Horses love grain, but if they are allowed to eat too much it can cause them to colic and even die. Never bribe a horse with large amounts of grain or sweet feed. Excellent treats include alfalfa cubes and carrots. These both contain fiber, and take some time to consume. Some mares even accept good quality hay (especially alfalfa) as a treat.

Warming Her Up

Receptivity can be greatly enhanced, and the likelihood of being seriously kicked can be abated, if the mare actually likes you. Time spent grooming her, bathing her, sniffing her ears, hugging her, and generally showing affection without sexual demands will make her much more receptive to your advances. Never attempt to restrain a mare on anything more restrictive than a loose lead line. Doing so may cause her to panic and do significant damage to herself, you, and the immediate surroundings. I do not believe it possible to rape a mare, and I highly condemn anything that resembles force or cohersion. 

If she is in heat, you will want to tease her in the same way a stud does. Imitating the "propositioning" grunts of a stallion can help as can mane biting and the other techniques mentioned earlier. If a mare does not feel receptive, she may make a faint of kicking in the air to tell you so. Watch the ears! They are the mare’s mood-ring. If she raises a hind leg in threat or the ears go back, or she stomps, these are signs that you better apply more foreplay, or give up the idea of mounting her. 

If the mare raises her tail and starts winking, she is interested. Don’t, however, assume that she wants to be fingered. As it turns out, a lot of mares do not like the feeling of a bony, dry human finger with its sharp fingernail being forced into her luxuriantly soft and sensitive tissues. Many mares will welcome the human penis, and reject fingering. 

One great substitute for inserting a finger during foreplay is to press the fingers flat along one labia lip, and to grind it slowly against the other. Thumb insertion is also appreciated more than other fingers. The thumbnail should be trimmed close, then the thumb should be held vertically against the lips so that it enters in an upward posture. The thumb is then rotated downward until it presses on the g-spot. This action can be repeated as long as it gets positive reviews from your lover. Note that the tail is an excellent gauge of her pleasure. The higher it goes, the better job you are doing. A clamped tail is one of the first signs that you are displeasing her. 

Before going further, let me say a word about lubrication. If a mare is in heat, she will produce adequate lubrication. At other times, however, you will need a lubricant. I have found saliva to be a poor choice in general, and recommend a human product such as KY Jelly or "Silk" (a thinner lubricant that does not tend to dry and become sticky). Either lubricant will be essential if you plan to use your arm at any point, as described later. 

Oral stimulation can be a great lead in, but it can also make a nice intermission between intromissions during long sessions. As mentioned before, it 

is important to wash the mare before doing anything that involves penetration. 

This has the following effects: 

Prevention of infection to the human during oral stimulation 

Prevention of infection to the mare caused by introducing fecal matter into the vaginal tract. 

Prevention of a gritty feeling that can detract from the fantastic orgasms which mares can induce. 

Washing with a soft washcloth soaked in warm soapy water is a terrific stimulant to the mare. Both mares and stallions are positively sensitive to moderate heat.Washing is the fastest turn on there is for a mare. Even mares that are not in estrus will wink and raise their tails when the warm washcloth is pressed against their vulva and squeezed to cause the warm water to splash over them. 

When a stallion is probing for entry, he will emit a thin, sperm less ejaculate referred to as "pre-cum", the purpose of which appears to be to lubricate the external vulva and make entry easier. It is possible that warm water feels like this ejaculate. The effect is not lasting, but it is certainly an effective technique for introducing other stimulation. Mares have a wonderful, mild “sweet hay” smell and flavor, very unlike their human counterparts. Beware, however, that they are prone to break wind if you begin to successfully excite them, and this can be a real surprise given the position of your nostrils! 

As already mentioned, most mares love oral sex. There are many ways to do this, and you need to find the one that your mare likes most. The face-first straight up posture with insertion of the tongue is the most obvious and but often the least effective. More advanced techniques include putting the lips around the clitoris and sucking it into the mouth while caressing it with the tongue. 

Beware that there is sometimes a waxy “bean” under the clitoris and it should be 

removed during cleaning. To stimulate the labia lips, turning the head at an 

angle, inserting the tongue between the lips, then sucking a lip into the mouth 

while stroking its inner surface with the tongue is very popular among many 


Intercourse (the fun part) 

Intercourse can be most pleasant for both partners if you do not simply pump away until you get your rocks off. Mares enjoy things starting slowly. Some like it that way all the way through, while others like fast and furious thrusting once things get going. There are up to three distinct stages: passivity, arousal, and orgasm. 

The act of entering the vulva appears to be a turn on to mares, and fully withdrawing and then plunging back in appear, at least at first, to be well 

received as opposed to shorter strokes. The early part of intercourse should be an extension of the foreplay. Even though the mare has allowed your entry, she may not be fully turned on, or even turned on at all! She might just be allowing you because she likes you, or your bribe, and it is mildly pleasant. The first phase is also a way for the zoo to pace himself so as to avoid premature ejaculation (an easy thing to have happen in such a wonderful place!). 

As the mare passes from the passive phase to the arousal phase, one of several signs will occur. Most mares will begin to elevate their tails. Some, but not all, mares will begin to wink on their mate’s penis. Others will wink when he fully withdraws. Some mares will push back against their mate. This can be a subtle nudge or they may elect to grind their hapless lover into a barn wall! I prefer the former, despite the obvious thrill of the latter. These signs can be subtle, so it is important to be observant. 

Another sign is detectable in the sound that the penis and vagina generate. A mare’s vagina tends to collapse and telescope in on itself when she is not aroused. This effectively shortens the passage. In a pony or miniature horse this can prevent full penetration even by a human. As the mare becomes excited, the vagina will distend and louder sucking noises may occur. If she has been 

given a food treat (bribe), she may stop eating it. 

Another sign is that of funny head gestures. Some mares make biting and nibbling motions against any close surface or in the air. They may also swish their lips back and forth. Some will begin to bob their heads up and down. The ears will be 

erect and forward. With many mares, this may be the most pleasurable state you can reach by intercourse, so enjoy it and make it last. No mare is likely to show all these signs, so you must learn the set that your lover uses. 

Now to apply the lesson learned from the diagrams. Since the human penis is not capable of triggering the g-spot by its size or length, it is often highly effective to either push downward on the base of the penis, or to run a finger in along the top of the penis to exert maximum pressure between the head and the g-spot. Beware, however, that this also increases your stimulation and may cause you to lose control. It is also possible to generate this pressure by pushing downward on the external skin between the vulva and the anus. 

Since full size mares are not a tight fit for men, and mares in heat are even looser, if you extend intercourse for an extended period, you may find it difficult to achieve orgasm. This can be quickly remedied by the old downward pressure trick applied for the purpose. 

You will also receive a report card after you have finished doing your best and dismounted. After intercourse with a stallion, a mare will almost always squat and strain. This act will eject semen that is in the outer vagina, often in an incredible splash! For this reason, horse breeders have always believed that the mare was harming her chances of conception by this act, and have almost universally dictated that she be walked immediately after breeding to prevent her from doing this. Common sense says that nature does not encourage acts that reduce the chances of conception. Since this act causes a contraction of the vagina (similar to maregasm), it is probably intended to force more semen into the uterus, and speed that in it along its way, while expelling those sperm that were too far away from it to have much chance of fertilizing an egg. Your score will often be reflected in the presence and intensity of this straining and subsequent winking. 

Again, such things vary from mare to mare, so your score will be relative. Also note that she may not display this behavior until you move away for several minutes. Having said this, a protracted session of straining and winking after your lovemaking is your mare mate's way of saying "you done just like the big boys!" 

At this point it needs to be said that there will be days when your equine partner may permit you to have intercourse, but she will show little or no 

arousal no matter how hard you try to excite her. On those days she is taking you as a favor and there is no shame in accepting the favor. The same situation occurs between human couples and this is no different here. Be grateful that she likes you enough to do this and just enjoy it.

Inducing Maregasms 

Do not expect your equine mate to regularly achieve maregasm during normal intercourse, even with all of the tricks listed above. The occurrence of 

maregasms in this way is quite low, even under the best circumstances, especially in the larger breeds. There are some ways you can give your lover a 

better chance at one, either before, during, or after you have achieved yours. The relatively few times that I have experienced a mare orgasming on my penis have been when the stimulation was very strong. One technique is to allow a stallion to tease her face to face over a partition, while you mount her. This is frustrating for the stallion, and if he does a good job, you owe him an orgasm too (although this will have to wait for another treatise). 

On larger breeds, the most effective way of providing the mare with an orgasm is to use one's arm. I dislike the term "fisting", as this has a violent connotation. If a mare is in total heat, she may truly enjoy this simulated stallion penis. Be sure that your arm is clean, and that you have removed all jewelry. First form a fist and apply flat pressure to the vulva to test her reaction. If she raises her tail high, lubricate your arm with KY Jelly or any human sexual lubricant. Never use any form of petroleum lubricant or soap as this can cause serious injury to the mare. Form your fingers into a cone and insert your arm slowly. Watch her signs and if she shows displeasure discontinue at once. 

As your hand passes the narrow neck above the g-spot, you will find the vagina opens into a luxurious cavern. The walls may appear to be held apart, but if this is the case it is because the tract has become filled with air (often by the action of pushing the arm in). The softness of the walls is indescribable. Form you hand into a fist and make slow, gentle thrusts that if possible end with your fist making firm but gentle contact with the forward wall of the vagina. You may separate your index and forefingers, and allow the cervix to be pushed between them. This simulates the stallion's recess coming into alignment and may induce a noticeable reaction on the part of the mare. 

In all of this you should gauge the mare's reaction to determine how to proceed. It may also help her to feel the weight of your body on her rump. If straight strokes do not induce orgasm, pull your fist back as if to pull it into the neck of the vagina, but only until the pressure becomes significant. Then push your arm back into the full depth, repeating this as needed. During arming, the mare will either orgasm or become satiated, at which time she will pull away. You must allow her a breather at this point. In many cases she will move her rump back into position for you to repeat the procedure. In this way, it is often possible to provide the mare with multiple orgasms in a matter of minutes. My personal record for orgasms in one session is seven, but some zoos report much higher numbers. When she has had enough, she will let you know using the signs already discussed. 

Finally a word about vibrators. Ponies are often too small to use your arm, but you would like something larger than your standard equipment. Dildo vibrators can be handy in this case, as well as with larger mares. I recommend the soft jelly filled, waterproof type. While you are getting ready, leave the vibrator or dildo in the bucket of warm water. This will make it feel more like the real thing, as mares and stallions are very sensitive to temperature. Before inserting it, coat it with your lubricant. 

I have not found vibrators to be a magical turn-on for mares, but at least some of them seem to enjoy the feeling. With mares in estrus the vibrator seems to be more welcome, and I have known one mare to repeatedly impale herself onto one held at the appropriate level. On the other hand, do not expect to use a vibrator to make up for the courting and flirting described earlier. 

Finally, remember that becoming accomplished at pleasuring a mare requires practice and patience, and the development of a mutual trust with the mare. It may take years to get to the point that you really know how to please a particular mare, but the journey is pleasant in the extreme. Start with a deep respect for the mare and for the great privilege you have in being with her. Do not regard her as an object that you own, nor as an "animal" or inferior being, but as a very special lady from a different species. If you do this, you will find that she is much more aware of your feelings than you would have believed, and you can enjoy one of the most pleasurable of all relationships to say nothing of some incredible sexual experiences. She will become your true mate.


(Copy and paste this, delete it, whatever.  Just an example. )


On 9/30/2017 at 7:36 AM, Janner said:

Getting involved in threesomes with a mare and stallion is when you can get hurt. This big in heat draft mare, gave the stallion both barrels, whilst I was busy giving him some personal attention on my knees, and drenched me with her pee that jetted out. The scent was beautiful, but the power that draft mare stuffed into the ribs of the stallion just inches above my head was hell of a reality check. How his ribs survived that, I don't know.  I am older and slightly wiser now. Be lucky.

An important point.

A draft mare kicked with one foot, not actually at the stallion, he was in front of her; just as a sign of her displeasure.  She hit the cement block wall of the old dairy barn I was using at the time.  Knocked a hole about the size of a bowling ball all the way through.  She was not shod.  This was my "reality check".

Point:  DO NOT stand between the back of a horse and a solid object.  This applies to most every situation.  If you get kicked in the open you will go tumbling.  If you get kicked with a barrier behind you, you will be turned into mush at the point of impact.  


5 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

DO NOT stand between the back of a horse and a solid object.  This applies to most every situation.

This applies to everything resembling a horse too! Don't get the idea that because she (he) is a pony or a mini you're safer, you aren't! A Welsh pony kick caught a relative betwixt hoof and fencepost, at the extreme reach of her leg, and broke his femur, the strongest bone in your body next to yer skull ( Some skulls are thicker'n others). Even getting kicked in the open can do more'n tumble ya by the way, IF they want to..



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