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Animal Semen Faq

Animal Semen and Related Obscure Information Guide

You've seen it in videos, photos of it in vials, but ever wonder what the stuff is like up close? This writeup is for you, and is meant to provide some hard-to-find information particularly in regards to male animals and dispel some myths.

First of all, an animal's semen may be collected by various means. One way is to simulate anal sex by using an electrified dildo having two electrical terminals with an adjustable small voltage across them inserted into the rectum to stimulate the prostate by inducing muscle contractions. Electro ejaculation requires special equipment and possibly tranquilizers. Another way is to manually stimulate the male (jack them off). Another way is to tease the male with the urine from a female in heat and attempt to have the male mount a decoy or divert the penis into an artificial vagina. Another is to simply let them mate with a female.



All mammals described have testicles that produce sperm, but the organs that produce the seminal liquid vary as does the composition. Some animals have a prostate, others not, others have a cowper's gland or equivalent, and others not, etc. The structure of the internal organs can provide clues on the composition of an animal's semen.

Testis are usually in a pouch external to the body, to keep the temperature of the sperm lower than the body temperature, but in some species, such as elephants, the testis are internal just under the skin.



The semen of fertile mammals is normally milky in color. The seminal fluid is mostly transparent and the sperm reflect light, making the semen appear white. Whiteness can be caused by other factors such as coagulated proteins or white blood cells in the seminal liquid, but normally, the whiteness is from the presence of sperm.



There are varying amounts of citric acid, fructose, sodium, chloride, potassium based on species. Despite having DNA and albumin, semen is not a significant dietary source of protein.  A human ejaculate is a significant dietary source of zinc, however.

Some species may produce gelatinous sperm plugs made from proteins (boars, equines) or a waxy substance made of lipids (rodents, reptiles).

Urine may be present in the sample, and should be rejected for use in artificial insemination if it is contaminated.  Urine may be detected by smelling the sample, and if it has a strong odor, it should be discarded.



Larger species of animals have shorter sperm than other animals in the same family, and the length is roughly inversely proportional to the body mass.  Honey possums are very small and their sperm are about the width of a human hair, much longer than a human's sperm.



Animals benefit from foreplay just like people do.  To increase the pleasure of an animal and the length of orgasm, get them riled up, panting, wagging and happy (or appropriate responses for the species) before collecting their semen.

Non-domesticated Animals


Non-domesticated animals in temperate environments may be sexually receptive only during part of a year, and the testicles will shrivel up when out-of-season.  That happens regardless if they are in the wild or kept in captivity.  Most sexual activity will occur just before spring so that the young will grow during parts of the year when food is most plentiful.



A penis should taste like clean skin.  If it does not, it needs to be washed.  Use warm water without soap, taking care that the sensitivity of the entire length of an animal's penis may be as sensitive as an uncircumcised man's glans.  Cleaning the inside of the sheath can be done by lightly pinching the sheath opening during urination so that the sheath balloons with urine.

Taste is affected by diet to a degree. Compounds in the diet that cause body odor are also present in bodily fluids such as semen. Some species have a systemic musk that circulates through their blood stream and is present on their bodies and in their other fluids. It will be present to some extent in their sexual fluids.

Fun fact: alcohol that has been consumed will be present in the semen of the consumer.

Mammalian semen usually tastes similar to human semen. There is one major exception known: dog semen has been reported having a metallic taste in some animals.

The first few times after swallowing cum, a tingling sensation may be felt in the back of the throat.  This is normal and goes away after a few times.  Once that's happened, you've lost your oral virginity.

Allergies to semen, including to a human's, are common, apparently roughly as common as peanut allergies (although there is limited data available for obvious reasons).  Check for allergies first by checking for reactions on skin, then on lips, until ready.



It is possible to encourage an animal to pee by pressing gently on the bladder, which may be useful for potty training.  This works on people too, try it on yourself.

Fun fact: Sodium deficiency leads to thirst for urine.  If an animal hasn't been getting enough sodium in their diet, they will be more likely to drink or lick up their own pee.

Fun fact #2: In certain kinds of diabetes, excess sugar is present in urine, and tasting the urine was a traditional way of diagnosing the condition.  That technique has been superceded by composition analysis techniques which are safer to perform and more accurate.



A bear penis has a bone in it. When the penis is soft, the bone is pulled into the body and the penis pulls up close to the body, and visible as a stub with the excess skin crumpled up around it. When semi-erect, the bone juts the penis out to full length, the tip round (like the head of a human's penis) due to the shape of the tip of the penis bone. Fully erect, the flesh at the tip engorges and flares out looking similar to the flare of a horse's penis.

Mating normally takes 10 - 20 minutes. In male bears that fellate themselves or other male bears, ejaculation may occur after only 3 or 4 minutes of stimulation.

Their semen is milky not unlike a human's in appearance.

The color (pink or black) of the penises of polar bears has been widely debated, and there are only a limited number of low resolution pictures of their penises available on the internet.  I believe the outcome has been reported that their penises are pink like other bears.



Their penises smell like popcorn and epoxy due to musk secretions.  Scent is due to a compound called 2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline, or 2AP for short, which is also produced in large amounts when corn pops under extreme heat.



Bird semen is generally a clear fluid with a blob of white sperm. It looks like an egg with a white "yolk". Their preferred stimulation is by rubbing the cloaca against their object of affection.  Avian semen has a relatively large amount of glutamic acid, around 1%.

Emu "penises" have a groove spiraling around them in which the semen oozes out along the entire length of the penis. Their semen is said to have a neutral umami taste.



A bull's penis is very long, looking much like a carrot. Ejaculation occurs when the animal thrusts forward once and produces a powerful single squirt.  Taste is like watered down, grassy, human semen.

Bulls can ejaculate up to about a half dozen times in a row and still produce plenty of sperm, although the sperm count drops after each ejaculation.  A typical ejaculate is about 4 ml and can contain approximalty 3 billion sperm.  A bull produces about 5 billion sperm per day, but can store them up, and can release 100 billion sperm over about a dozen ejaculates over the course of an hour or two.



Many species of felines, but not all species, have barbs (also called spines). Intact domestic male cats have barbs.  The barbs are approximately the same roughness as the bumps on their tongues.  Cats change between soft and erect quickly during sexual arousal.  Their penises point downward normally (towards the ground when standing on all fours) when soft and boing forward (towards their head) during an erection.  Felines will lick their penises for sexual gratification.  The licks are different from that of lapping up water or grooming, and instead are repetitive licks in the same exact spot with a consistant tempo.

Domestic cats produce small amounts of semen, on the order of droplets. Taste can be strong for the volume.



Their penis is barbed and they will ejaculate readily from tactile or oral stimulation. They may make a squirrel-like chittering sound when they orgasm. Semen is said to taste sweet.



Similar to a bull's.



A dog's penis is very smooth, moreso than a human's, as evidenced by the sheen in photos of them.  Male dogs orgasm for many minutes per copulation, with many squirts of great volume at the beginning, then with less volume and frequency. Next, they ejaculate some milky sperm rich fluid for a brief time, and ejaculate finally ejaculate some mostly clear fluid at the end.  Ejaculation pattern varies by breed.

Male dogs respond by manual manipulation. Stroking behind the knot while they are sheathed, or by simply pushing back the sheath to expose their penis, they will become quickly aroused. The sheath should be pulled back fully to prevent the knot from expanding inside the sheath. Once erect, turning their penis 180 degrees by pulling their penis through their legs will simulate a knotted mating position (butt to butt with the female). The entire penis is as sensitive as the glans on a man's penis, and the entire exposed surface should be kept moist. The yellowish goo seen at the tip of the sheath is similar to the goo that's found at the corners of eye lids.

The taste of dog semen has been described as metallic, like the taste of blood, nails, sucking on a penny, or sticking a 9v battery to the tongue. There may be a woodsy or slight smokey note to it. Not all dogs have a metallic taste to them, and the strength of the metallicness reportedly does not vary based on diet or breed or state of intactness, but on individual.

The metallic taste may be caused by a non-essential component of the semen, such as a musk that dogs smell but humans perceive only as a taste.

Bitch milk is said to taste sweet.  Beware of worm eggs in dog milk.  Pasteurization is advised.

From articwolf regarding dog semen:

"My impression based on many dozens of samples, is similar but more complex then can be truly explained, there is also a sweet taste to most, some being really sweet, a few almost had a woodsy or slight smoke type taste, perhaps musky is a better word. A few seemed to have what i guess was a bit of gamey or wild taste. ... Yet there is still more to it then i know how to put in words.

Some dogs squirt almost like a dribble, some with real force that feels like a big squirt gun when you was a kid squirting it in your mouth, feeling it hit the back of your throat."



Can squirt far (a foot or more), but definitely not as forcefully dangerous as some documents have exaggerated.

There is only one known description of its taste "tastes like milkshake", which is a rather fanciful description. A research paper analyses the taste of dolphin semen, in the context of dolphins able to sense the presence of other dolphins, however, the aromatic compounds listed in the paper won't be familiar to those whom have not experienced the compounds in their pure state.

Dolphin milk is said to taste unpleasantly chalky.



Will briefly hump stuffed animals, hands, and feet, but will not achieve orgasm without mating with a female.  Penis is hook shaped.

Mating lasts approximately half an hour.  Ejaculation pattern during the half hour is unknown.

Intact female ferrets will die if they do not mate while in heat.  They are one of the few species that can die from lack of sex.



Fish sperm, or milt, is a delicacy in some Asian cultures, eaten fresh much like fish eggs. Male fish can be milked of their milt by stroking them "down there". One name for it is "kumoko" meaning children of the clouds. Another is "male roe". Taste is chalky.



Pictures of their penises are common because in captivity fossas expose their large and elaborate penises frequently. They have an unusual habit of sleeping curled up hugging their exposed penises.  That behavior has been noticed in animals all around the world.  When half-erect, their large penises drag against the ground and collect dirt.

Their penises have spines, knots, and a flare, like a feline's, canine's and equine's all-in-one.  Fossas readily take to manual manipulation.

The females have a relatively small vagina compared to the penis. Insufficient information is currently available as how the male fossa fits his gigantic penis into such a small space, nor the pattern of ejaculation during copulation.



Genitals are very similar to a dog's both internally and externally. Musk is present within the sheath. Semen is similar to a dog's in appearance. One description says it has a musk to it and the same thing for vixens.



Semen volume is approximately 0.2 to 2.5 milliliters, average around 1 ml, is sperm-rich (around 3 billion sperm per milliliter), and is said to have a bitter taste when in rut similar to their scent, but it tastes more like pre-cum when out of season.  They can ejaculate again after a short rest (minutes between ejaculations).  Goat ejaculate is very similar to a ram's, see the section on Rams for more information.  Goat semen has an enzyme that coagulates egg yolks, unlike a ram's.

Goats are unique in that they urinate frequently (scent mark their beards, mouths, and forelegs) before, between, and after matings.  Semen samples are more likely to be contaminated by urine than that of other species.

Fun fact: male goats have nipples on their ballsacs.

Guinea Pigs


Semen is thick and glue like, and guinea pigs readily accept tactile stimulation. Penis is normally hidden in a cloaca-ish pocket.



The tip of the horse's penis flares just before orgasm, much like a human's does, but much wider, and the horse ejaculates several shots of sperm in a few seconds time, much like a human but with greater volume, approximately 100ml. Horses are normally collected by being teased by the scent of a mare and diverting them to penetrate a decoy or an artificial vagina. They may be collected without a decoy, using only stimulation from a warm hand using the crump method.

A horse's sheath may collect smegma in the form of a roundish shape, also called a bean.  The horse's penis should be cleaned before collecting a semen sample.

Taste is like watered down, grassy, human semen.  Contains varying amounts of gel lumps intermixed with the liquid semen.



Penis is black and has a wide band of barbs around it, and also a flare similar to a horse's.

Note: There is a photo circulating that is claimed to be a male lemur, but is instead a female with a pink placenta covered in a whitish liquid.



A researcher by the name Pidcock sketched and documented the genitalia of various species of mongooses.  Their penises are small and conical in shape, similar to a feline's except without barbs.  The urethra can be circular like a dog's or flat like a human's and may emerge from the tip of the penis or offset behind the animal, depending on the species.  To understand the offset, imagine a mongoose standing on all four legs with the penis pointing towards the ground.  The offset urethra causes the mongoose to spray urine away from the body, such as towards a tree trunk behind the animal, instead of directly towards the ground.



Unusual corkscrew penis with a screw that runs in clockwise direction.  Starting with a fingertip near the base of the corkscrew and the tip pointing towards you, moving the finger around in a clockwise direction will lead to the tip.  Sheath contains an internal pocket called a preputial sac that collects foul-smelling smegma, and must be cleaned out prior to collection to avoid contamination and foul odors.

Semen is voluminous and has a thick, gel like component, although the part containing the sperm itself is quite thin.  The first squirts of semen is thick and strong gamey tasting.  The tapioca pearl-like gel at the end of ejaculation has little flavor to it.  The rest of the semen is similar to a human's.  An entire boar ejaculate contains about an entire day's worth of zinc.

Matings last up to 15 minutes and involve several ejaculations and rests without withdrawal.  Pressure must be exerted to the tip of the penis in order to sustain ejaculation.  That can be done by squeezing the tip between the thumb and pointer fingers.

Young boars should be taught how to have their semen collected and shouldn't be taught how to mount, otherwise they can become dangerous.  If they become used to mounting, they will not be able to achieve orgasm any other way, and can become very frustrated if they are not relieved daily.  This can be an issue when they grow up and weigh twice as heavy (or more) than an average person.



Unusual penis with two side-by-side nails or "teeth" on the underside. They have very large prostates and cowper's glands (which supply fructose), so their load is big for their size, and a vaginal plug forms quickly, most likely a lipid. Ejaculations are brief and forceful. Females lose interest in mating after copulation.



Possums have forked penis with a groove between the halves. When the two are pressed together, such as when sheathed, the grooves form a single urethra. The females have a forked vagina to match. The sperm of American possums pair up at the head, forming swimming V-shapes.

Honey possums are very small animals but have sperm that are much longer than a human's.  The length of their sperm is approximately the width of a human hair.



During mating, rabbits thrust rapidly (like a vibrator) for a few seconds before finally thrusting and falling over from the ejaculation. Rabbits need a warm stimulus on their penis and the sight of a decoy in order to be collected.

Their semen looks similar to a human's, mostly milky liquid with some clear lumps of gel. Taste is very bitter and herbal in flavor.



Penis is either deep red or light pink. Variance is by individual rather than state of arousal or other temporary factor.  It is hook shaped with a curve downward (although it can spin around 180 degrees and curve upward), and the the semen is emitted from the tip.  The skin on the penis is tissue paper thin and easily damaged.  The skin is loose and not connected to the rest of the penis, in the same way that the skin on the shalf of a guy's penis is loose.  However, the skin on a raccoon's penis is also loose around the head, too.  It is similar in looseness as a condom on a guy's penis.  Raccoons may receive the most stimulation at the outside of the curve when mating with a female.  The mating thrusts appear as if the male is performing the heimlich maneouver on the female.

Raccoon semen is milky not unlike a human's in appearance, but the volume is a little less, perhaps half.

Note: The clear to yellowish liquid in the videos of raccoons stroking their exposed penises and squirting for a long period of time is urine, not semen.

Fun fact: A posting on the internet claims their ear wax smells fabulous, as in civet musk fantastic.



Penis has a dangly bit (urethral process) at the tip which causes fluid to spritz everywhere.  Mating and ejaculation occurs very quickly similar to bulls.  Like bulls, they can ejaculate sperm many times in a row.  Ejaculate is approximately 1ml (0.7 - 2ml) and is very sperm-rich, around three billion sperm per ejaculate.  Sperm volume is approximately 1/3 to 1/4 the total volume of an ejaculate (!) when centrifuged.  An ejaculate has about 15-20ml of glycerylphosphorylcholine and "brain-booster" caplets of it (produced artificially using vegetable sources) are sold over the counter as Alpha-GPC, which raises a question: can rams improve mind performance?  Ram ejaculate is very similar to a goat's, see the section on Goats for more information.



Mating behavior is very instinctual, as opposed to responding to having their penises touched. They are attracted to females by their appearance, the scent of their fresh urine (which can be distinguished from older urine by the absence of volatile compounds), swift movements, and ultrasonic squeaks.

In research material, rats are known to orgasm during copulation with a female or by restricting them from licking their penises in the same manner as putting a cone around a dog's neck. The rats will ejaculate approximately once a day if they are restricted from bending down to lick themselves by having a flat piece of plastic or bone strapped under their bodies (kind of like a cone restraint used on dogs to prevent them from scratching or chewing themselves). The result of the ejaculations can be found coagulated on the floor of enclosure as little rat dick boogers.

Mating may last for hours. Usually consists of brief periods of attempted copulation lasting a couple of seconds at most. Ejaculation occurs after male humps female, and thrusts and stops, remaining in her for a couple of seconds. Intromission (non-ejaculatory) mating occurs in which the male mounts, thrusts quickly, and pulls out immediately without releasing any fluid except precum. There is normally several minutes of downtime after one mounting before another occurs.

Taste is strong for the volume. Rats also produce a waxy sperm plug. It is transparent and crumbly, like agar agar, and has little to no taste, or taste may be similar to coconut.  Even though rats do not have a cowper's gland which is responsible for precum in humans, they do have one that produces a very similar fluid containing fructose (sugar).  Rat precum tastes sweet and salty like human precum.

Literature suggests 5% of male rats are bisexual meaning they attempt to mount both males and females.  There's been one report of a rat that is truly homosexual and would solicit mountings from males but reject females.  The rat was a dumbo (which are pretty inbred to start with).



Snakes and lizards have some very opaque white runny semen. They have elaborate hemi-penises sometimes with unusual spikes, and each half appears to have a groove that forms a tube when the two are pressed together.

There are videos of turtles ejaculating. Their ejaculate may be more translucent and greater volume than lizards and snakes.

There is still not much information about reptile semen readily available, but if you are interested about the taste of their venom, hemotoxic venoms are said to taste a little sweet, but neurotoxins taste vile and bitter.  Snake venom is safe to drink, relatively speaking, as long as it remains in the digestive system and does not enter the bloodstream.



Videos of them marking (spraying urine) are frequently mismarked as ejaculation, which is impressive regardless, since it looks like a unrestrained firehose.  Testicles are above the penis, typical of marsupials.  "Everything is upside down in Australia!"



Sharks rarely mate in captivity, thus video footage is rare.



The penis of a skunk is short and incredibly thin, a "pindick". Imagine breaking a finger-width length off the end of a toothpick.  That little piece is remarkably close to the size and shape of a skunk's penis. Ejaculation occurs quickly as multiple squirts of one droplet each in rapid succession like a machine gun, with fluid ejected up to 20 cm away.



Incredibly acrobatic with large testicles for their body size.  Reds have tiny penises.  The greys appear to be bigger, and ground squirrels much bigger (several cm in length).  The males may not be particularly cooperative to having their semen collected manually, as evidenced by their mating patterns and lengthy copulation.  It is possible to observe them mating and observe the creampie result of the pullout.  Scent of the fluids is said to be musky and is said to have little taste to it.  Another guy says the squirrel semen tastes of walnuts.

Tree Shrews


Their penises are about two to three centimeters long and are very thin and flexible, like a piece of string.  Their semen is low in volume, roughly a gob of a diameter just a little wider than the diameter of their penis, opaque white, and viscuous.  Ejaculations are instantaneous and are preceeded by a chittering sound.



Affects appearance (less cloudy) but doesn't affect taste.



Theriogenology - Study of animal breeding

Manual/tactile/digital stimulation/manipulation/collection - In the context of breeding literature, that means jacking off an animal, as opposed to using electro ejaculation

Biochemistry of semen - Chemical makeup of semen in the style of "Nutrition facts"

The faq has been updated and some new information was added such as clarification about raccoons.

On ZF i had a video with dog spermids seen in a microscope. The title was "Busy little Men". If it is found to be relevant here or somewhere else, and somebody still have it, because I have not, feel free to post it where it may be found useful.. 


That vid can be posted in this thread if someone has it.



Here's the video of dog sperm by ikanon, posted with permission.  It's of sperm swimming around and trying to fertilize starch particles that were on the collection device.

<a class="ipsAttachLink" href="//www.zoowg.net/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2369">blm.wmv</a>

The guide has been updated again with additional information in multiple sections.


On 9/30/2017 at 7:04 PM, zemlya said:

sperm swimming around and trying to fertilize starch particles

*grin* Starch particles? Just goes to show you: males will f*ck anything. ;-)


Starch has such an amazing sexy molecular bond [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wub.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":x" width="20" />

On 7/11/2017 at 7:47 AM, zemlya said:

A dog's penis is very smooth, moreso than a human's, as evidenced by the sheen in photos of them.  Male dogs orgasm for many minutes per copulation, with many squirts of great volume at the beginning, then with less volume and frequency. Next, they ejaculate some milky sperm rich fluid for a brief time, and ejaculate finally ejaculate some mostly clear fluid at the end.  Ejaculation pattern varies by breed.

Male dogs respond by manual manipulation. Stroking behind the knot while they are sheathed, or by simply pushing back the sheath to expose their penis, they will become quickly aroused. The sheath should be pulled back fully to prevent the knot from expanding inside the sheath. Once erect, turning their penis 180 degrees by pulling their penis through their legs will simulate a knotted mating position (butt to butt with the female). The entire penis is as sensitive as the glans on a man's penis, and the entire exposed surface should be kept moist. The yellowish goo seen at the tip of the sheath is similar to the goo that's found at the corners of eye lids.

The taste of dog semen has been described as metallic, like the taste of blood, nails, sucking on a penny, or sticking a 9v battery to the tongue. There may be a woodsy or slight smokey note to it. Not all dogs have a metallic taste to them, and the strength of the metallicness reportedly does not vary based on diet or breed or state of intactness, but on individual.

The metallic taste may be caused by a non-essential component of the semen, such as a musk that dogs smell but humans perceive only as a taste.


Sorry for sort of 'bumping an old thread', but as I've been with a couple Male canines I figured I'd give some validating info on this particular part.

I've had experiences with two different canines of two different breeds. A German Shepherd (my lover) and a Boxer (A beloved pet). The GSD didn't taste too metallic surprisingly, he was salty and more 'smokey' with no real 'acidic' or 'acrid' flavor. He was usually always very eager to either mount or receive oral. He was a 'heavy squirter' as well, pulsing heavily during ejaculation. Volume was hard to gauge, I'd say close to a cup on his really horny nights, maybe a bit more. He liked manual stimulation but much more so if his tip was licked. On one -very- pent up occasion I got a mouth full of *very* strong 'male musk' (it was actually kind of nice to me really.. Hee..), it tasted like his sheath 'smelled' if that makes sense, only much stronger. Now that I think of it, it may have been a bit of urine as well.

The Boxer was big for his body size and had started showing signs at two years old, we never attempted a mount but did do oral a time or two. He was more a 'quick squirter', fast smaller shots but much more often. His semen tasted completely different from the shepherd. Salty, no smokey flavor but -heavily- metallic, almost to the point of tasting of Nickel or Copper / Iron! He was also a good deal younger than my lover was. His semen was a little cloudier too, the metallic taste in him was almost off-putting. He didn't produce as much semen as the shepherd either, his also had a somewhat acidic flavor to it underneath the heavy metallic flavor.

I know it's not a huge sample size, nor the best 'write up', but I figured I'd offer what I know to this one. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> 


 More about dogs:  I have found that dogs who have gone a very long time without ejaculating (older boys in particular) will, at first, produce a reddish-brown, more or less transparent fluid.  The taste of that is rather unpleasant, *very* metallic along with other unappetizing undertones, e.g. a sort of stale-meaty or bloody taste.  One such dog that I collected a couple of hours later then produced the usual cloudy-white semen with no metallic or bitter taste to it at all. 

 The strong 'male-musk' described above was most likely the remains of a charge of marking urine left over in his urethra.  I have experienced this a few times when walking a dog in the woods and mouthing him shortly after a leg-lift.  This is also true of neutered males who typically do not ejaculate at all.

 I'd also like to add a bit to the descriptions of the guinea pig.  During orgasm / ejaculation, the end of the penis flares rather like a stallion and two thin, whitish prongs protrude from the middle of the flare.  The boar makes a sort of chattering or twittering sound as he is ejaculating and the semen comes out as a continuous blob of gel.  The gel quickly congeals into a hard, waxy material.  After several minutes a white liquid, similar to human semen but thinner, melts out of it, leaving behind a crusty, crumbly husk. 

 Yes, I had several guinea pigs when I was, um, younger and they figured prominently in my early sexual experiments with animals.


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