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Penis size debate

On 11.10.2017 at 3:42 AM, Hiway said:

"One gorilla, two gorilla... who cares! Anyway, you can see they're in love!"



A bit offtopic, but for those who want to see a gorilla penis:

<iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CudJgw_TZpw?feature=oembed" width="480"></iframe>


These are the times when I'm glad beeing a human, at least when it comes to primates...


Yep, completely off topic... but wow! how embarrassing is that! Poor guy!


6 hours ago, Hiway said:

Yep, completely off topic... but wow! how embarrassing is that! Poor guy!

Gorilla Penis is an insult in parts of Afrika.


On ‎03‎.‎11‎.‎2017 at 10:14 AM, Vermilion said:

A bit offtopic, but for those who want to see a gorilla penis:

<div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo">
<iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CudJgw_TZpw?feature=oembed" width="480"></iframe>


These are the times when I'm glad beeing a human, at least when it comes to primates...



If zoophilia taught me one thing in the last 30 years of my life, then it´s how unimportant dick size is and how silly humans are who are paying extra attention to the size of genitalia. I´m a guy a bit above the average penis size, but still no comparison to a stallion....yet I made my mare climax fiercely practically every other day...a full sized Hannoveran mare, not a Shetland pony.

I couldn´t care less about dick size....I had the immediate proof that this doesn´t matter right in front of me for 22 years. And my new mare wife, a voluptous Tinker mare with godly hips, doesn´t seem to be dissatisfied with my "tiny human dick" as well...;)


The Incredible Mr Limpet is a silly little movie, but a fave of mine. Man who loves fish turns into a fish and falls in love with a fish a bit too easily.


22 hours ago, 30-30 said:


If zoophilia taught me one thing in the last 30 years of my life, then it´s how unimportant dick size is and how silly humans are who are paying extra attention to the size of genitalia. I´m a guy a bit above the average penis size, but still no comparison to a stallion....yet I made my mare climax fiercely practically every other day...a full sized Hannoveran mare, not a Shetland pony.

I couldn´t care less about dick size....I had the immediate proof that this doesn´t matter right in front of me for 22 years. And my new mare wife, a voluptous Tinker mare with godly hips, doesn´t seem to be dissatisfied with my "tiny human dick" as well...;)

I disagree. Dick size IS important, that's why humans have such large dicks compared to other primates. The size of human cocks is all based on social communication, like the colored feathering of male birds, horns of artiodactyl, the butts of chimpanses and baboons or the mandibles of stag beetle. Our ancestors showed their junk as a sign of dominance and fertility. That's why we are so obsessed with phalic symbols.

Other animals are similiar, like hyenas.

<iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pa9YUDNHobE?feature=oembed" width="480"></iframe>




That must be the most disturbing rationalisation of a dick size fetish I´ve ever heard...;)


So, when it´s all about dick size, then why aren´t you showing off your "social communicative junk" in public? 

"That´s why we are so obsessed with phallic symbols"....no, that´s why you are obsessed with phallic symbols. I´m not. I´ve learned how little the actual size matters.

This entire obsession with dick sizes actually is owed to the ongoing pornographisation of our society. Also the capitalist idea of "more = better" plays a role in this. If you ask women, most of them say that supersized dicks are a turnoff for them. So, will you please explain why your sophisticated explanation does not take this simple fact into consideration? What truly is going on is an ongoing desentitisation of mankind, harder, bigger, faster, more, longer, thicker....sadly, real satisfaction doesn´t come from external factors. Man´s largest sexual organ is the brain. If the brain isn´t working properly, a 30 cm dick won´t benefit you at all.


When my mare is arching her back with her hind legs spread wide, doing her "ooooff!" sounds, I couldn´t care less about how many centimeters I have in my pants and I can´t understand how anyone should care about that as long as they don´t have a medically diagnosed micropenis. If I can fully satisfy a regular height mare, if I can fully satisfy a large Tinker mare with my comparably tiny, above German average, dick, who the f can deny the simple fact that it´s not about size, but about how you use what nature has given you.


PS: You know that this South Park snippet you quoted makes FUN of obsession with dick sizes?Not exactly the best source to try and back up your claims here... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />


@30-30 You missing the point here. You are an individuum, but we as a species are hardcoded that dicksize matters, this is why we have grown such huge penises compared to other apes. Even an average middle european dick is gigantic compared to the 3cm cocks of gorillas and orang utans. It's a natural part of our social behaviour. It has nothing to do with logic, a fetish, ability to satisfy the partner or whatever, it's simply instinct and selective procreation. It matters, this is why we have 15-16 cm cocks and not 3cm or 10cm pencildicks like our ancestors. Large dick means power and dominance. No large dick? Here take that sports car or a neat little .50 desert eagle to stick it in your pants.

Look, a little test: A wizard appears and tells you: Choose an organ of yours, I will double it in size by magic.Which part of your body would you choose? The Nose, a kidney?

I bet 99% of all people will choose their penises.

There is no "ongoing pornographisation". We as humans are one of the sexual most active species of the world, one of the few who use sex as a part of their communication, only beaten by bonobos. Beeing "dauergeil" is the core of our true nature. Religion, virtue and morality are just social shackles. Abandon these is no degeneration it's going back to the normal state. Humping as many woman as possible and dominating our rivals.

We are the most aggressive species of apes, the apex pretator of this planet. Our lust, hunger and thirst for blood tamed by a thin shroud called civilization.

"PS: You know that this South Park snippet you quoted makes FUN of obsession with dick sizes?Not exactly the best source to try and back up your claims here... " (the quoting system sucks)

Yeah, off course, but it's the truth that makes it satire. In the same episode they come to the conclusion, that there is no solution for this, but to change the definition of the average dick size, so that noone is left behind. Compared to you I simply don't try to satisfy the stereotype of the humorless and always serious german.

I've got the youtube comment section for these needs.


I'd note that large penises are depicted on a healthy majority of ancient hero art and phallic symbolism is found in just about every ancient culture.

Don't get me wrong though, I agree with 30-30 that when it comes to the actual act, size is immaterial. I am above average, and in human relationships (I've been in a few), it has indeed cost me. Several of my human female partners just could not handle me. Funnily, none of my canine female partners had that issue though considerably smaller in body size.

In imagery of power and IMO initial attraction though history tells a different tale.

This conversation however is very off-topic to the thread. If you want to continue it, please make a separate thread for it. Thanks. 



You could break the thread appart and put the posts into a new one.

As I said, I don't really speak about a practical base, or that having a 15 Inch penis is great or something. I say it matters in a social and cultural context in a similiar way, that makes most woman prefer having large breasts.

In fact, the question why humans have such large cocks (and by large I mean normal in human context) really is debated in social and biologic science.


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