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Fear of taking a knot

Is it rational to be afraid of "tieing the knot" pun intended.. Recently I had the opportunity but passed it up, it's been awhile since I've had sex and knotted (over a year) and I guess I'm afraid it's gonna hurt me taking a knot again after this long period of abstinence, Idk know if I'm up for 30 min + of feeling like I have a baseball in my butt cause I know it will hurt it, I'm practically a virgin again, maybe I should just let him do it next time and hopefully I'm just over reacting.. idk

There is definitely a spark between us, and he keeps trying to mount, we both want it but with how enthusiastic he is about it there would be no way to prevent him from tieing, what's your guy's advice?


I can think of two ways to prevent a tie, and as much as I've wanted it, I've never even had the chance.

* Present yourself to him face-to-face by reclining on the edge of a couch or bed. You control his access by how far you open your legs.

* Let him mount you doggy-style, but reach back and block the knot with your fingers. If you're dexterous and have big enough hands, you might be able to get a grip behind his knot too.

* Okay--another way--let me stand in for you. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> Then I wouldn't be jealous of you, LOL!

I say go for it, and if you're still nervous, maybe you can stretch yourself a little beforehand if you have a toy (you can improvise). Really, life is short and you may not get another chance.


2 hours ago, threelegs said:

I can think of two ways to prevent a tie, and as much as I've wanted it, I've never even had the chance.

* Present yourself to him face-to-face by reclining on the edge of a couch or bed. You control his access by how far you open your legs.

* Let him mount you doggy-style, but reach back and block the knot with your fingers. If you're dexterous and have big enough hands, you might be able to get a grip behind his knot too.

* Okay--another way--let me stand in for you. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> Then I wouldn't be jealous of you, LOL!

I say go for it, and if you're still nervous, maybe you can stretch yourself a little beforehand if you have a toy (you can improvise). Really, life is short and you may not get another chance..


Thanks for the reply, and I hope you get the chance one day.. as for the first suggestion he won't mount in missionary position, I've presented myself like that and he just circles around me with a confused looked lol

As soon as I get on all fours though he's immediately on my back so I think that's how it would pan out "if" I decide to let him.. hes tried to penetrate me before when I presented myself to him and that's how I know he won't be gentle, practically almost made another whole with how hard he thrusts, so I feel if he makes his mark hes gonna thrust all the way in, making it hard to prevent him from tieing..

We probably live in different states so I'd imagine it be difficult for you to be here to help prevent him from tieing. Maybe you could be the test subject; you may have to buy him diner and romance him first though [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />  

Jokes aside I don't have any toys to stretch, and he's not small either, I've seen him hard in his sheath in the morning and he's how would they say "well endowed", haven't done anything sexual with him yet other than a blowjob the last time he tried to mount, he almost hit my gag reflex with how much he humped.. that's when I found out just how big he truly is at full erection..

As for I may not get another chance, I feel like it will occur again as he lives with me; I do agree life is short though and we should all take a leap of faith into something new.. that seems to be my other problem, before I got my current dog, I fell for another dog who isn't mine and am having trouble moving on from him, Its difficult to move on from someone that meant everything to me, I believe he was my soulmate, he was my other half, I'd never experienced a love like the love we shared; being with another dog just brings up feelings of guilt, and betrayal to a bond that was truly beautiful..

I need to really think this over, do I want to start a new relationship beyond an average pet/owner bond with my dog, or try to re-kindle a old flame with a dog that's not mine, but one that I can't stop thinking about (his owner is aware of my feelings)

Meanwhile I'd like to hear opinions on the original point of the thread, sorry for the long reply describing my love life lol




fake a tie ... pop forward a bit to snap the knot back out till it to big to go in ...ect. I would not recommend a tie until you fake one with him by gripping good behind the knot while it is outside. So you learn how he reacts after being tied. Discovering he freaks not understanding why he is stuck, or does the instant jump off backward, or turns then pulls determined to get loose .... you do not want to learn AFTER he is tied. Knot rip outs really feel ripped out, and is not recommended.

It could be as painful as your first tie. No clue if we stay stretched a bit. I do know that later jerk outs seem to hurt less and for shorter time period when i have gone a few years with out one happening. Knock on wood it never happens again. But it does occasionally happen with a dog you have no problems with ... loud noise and he jumps, he is likely coming out. Back in the day of being a slut at most opportunities ... each tie was definitely easier and more comfortable even with long periods of time between ties.

It also depends a good bit on how much back shaft he has. More back shaft ... father he can get it in .. the better it is for me. And i suspect for most. Not as much pulling outward and likely more room to expand easier.

You have seen how big he gets. You know how big the last knot was and what it felt like.

Personally, if he is does good with a fake tie i would goo for it. A sexy dog that really wants me i would definitely go for a fake tie at least. A really sexy dog all excited to get some, often gets me so horny i often do not even think about the knot, until i suddenly realize how big it is, and to damn late to stop it happening. Those moments of serious lust seems to shut down all thinking of anything but HELL YEAH! Until it is too late, and your literally fucked, like it or not.


Just to add, I haven't had the real thing but I've put some miles on an inflatable EllypseArt toy, and got--adventuresome with it, as in, ten pumps. I concur with Arcticwolf: the further in you can get it, the more comfortable it is. Use lots of good lube.

No toy? Just hit the produce aisle at the grocery store and apply your imagination, LOL!

And, as to feeling guilty, thinking of your previous lover ... I think he'd want you to take the chance to be happy. Wouldn't you wish that for him?



On 11/16/2017 at 11:23 PM, threelegs said:

Just to add, I haven't had the real thing but I've put some miles on an inflatable EllypseArt toy, and got--adventuresome with it, as in, ten pumps. I concur with Arcticwolf: the further in you can get it, the more comfortable it is. Use lots of good lube.

No toy? Just hit the produce aisle at the grocery store and apply your imagination, LOL!

And, as to feeling guilty, thinking of your previous lover ... I think he'd want you to take the chance to be happy. Wouldn't you wish that for him?


I've heard those elypseart dildos are realistic, but damn they have a huge price to them.. I'll have to pick up a bottle of lube, been out for a little bit.. might just use a cucumber lol

I guess my main issue is I don't feel like I'm in love with my dog the way I was with my previous lover, and he isn't in love with me the same;  I'm sure my previous lover would want me to be happy, and I wouldn't wish anything other than that for him..

it's just I can't stop thinking of him, and how happy we were together and here I am now with a dog I can't even get to cuddle, if I'm gonna have sex I don't want it to be fueled with lust I want it to be out of love, and I may be wrong but I don't think my dog is in love with me, and if he is he doesn't show it much..

Don't get me wrong I'm completely content with having a Platonic relationship with my dog, I still love him, but that spark between us seems to be lust, and that alone, and that's not what I want..


Ah, the passions of youth.        You think love is something that happens and draws the two of you together.        That is lust.        Love is what happens when the two of you stay together and grow into one.      Enjoy the lust, I assure you that he will.      Take care of him and in a few years both of you will realize that you are incomplete without the other.      Then we can talk about love.        Take it from an old fart, this is how the world works.        Your glands, your receptors in your brain, your instincts and his are all designed to work this way.


4 hours ago, caikgoch said:

Ah, the passions of youth.        You think love is something that happens and draws the two of you together.        That is lust.        Love is what happens when the two of you stay together and grow into one.      Enjoy the lust, I assure you that he will.      Take care of him and in a few years both of you will realize that you are incomplete without the other.      Then we can talk about love.        Take it from an old fart, this is how the world works.        Your glands, your receptors in your brain, your instincts and his are all designed to work this way.

I've felt love before and I've felt lust, I'm well aware of the difference, I feel incomplete without the dog I fell in love with, the dog that was my lover before my current dog

He was everything to me, Id known him for years and our bond was the strongest I've ever had with any dog, you just know when you've found your soulmate; the only reason I moved on was it was to hard to try and make it work with him not being my dog;

 Only to realize afterwards that it was a mistake giving up and it drained me of emotion, I've felt empty for a while now... getting a dog of my own didn't fill that emptiness, but I will say that without the company of my own dog I would be completely alone so I owe him that, my company and loyalty..

But as for sex I don't really want or need it, I'd rather build a Platonic relationship than have it be for lust, without any deeper feelings behind it, but will I ever feel complete again; enough to be myself, or is that part of me left behind in my previous love??

I honestly feel like I lost the ability to feel love at a romantic level, it hurt so much giving up on a love that meant the world to me, I feel broken now like I can't love again, and it's been over a year since I got my new dog and tried to move on from my old lover..

I don't know what to do, even if I had the choice to get my old lover back I'd have to choose between him or my current dog as I'm only allowed 1 dog where I live plus two unfixed males don't get along well, thing is I would choose my old lover, because I've known him longer and our bond is strong.. thinking about that hurts though as I do feel attached to my dog and having to rehome him would be painful but not as much as not being with the dog I'm in love with if I had the chance too, I wouldn't pass it up...

I feel lost and I don't know what to do; but at the same time I do and it's confusing the hell outta me

Anyways I sound pitiful maybe even ungrateful so I might as well keep my feelings inside, because I'll just get judged if I dont; anyways getting way of topic now, sorry...



No, this is something that you will be forced to deal with more than once in your life so asking others that have already dealt with it in their own life is the right thing to do.        Knowing that a soulmate is living somewhere without you makes it a special kind of pain but losing canine lovers is inevitable.       No matter how perfect everything else is, they just don't live as long as we do.

Start by asking the dog you are with what he wants.      He is young and not burdened by all of the history that humans carry around with them.        Follow his lead in the relationship.        He will want what makes you happiest so his advice will be the best for you on a larger scale  (Look out for his opinions on food and such).


Thanks for the advice Caikgoch.. your right, even with my previous lover being a soulmate, who gave me the strongest love I've ever experienced, it's just too difficult to keep trying to make it work, I will always love him, but I think it's time I focus on building a new relationship with my current dog..

I think that's the best thing to do in this situation


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