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Zoos who are missing from the community

I agree.



Here are some zoos and zoo-friendly folks who I once carried on various sorts of correspondence with, but now seem to be missing in action.  Of course, it's possible that some of them have changed nicks and want nothing to do with the previous one for various reasons.  If that's the case, we'll leave it at that.

Mr_K9: stories, photos, once ran a small forum on Bianca. USA.

WolfZoo: Once-prolific forum poster.  USA.

Nevyn (Pen name for his amazing stories; used various other nicks on forums): Stories.  NZ

PitPuppy: Ran the #GayDogSex IRC channel. USA.

JustNJoy: Friendly IRC chatter, had a GORGEOUS  dog of my favorite breed.  USA

AutoTyger: Frequent forum poster, nice doggie "showin' pink" photos. USA.

NotAWolf: Fan of wild canids.  Somewhere in North America.  Disappeared with the demise of EliteZoo / ZetaForum.

TundraZWolf: Aussie lover who frequently wrote about them.  USA.

KattsPaw: IRC icon on #dogsex from the early days.  Her nick would change with her mood ;-)  USA.

Here are some zoos who, according to semi-reliable to sketchy information may (or may not) have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge:

RutDog: High-quality canine photos and good chat partner, fellow gun nut. Canada.  Unknown, February 2016.

Bacchuss:  Tons of home made doggy porn (e.g. Chip and Duke series.) USA.  Complications of diabetes, a year or so ago.

Ian:  Ian's Zoo Links and the attached forum; ardent crusader against animal abuse, serious gearhead!  Austria.  Unknown cause or date.

PsychoWakoon:  Had a large pack of (red) Huskies and frequently posted genitalia photos of them.  Gulf Coast U.S.  Allegedly killed in Hurricane Katrina, 2005.




Lot of familiar names there. Hope some are still around. I'm truly sorry for the loss of Ian if he has indeed passed. He was a great inspiration to me in my early 'net days. Rutdog also was an early on friend on the web. Any confirmation on the last four will be appreciated folks.



It was posted that Rutdog died on ZF right before the shutdown, IIRC.


I think I meet with Dolphin at Red Sea ...in late 2015. But not like we talked  much after 2016 (he helped me  with my trip to Black Sea right after our meeting - but unfortunately dolphin (real one) I tried to help died ... few months later.  Thing was ...another, paired dolphin died (far away from us, at dolphinarium located basically in Black Sea) right in time when I was staying with Dolphin! So, we discussed whole thing heavily...I was already involved in attempt to save two dolphins from captivity..well..one already died by mid-december 2015, another lived  few more months...oh, yeah [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" /> )


Shuunka, Wolfsong, and Tyger Cowboy are still around but use different identities. 


Barnside is well I talk to him quite often. Copperpenny  is well, Pegasus has retired. Cabron is still going strong a lot of the guys are in facebook now 


I can confirm with Actaeon that RooZoo is still around; in fact he and I are now roommates.  RooZoo frequently hangs out on furnet's #zoo channel.  I would be personally willing to pass along requests for contact to him, if he would recognize your name.

Hawk is missing; he's deleted all his old e-mail accounts and websites.

Bushrat is around, I can readily contact him.

On "WolfZoo" ... unfortunately its a very generic name several zoos go by.  There was a zoo known as Wolf from California whom unfortunately died about a decade ago in a terrible car crash. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" />  Not sure if this is the same Wolf.



The WolfZoo I mentioned lived, at the time I knew him, in the upper Midwest.  He had a couple of huskies; the older male has since passed and the younger female was stolen.  Last we talked he was in a very bad way financially, on the verge of  becoming homeless.  I know his RL name but have not been able to locate him.



Bacchuss:  Tons of home made doggy porn (e.g. Chip and Duke series.) USA.  Complications of diabetes, a year or so ago.

I can confirm this, but it was much longer than "a year or so ago". Bachuss passed away in late 2006.


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