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Quotes with zoo references

Yeah, but that bondage thing brings it a little too much into the obscure.


On ‎08‎.‎12‎.‎2017 at 3:34 PM, Vermilion said:

Don't know, but I think with Brazilians it's a cultural thing. As I know, there is no law to force condoms in porn, but still 80% of all brazilian porn is done with condoms.

I don't think it has anything to do regarding especially to bestiality. Condoms seem to be just far more accepted in Brazil than anywhere else.

"Most humans wearing condoms in bestiality videos don´t wear them because they are afraid to create a chimera, they are wearing condoms because they think animals are filthy and disgusting." A bit hyperbolic I think... Someone who believes animals are filthy and disgusting wouldn't try to have sex with them. Also lets not forget that there IS the risk in getting a nasty zoonosis, especially in tropical regions.

No, it isn´t as hyperbolic as you like to see it. Doing something "nasty and filthy" still is a huge magnet for a certain type of people. It´s basically the same kind of fascination as in gore and slasher movies. Sex = filthy and disgusting, that´s the common association...to some folks, the reverse conclusion also fits, disgust = sexy. Just think of "old fat hag porn", of "2 girls, 1 cup" etc. pp....

Your zoonosis argument isn´t really one for me, most of those wearing condoms in animal porn I assume aren´t even aware of zoonoses at all. And in all the years I am active in the online "zoo" community now, I´ve never met anyone who actually contracted a zoonosis, most I´ve heard about were anaphylactic shocks from allergies. And if you engage in sexual activities with an animal that isn´t frequently checked by a vet, I even dare to say that you deserve a zoonosis for being such a stupid dick that fucks random animals he knows nothing about...;) Let me repeat it once again: Your argument of "someone who believes animals are filthy and disgusting wouldn´t try to have sex with them" is false, a large portion of individuals consider "filthy and disgusting" as a vital part of sex. There are entire branches of the porn business providing exactly that, "filthy and disgusting" videos...and it´s also a pretty good explanation why the "porn connoisseurs" usually prefer "amateur" stuff with "average" actors (some would say ugly ...) over the high end productions. In humans, anything can become a trigger for "sexy feelings"...even filth and disgust...and it is for a significant percentage of humans.


23 hours ago, onewhoistwo said:

i like all 4 of the ones from this post, but this one is my favorite.  the fact that people can't see this hypocrisy, however, is depressing.

...and I love how clear it is that the guy who made this has no idea of a cow´s private parts. Both pictures are anatomically incorrect, vulva and anus are located higher than it is depicted. I also wonder what the guy lying underneath the pig is actually trying to "blow"...neither hogs nor sows have their private parts where that guy is trying to "blow"...and castrations aren´t done with a kitchen knife either. The bondage crap just makes the veins on my forehead swell...anyone who thinks that s/m and animals should be mixed in any way should go to hell.


I dunno. As for the "Quotes with 'Zoo' references" I've noticed over the years that 'zoos' can find "zoo references' in just about everything, if they look hard enough, whether it's there or just coincidence. I know I have, and then have come to my senses again. It's fun to, sometimes, but don't take it seriously folks.

As for the 'hypocrisy' mentioned, it's interesting, but off topic, as condoms are. My quick thoughts will be given on those when you make a topic for them where it's appropriate. Lets keep this topic fun, OK?



On 10/22/2017 at 0:12 AM, Hiway said:

<a data-fileid="2651" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2017_10/10268677_526189840823712_8440444897065377619_n.jpg.70115e5d73576ac8df982cfb7b6aae68.jpg" title="Enlarge image">[Image: 10268677_526189840823712_844044489706537...6aae68.jpg]</a>

Lololol reminds me of this quote; it is if your human, my conversations usually start with face licks; who doesn't like puppy kisses [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wub.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":x" width="20" /> 

sometimes just to joke around or play I'll lick a dogs face back; yes I know I'm a weirdo [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" />  

I accepted I'm weird along time ago

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2017_12/FB_IMG_15139870723244511.jpg.331b4b7e7219018ad4312d4eb50cb129.jpg" data-fileid="2929">[Image: FB_IMG_15139870723244511.jpg.331b4b7e721...0cb129.jpg]</a>


I almost died laughing when I saw this in my fb news feed a couple days ago

[Image: av-719685.jpg.4ea363ce184bacf629923e5632350369.jpg]

Another popular meme on fb; seems people are supporting the romantic side of zoophilia, even if they may not realize it

[Image: 5bcb73b28f4492c897c85f12897f61b9.jpg.c67...1f8363.jpg]

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2017_12/images(11).jpg.1d89ba7641a2ffb018b2c3cd658fce5e.jpg" data-fileid="2945">[Image: images(11).jpg.1d89ba7641a2ffb018b2c3cd658fce5e.jpg]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2017_12/images(9).jpg.eb45f6e02fdf638b88654c756d421041.jpg" data-fileid="2946">[Image: images(9).jpg.eb45f6e02fdf638b88654c756d421041.jpg]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2017_12/images(8).jpg.d864cc11ccc08b7d68640e316835cbbe.jpg" data-fileid="2947">[Image: images(8).jpg.d864cc11ccc08b7d68640e316835cbbe.jpg]</a>


[Image: images(7).jpg.cd1a829cb2b1469ee06cf27f2a648ff8.jpg]

[Image: images(6).jpg.56569b2e6a99e69d0f38a088e2af09a6.jpg]

[Image: images(3).jpg.99552803eb2c0023235d841194a966a4.jpg]

[Image: images(2).jpg.dfaf3223b9e8b8ed63aed8eacc4e3a1a.jpg]

On a serious note; This is something all zoos should follow for safety

[Image: images(4).jpg.7c66c286b833853477057159c51759f9.jpg]

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