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How to deal with lack of contact with horses?

@ O.P. :

Why don't you clear up once and for all exactly what your inability/disability is?  You keep on about how you can't participate in any activity, can't get anywhere near a horse, how no one's suggestions are trying to help you,   What's the missing piece here?  Are you in confinement?  What kind of help do you want?  What can someone do to help you?  


8 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

@ O.P. :

Why don't you clear up once and for all exactly what your inability/disability is?  You keep on about how you can't participate in any activity, can't get anywhere near a horse, how no one's suggestions are trying to help you,   What's the missing piece here?  Are you in confinement?  What kind of help do you want?  What can someone do to help you?  

I have severe back problems, which makes it impossible to do anything.


Didn't slow Stephen Hawking down much. . . . . . . 



53 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

Didn't slow Stephen Hawking down much. . . . . . . 


So you're saying that if I become an expert in theoretical physics, I could finally touch a horse?


1 hour ago, Saturnine said:

So you're saying that if I become an expert in theoretical physics, I could finally touch a horse?

No, that is not what he said... not even close!

He meant that any disability one may have is not a barrier to ones' goals! The only barrier in life is in the mind!

Stephen Hawking could have been a florist or a basketball coach and he would have excelled at what he did to inspire others.


Hmm. You posted to me on ZF that you were severely allergic. Still an issue? If not, there are ways you could visit a horse despite the back issues. I have folks who are severe paraplegics visit mine.



5 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Hmm. You posted to me on ZF that you were severely allergic. Still an issue? If not, there are ways you could visit a horse despite the back issues. I have folks who are severe paraplegics visit mine.


Kind of my point.  There are level paved paths in the pavilions at the fairgrounds; you always see wheelchairs and electric carts at the livestock exhibits.  


I'm sorry for giving everyone a hard time.

I'll take the advice offered in this thread into consideration and go from there.

Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding.


On 3/23/2018 at 4:40 AM, Saturnine said:

I guess nobody can understand how much this hurts. Fine. You all have no idea how much this is killing me inside. All I've ever wanted was to touch a horse, but it will never happen.

I don't deserve this. Why is this happening to me?

All i can say, is that you will find that most of the folks i actually know here, DO, care. Do you think the rest of us have not at some point in time been stuck in a situation where we couldn't have a companion for various reasons. Some of us have had to go years with what we loved, within sight, almost within touch, but could not actually touch them. In our own ways, while perhaps different then yours, you will that the majority(i would guess), of zoos, HAVE felt that pain, longing, emptiness, your half of you is missing.

Those of us that, that were able to find away to acquire companions, have also had to deal with LOSS!!!!!! Animals, canines, do not live as long as we do. We have suffered loss of loved one that feels like your heart has been literally ripped out, and you have no clue, how to go on living without them. You often DON"T want to go on living without them. Its a pain that lasts, and lasts. If you have been with companions your entire life you will suffer this over and OVER. It is a heart break, a soul breaking that i guarantee is MUCH worse then what you are currently feeling.

I HONESTLY TRULY Wish i had a magic wand to help you ... from the bottom of my heart i say that ... I KNOW WHAT your feeling. I have been there and FELT IT!

Unfortunately, no matter how badly i want to help you. 


I can't [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" />

Only you can find a way to deal with it, if you can't touch a horse ... at least you can admire one in pictures ... 

Would you like me to introduce you to a friend, who loved horses for most of his life, then had an accident that left him completely blind. He can't even SEE a horse anymore except in his imagination. He could probably feel a horse again if he could find someone to lead him to the horse. Know anyone willing to do that for him? I wish i had the answer to solve your problem, i REALLY, TRULY DO!


On 3/23/2018 at 11:34 AM, Saturnine said:

I came here to seek understanding rather than pity. Imagine my surprise when I discovered how easily other zoos have had contact with horses. It definitely doesn't make this situation any better.

OK!!!!!!!! i started out wanting to help you and feeling bad that i can;'t ..... after going thru only a few more post in this thread ... i  had to come back to this.

BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL!!!!! YOU have done is whine and bitch and moan over and over about how no one is willing to help you but everyone in here has tried. Bitch and moan about how bad you have it and how bad life sucks!



I absolutely can not feel bad for you anymore, your only here so you can bitch and whine. you are NOT here for understanding in any way shape or form.... you are here to simply try to get all the pity you can get!

(Edit: harsh behavior)

Get over yourself!




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