Are you exclusively zoo?
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How many here are Zoo-exlusive?

Exclusive here. Have tried a little with humans back in time, but it wasn't it worth. 


Also exclusive here. Only dogs attract me romantically, physically and sexually. I really can't see myself in a relationship with a human, I tried it (both genders) and I don't want it.
So here I am patiently waiting for the day when I'll be able to take care of my own dog, it will be long and hard but I guess it's for the greater good [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]


Thanks for the replys everyone [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]


In terms of the "'phile", I am exclusive. In terms of the "sexual", there have been "excursions".
I know another Zoo in real life. He is non-exclusive, but bad experiences with women have made him even more deeply Zoo.
Friends for decades, we discovered each others Zoophily in the mid-eighties. Lacking Animals then and at different times since, we engaged in mutual activities as a substitute.
While these activities accomplished much needed "relief", we both agreed that it was no substitute for real non-human Animals in our lives.
Though he now has a female Canine, about to reach puberty, he is now developing serious back problems, and there is the possibility that he may need me to provide assistance in maintaining a "stable configuration" with her.
He is my best human friend, and I love him as brothers would.
But for that completely different special love that dominates our raison d' etre, only non-human Animals, particularly Birds, can fill that need for me.
And with canines in his life, I think that will prove to be the case for him as well.
Resident Hyaena ^..^


Yes.  For no compelling reason other than a complete lack of "passion" for humans.


I don't have a romantic interest in humans, so I guess that would make me zoo exclusive? I don't know.

Then again, I'm the kind who likes to make a distinction between sex and romance.


Just now, Saturnine said:

I don't have a romantic interest in humans, so I guess that would make me zoo exclusive? I don't know.

Then again, I'm the kind who likes to make a distinction between sex and romance.

"Zoo Exclusive" doesn't limit itself to sex, nor does being "Zoo". Many Zoos are not even interested in sex with their partners, but only romance. 

I'd say, by your self description above, you are "zoo exclusive".



9 minutes ago, Saturnine said:

I don't have a romantic interest in humans, so I guess that would make me zoo exclusive? I don't know.

Then again, I'm the kind who likes to make a distinction between sex and romance.

If you are sexually attracted to humans, you are not a zoo exclusive.

If you would have romantic / sexual relations with an animal and a human, you are inclusive. It doesn't have to be both of them.

A zoo exclusive only feels for animals this way and not humans, so even if you only are sexually attracted to humans you are obviously still attracted to them in one way.

Both the romantic and sexual part are part of one's sexual orientation. Simple logic.

It's hard to take someone seriously when they say they're exclusive yet would stick their dick in a human. Just... no.


I only find humans mildly sexy, is when they are shagging or being shagged by an animal.

Every few years I do download some human porn.... And nope, still not interesting.



For twolegs I favor pussy, albeit not exclusively; but my real loves are canine and equine boys.



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