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It's pretty obvious that in the United States, the situation for zoos is getting worse and worse. (Just this year, many U.S. states banned sex with animals). People in the U.S. have (and continue to) be arrested for having sex with animals, and no one is who is caught tries to fight the laws. No organization comes to the defense of those who are ensnared by these laws.

It may not be this way in Europe, but in the U.S., it is a bad situation. (The U.S. also has public sex offender registries). So the question is, should a practicing zoo living in the United States leave the United States (because of these laws?) Or should they stay in the U.S. and have sex with animals illegally?


I'm planning on doing the second one... and have for years.  Not sure how many countries want Americans these days anyways.


Doesn´t matter whether you stay in the US or move to another country. Just don´t screw up by all that conduct that will most likely get you in trouble, like fencehopping: remember, night vision cameras are incredibly cheap these days. Don´t participate in a "zoo sex party ring" either...the more people are involved, the more can snitch on you for several reasons. Don´t upload animal porn either, not your own and not your "collection"...possession of AP might not be a crime in your state, but distribution of AP most likely is. Keep out of all that is potentially risky behaviour, learn to shut up and living in the state with the most draconic punishment for having sex with an animal is not that different from living elsewhere. 

And stop thinking that a lack of laws /lesser punishment will grant you more freedom to screw up without consequences...won´t happen. If it´s not legal trouble you´ll run into, then it´s the social repercussions that will turn your life into shit.And it was exactly that idea of "bestialist refugees" that helped passing the anti animal sex laws in many countries...not only one government said "If we´re the only ones without a law against that, bestialists from other countries are very likely to move into ours." Just imagine a large influx of foreign bestialists into your country that has not yet banned sex with animals. More people into this = more problems = increased attention towards that issue = stricter laws. If you habitually keep a low profile as a zoo, it really doesn´t matter where you live and how hard the punishment is...if you don´t , I guess not one zoo in the land you are aiming to move to will be too happy about the "zoo immigrant" as each and every nation´s zoos already have troublemakers and idiots of their own to handle. 


On 12/22/2017 at 4:19 AM, 30-30 said:

And stop thinking that a lack of laws /lesser punishment will grant you more freedom to screw up without consequences...won´t happen.

I don't think anyone thinks that.  It does help when you screw up to have one less thing they can ruin your life with however.  I would've enjoyed not being able to be legally forced to take medication that did me no good for many many years, as a prime example.



Legally forced? Trying to correctly memorise what you told in the zoo subreddit, I always thought it was your parents forcing you into therapy because you chose to come out to them...at least that´s what you told us. I heavily doubt this was owed to a law against "zoophilia", but more an issue of parental duties , paired with extreme overreaction. When I add the fact that you have said you never had any sexual contact with animals (besides one little episode), I really find it hard to believe you had to face a judge solely for "zoophilia". And unless you had your coming out in  the McCarthy era, I doubt that just identifying oneself as a "zoo" will result in forced pharma therapy/chemical castration/etc..."mind crimes" aren´t crimes....yet...

"It does help when you screw up to have one less thing they can ruin your life with..." Sure, I agree. You still need to perform some seriously retarded actions to get caught, though. Thus the lack of cases with "only zoos", people who don´t do all the self incriminating stuff like uploading pics and vids, fencehopping, etc.







On 12/27/2017 at 11:44 PM, 30-30 said:

Legally forced? Trying to correctly memorise what you told in the zoo subreddit, I always thought it was your parents forcing you into therapy because you chose to come out to them...at least that´s what you told us. I heavily doubt this was owed to a law against "zoophilia", but more an issue of parental duties , paired with extreme overreaction.

If I had thought for a moment I could've escaped anywhere without them immediately signing the paperwork to have me institutionalized (legal in my state due to the new laws) I would've.  Sorry to spoil the fantasy, but it was a 100% legal coercion scenario.


"It does help when you screw up to have one less thing they can ruin your life with..." Sure, I agree. You still need to perform some seriously retarded actions to get caught, though. Thus the lack of cases with "only zoos", people who don´t do all the self incriminating stuff like uploading pics and vids, fencehopping, etc.

Telling your parents (as a dumb teen often does)?

And yes, it falls under "being a threat to yourself or others."  In most states, one does not need to have directly commited a crime to be institutionalized.  Only you have to show he is an active threat to commit a crime against another living being.  This qualifies, sorry you have trouble believing that.  I suggest you study up a bit.


If you think I am lying about this, I pity you.  I will also add I don't believe a lot of what you have said but I never call you on it.  Try to extend the same courtesy, especially given a lot of your arguments rely on personal anecdotal evidence.


Relocate to another country where it's legal?  No, pointless.  The handwriting is on the wall; there is no country that is going to remain reliably animal-sex-legal.  The best that moving would do is a temporary reprieve, and not much of that; even if technically "legal" they can use any number of "abuse", "cruelty", "buggery", religious laws to the same end.

Relocate to escape pending prosecution, because some shithead outed you, because you trusted someone you shouldn't have, because you got careless, ignorant or willfully stupid?  Yeah, I've known about half a dozen cases like that.


At the rate that technology is evolving, you could wait a little while longer and move to another planet, or preferably a far away galaxy, and be with your partner there.


7 hours ago, Saturnine said:

At the rate that technology is evolving, you could wait a little while longer and move to another planet, or preferably a far away galaxy, and be with your partner there.

Mmm--  No, other galaxies have laws against sex with humans. . . . . .  >.< 


The way it is sucks, just use a lot of caution and if in doubt don't 



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