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A slice of Heaven on Earth



Woman adopts a thousand stray dogs, this is where they all live.

Thousands of stray dogs live in this doggy paradise


You could call her a crazy dog lady, (she does have over a thousand stray dogs), but this devoted animal lover has given them the best possible life.




This would bear close watching--.  No way 1000 can all get personal attention and care by one or 2 people, and hard to support the cost of feed, meds, not becoming an accidental puppy mill when they start breeding.  Just saying; this is how hoarding can go horribly wrong for all of them.


It would be heaven if they were all horses.

Who decides to care for over a thousand stray dogs? That doesn't even sound like it's practical.


As heavyhorse said, it bears watching... hopefully enough volunteers are available to care properly for them, but what happens if there aren't? It's just as much a worry with horses btw, if not more.



Costs way more to feed and care for horses. . . . 


Come on, now, THINK! Where do you even GET 1000 stray dogs?

Sounds like BS to me.


On 5/3/2018 at 0:59 AM, threelegs said:

Come on, now, THINK! Where do you even GET 1000 stray dogs?

Sounds like BS to me.

Depends.  Usually starts with just a few, trying to do "the right thing" taking in strays, then don't adopt them out as fast as they come in, then uncontrolled matings, then you're overwhelmed and the "humane" crowd gets called in.  


Seems like nobody here has actually been to Costa Rica. Or anywhere else in Central America for that matter (the stray dog problem in Nicaragua is even worse). There are stray dogs everywhere over there. Many of them are so used to fending off for themselves and people ignoring or abusing them that they keep away from people and don't even respond when you call them. They live a very different life than pet dogs. It's lucky they tend to stick to rural areas and don't overrun big cities, as is the case in a few places like Bucharest, where stray dogs become feral and turn into an actual menace to people. 

Territorio runs on donations and also aggressively push to get their dogs adopted. Of course they sterilize every dog they take in. Can you imagine the chaos if they didn't? Regardless of your stance on sterilization, it is by far the most humane way of dealing with a problem of that scale. People in Bucharest trap dogs in ponds and throw toasters in the water to decimate the stray dog population... 


Canicule, you´re absolutely right, the plague street dogs have become in Bulgaria and other poor former Eastern block countries is something both "regular" animal lovers and zoophiles tend to be blind for. I´ve experienced something similar when one of my employees of the riding club started to feed stray cats roaming around the stables. In the first year, there were about 3-5 cats, in the next year, she had to feed 20 and the year after that, she literally bought one palette of cat food every fucking month. People would be surprised how many freeromaing animals actually live even in urban environments. 

I remember that Ireland had similar problems with the horses after the huge financial crisis in 2008/2009. Many horseowners simply set their horses free...what led to an unacceptable overpopulation of wild horses on the Green Isle. Car accidents with wild horses increased, killing many horses and also the drive of the vehicle hitting them accidentally. 

HUmans have become so off reality these days, anthropomorpising animals as an ideology. Maybe some of your heard about the recent incident with "Chico", the dog that killed two people. There really are people out there who demonstrated against this dog´s euthanasation...and called this dog "Chico Guevara" publicly, there´s footage out there proving how detached from actual reality some "animal lovers" have become. Mankind was never more distanced from actual life on this planet....stupification accopmlished.  


I've been to Central America, just not Costa Rica. Hard to think of a country there that doesn't have a stray problem. You're right, Nicaragua is very bad. I  just mentioned a necessity of volunteer help, and the threat if it is lost. The stray problem is not limited to Central America, as you've indicated by mentioning Bucharest. It is also prevalent in Asia. 

No shelter of haven is perfect. All are threatened by the things mentioned here, and many more, no matter where they are located. I wish these folks luck, and their charges long life and good health though, and hope they all find loving homes. But they will need help, and lots of it.



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