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The right to die


This has nothing to do with sex.

All has to do with sex. It's our main drive. We are stretched, hairless Bonobos. Why do we want big cars, an respectable job, expensive watches, the newest I-Pad, full hair and so on? Because our reptilian brain says so. Expensive/scarce stuff = sexual attraction.


That percentage makes no sense whatsoever. Most equine zoos have had contact with horses at least once. Stop making shit up.

Shure? How many people have access to horses in Japan, India or China? You underastimate the amount of "passive zoos". And the majority of the active ones are most propably fencejumpers doing a crime. Keeping a horse is extremly expensive, especially in crowded, urbanized areas like Europe. So if you aren't part of at least the upper middle class, good luck next life.


I shouldn't have to do it myself. Knowing me, I'd screw it up and make things even worse for myself.

So, you're a coward who searchs for excuses to let other people do the dirty work, then? Where's the difference to someone who jumps at a high speed train and scares the train driver for his life?


It could be covered under health insurance, so tax payers need not worry.

And who's filling the pot that's the Insurance? All countries you mentioned have forced, socialized healthcare.


Hey, the next time you post in this thread, can you at least make it more constructive? Thanks.

I prefer deconstructive. You can't start such a hot topic and expect not to gain opposition. That's just a small little foretaste if you want to lobby for this. Wait till you face the real hardcore conservatives.


9 hours ago, Vermilion said:

All has to do with sex. It's our main drive. We are stretched, hairless Bonobos. Why do we want big cars, an respectable job, expensive watches, the newest I-Pad, full hair and so on? Because our reptilian brain says so. Expensive/scarce stuff = sexual attraction.

You've managed to simplify a matter that is way too complicated to reliably do so.

9 hours ago, Vermilion said:

Shure? How many people have access to horses in Japan, India or China?

A good chunk of the population, I'd imagine.

9 hours ago, Vermilion said:

So, you're a coward who searchs for excuses to let other people do the dirty work, then? Where's the difference to someone who jumps at a high speed train and scares the train driver for his life?

Why should I care?

Nobody has ever shown me any kindness when it comes to having contact with horses, so why should I show any kind of remorse for jumping in front of a train to kill myself?

Not that I'd do that, but c'mon. Think for a moment before you make such a remark.

9 hours ago, Vermilion said:

And who's filling the pot that's the Insurance? All countries you mentioned have forced, socialized healthcare.

How about the person with the insurance plan? Assisted suicide should not be considered any different than, say, going to see a doctor to have your gallbladder removed.

Also, consider the following scenario. Instead of going in to see a doctor about your depression that never goes away, you could see a doctor to have yourself killed.

A much better alternative, don't you think? It would definitely be cheaper for the insurance companies, too! All they would have to do is sign off on a lethal dosage of drugs, and they would have saved themselves a lot money in the long run.



A good chunk of the population, I'd imagine.

Well, in Japan it's 1 horse per 1575 citizens. Horses are more or less exclusive to racing stables. Far to few farming land for normal people to keep horses. Still, Japan is quite crazy for horse racing.

In India you aren't allowed to keep horses, if you're from the lower castes. Last year a Dalit got killed for buying a horse. A horse is a very expensive prestige object and luxury in India only a few can buy. Same with Arab countries. Oh, and your quite unlucky if you're female, as horse-keeping and sport is still a men-only thing in those countries.

In China it's 1 per 250. If you're from the small nomad population of northern and north western china, you're rather lucky. The majority of han chinese in the metropolitan areas see horse only in the racecourse if ever.

Everyday people keeping horses is quite exclusive to european/western cultures and nomads.


By the way, in my country it's 1 per 80.

In the US it's 1 per 35.

In Mongolia it's 1 per 1


Do you have any sources for these numbers? And are you telling me that these numbers even apply to equine zoos, since they have more of a reason to seek equine contact than the average person?

Not that it would make any difference to my right-to-die argument.


Here's the source for Japan: http://www.maff.go.jp/j/chikusan/sinko/l...orse_1.pdf

You propably don't speek Japanese either, but according to this: https://www.quora.com/How-many-horses-ar...e-in-Japan

it's 83,129 horses in 2008.

Here's a list of various countries: Note that there are almost no south asian, sub saharan african and middle eastern countries in the top ones, so a large majority of people on earth have no access to horses.



Oddly enough, these little "factoids" don't make the pain go away, or my situation any easier.

My point still stands. A reliable way to die should be offered to those who truly need it.


"...who truly need it" Agreed. But you´re NOT one of those, Saturnine. From all you´ve contributed in here and on reddit, I know you´re not even trying to fight your depressions, you complancently welcome them as a natural given and expect the world to adjust to you...even with this "suicide booth" approach. It´s not politically motivated, it´s all about you and how you cannot deal with concessions and compromises you have to make in order to live a pleasant life, even with your medical condition. How your basic fact processing mechanism works , you´ve proven over and over again and also did it with your last reply. Facts that don´t fit your ideé fíxe are "factoids"...no, no, DON`T ADJUST YOUR MIND, IT`S REALITY THAT`S MALFUNCTIONING!  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

You surely can blame it on your depressions, saying "I´m too depressed for wanting to be less depressed", but facts are that you are the creator of your own miserable reality tunnel here. You don´t even try...so, all this discussions with your are basically futile per se because there´s nothing in this entire world that could probably make you readjust your mindset. Still you expect "help" from random folks on the internet....and you won´t accept anything else as "help" than someone risking much of his own security only to fulfill the "dream" of somebody who apparently doesn´t even want to get up from his couch to achieve his "dream". "Fuck, if you don´t lead the horse into my livingroom , it´s NOT HELP, you ignorant asshole! I suffer the MOST of all humans!! THE MOOOOST!!!! Oh, have you already lubricated the mare for me? No? That´s A HATE CRIME!!! I WANT HER LUBRICATED ALREADY!!! You intolerant HATER!! And don´t expect ME to buy the vaseline, you moron!!!" [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

Well, man, seems that you´re lost already...not because it has to be so, but because you obviously love feeling miserable. That´s your thing, as it seems. And you will find thousands of reasons why it can´t be any different and that everybody else is to blame. So, futile to continue discussions.Bye.  


4 hours ago, 30-30 said:

But you´re NOT one of those, Saturnine. From all you´ve contributed in here and on reddit, I know you´re not even trying to fight your depressions, you complancently welcome them as a natural given and expect the world to adjust to you...even with this "suicide booth" approach.

This is the most insane thing that I have ever read. Thankfully, your opinion would have no bearing on the decision to end my life once this does become legal.


Of course, I wouldn't expect you to understand this kind of suffering. You've had plenty of contact with horses, after all. So easy to tell me that it's my fault and that I should just get over it. For once, why don't you put yourself in my shoes, 30-30? Look past your own reality and see that life for others has not been as pleasant as it has for you.

The truth is, society has failed me. That's what this all boils down to. There is nothing I can do to change my horseless fate, but if there is a way to end my life, then it becomes that much more tolerable.


If you don't have the resolve to end your life now, you most likely won't have the resolve to do so even if your doctor assisted "suicide booths" become a reality. 

I won't go into the philosophy or politics of it (I am one of those evil hardcore conservatives, and the idea that the rule of law should force me to give away some of my own labour to finance the whims of strangers is pure turpitude to me), but all I'll say is maybe suicide isn't the solution? 

I feel sorry for you. I've been in a similar place and I know it sucks. But it got better for me, to the point where I now feel as though life is genuinely worth living. Why are you so convinced you'll never get to that point?

And feel even more sorry for you considering the fact I could easily get you to meet horses if you lived closer to me... No funny stuff though. 


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