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Do any of you give oral to females during heat?

I’ve seen some zoos say they do it but I find it hard to imagine. I not only get turned off by that horrible smell but I can’t stand the taste. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t keep going because I almost have to throw up. 

If you do give oral during her heats, shouldn’t you have some kind of blood fetish? It just doesn’t make sense.

iI’m pretty sure others who are attracted to humans don’t give oral either if their partner is on her period. So why is this so common among zoos?


Its not about pleasing yourself, but about pleasing her. I personally didn't ever like it but Tippy did, immensely, so it got done. BTW, as a zoo who was also into humans for a while, it gets done there too for the same reasons.



Thankfully, Shadow didn't want it in heat so I didn't have to with her.


I think the smell/ taste varies from k9 to k9. my pit doesn't taste bad at all and only doesn't have any smell to her, well her breath changes but thats it.  my dane has a slight smell but not enough to make you sick, but haven't tried the oral thing yet.  I think it depends on your taste ( no pun intended)  as some people do enjoy oral on a human female who is on her period.  


Sheep taste fine both in and out of heat.  As i age, it sometimes take me a while before im "ready"... I find a little oral is a turn on.  


If this is a survey, then count one for "no".  Yes pleasing her is a thing, but the other way.


One of the nice things about horses is mare heat.        They may get messy but not stinky.


Hell yes!


Female Birds, depending on kind, age and geographic latitude, may have an estrus period, but not like a Mammalian "heat": they do not shed a uterine lining or placenta, but rather will lay an infertile egg or clutch. They will have a dilated vent and perhaps have elevated moisture, but never blood or bad odor.

Birds in higher or "temperate" latitudes tend to have a seasonal estrus, while many of those in the lower or "tropical" latitudes may be in condition any time of the year.

Laying hen Chickens have been bred to essentially be in continuous estrus, to produce eggs in commercial quantities for as long as possible. The diurnal illumination, or photoperiod is largely responsible for determining the onset and duration of estrus in wild Birds. Therefore, commercial laying flocks are kept under timed lights to simulate tropical sunlight and help maintain or boost their egg production.

When she wants to be bred, a hen Chicken will crouch down with tail towards you, half extend her wings, and rapidly "stomp" the ground for about a second or so.

But when they do that "dance", they are expecting an immediate response from the male. So I must act instantly, or they will immediately lose interest (a behavior left-over from their wild ancestors, which needed to complete mating in seconds, to minimize risk of predation during that vulnerable time)

So when they solicit,  I immediately pick her up and give her oral pleasure. Once the oral has begun though, they are usually more than willing to extend the time well beyond what is normal for the Rooster.

Turkeys are a bit slower and a lot heavier. So I have more time to get down to the ground in order to "get down" with them! They also last a lot longer, often more than ten minutes!

As they age though, estrus will ebb and egg production will drop. But even before this, the "finished" commercial layers will be "retired" as per schedule, and be kibbled into pet, livestock, or fish food, and feathers for pillows & jackets.

Mine is a small backyard flock, consisting entirely of aged hens retired from other backyard flocks. A kind of Chicken "retirement home".

They still produce a few eggs, and some may still be "interested", but currently only one still solicits, and so she is the only one I am now "servicing".

But all get what they need for whatever remains of their life to be healthy and comfortable. One very old one just went two days ago.

I have "come to terms" with death from aging, but it never gets any easier. All I can do is give them what I can for whatever time they may have left.

Resident Hyaena ^..^


On 11/05/2018 at 3:44 PM, silverwolf1 said:

Its not about pleasing yourself, but about pleasing her.

Isn't that what oral is all about to begin with? It's just that when she's in her heat the taste is so horrible I just can't.

On 11/05/2018 at 3:45 PM, silverwolf1 said:

Thankfully, Shadow didn't want it in heat so I didn't have to with her.

My girl is also less sexual in her heats... I thought I was doing something wrong. Any explanation on this?

On 11/05/2018 at 4:17 PM, Dane layer said:

I think it depends on your taste ( no pun intended)  as some people do enjoy oral on a human female who is on her period.  

But it still confuses me. Humans normally dislike the taste and look of blood but when it comes out of a vagina it's suddenly different and turns them on?

It's the same taste and look as normal blood. Except it's actually even more full of bacteria than usual.

I sometimes lick her paws, I rimmed her a few times, I'd bathe in her pussy juice (if I could), etc. but oral on her while she's in the part of her heat where she's bleeding a lot then it's just too much. Probably TMI, but it just shows how weird it is to me.


An animal being in heat sounds like zoophile heaven at first but I honestly despise it so much. She's either not interested, too tight for PiV for a few weeks and can't give oral...

And of course that mess, her not feeling well, etc. It's stuff like this that makes me question if I should spay or not.


I'm not saying for an instant that they (different species and individuals) aren't more sexy, arousing, insistent, other adjectives, when in heat.  Just oral isn't what's natural for me or them.  


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