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Experiences with kissing?

Heyo. Acting as a liason for someone that isn't quite comfortable asking themselves. I relayed what I recall hearing from /r/zoophilia, but my memory isn't the best about this topic. They more or less want to know what kissing entails -- what the nonhuman partner does, how/if they enjoy it, caveats, etc. 


How NOT to do it!



"Asking for a friend" ... uh-huh.  *wink*

I've enjoyed a variety of kisses.  All of my zoophilic french kisses -- a tongue entering the mouth of another being -- have been "almost" entirely at the initiation of the critter.  By "almost," I don't mean I sometimes jammed my tongue into another critter's mouth, but rather that with some critters, I found a way to trigger them to gimme a kiss.  With some dogs, for instance, putting my face near theirs and then giving them particular caressing scritches would earn me some canine tongue.

I've enjoyed receiving french kisses (again I define as one being's tongue in another's mouth) from quite a few dogs, a couple horses, and a couple parrots.

I have also french kissed humans, most of those have been at my initiation.

Some dogs really want to kiss; they will lick your face and lips persistently.  They (I am speaking of the dogs I have encountered here) will often wag upon being granted entry.  Some few kissers can be very persistent and can take a very long time to sate their kiss drive.  I've had my lips bleed a bit from some of the more persistent kissers, including my German Shepherd mate Covy.

I've only had a couple from horses, both of them stallions --- well, one stallion and a yearling colt.  Those experiences were a very long time ago, so my recollection is a bit fuzzy, but they were the initiator as well.  The adult stallion was actually quite pushy.  I was a bit intimidated, ultimately I fled, but I did enjoy the kiss.  A bit musty-grassy.

And the parrots ... received kisses from two, but one of the two was a one-off encounter; the other was with a boyfriend's parrot and I enjoyed several.  They would gently hook their beak on my tongue (no, not a bite, they would not pinch, they just held onto my tongue with their beak), and willfully stroke their small tongues across my tongue.  Their kisses tasted sweet and fruity.


3 hours ago, Hiway said:

How NOT to do it!


Is it just me, or does it seem like small dogs are a lot more likely to try to bite your face off?  


Dogs yes, Sheep no.

Ruminant burps are LETHAL! 


9 hours ago, Eagle said:

"Asking for a friend" ... uh-huh.  *wink*

I know you jest, but here's an opportunity for a fun fact about me: saliva is sickening to me. My own saliva while it's in my mouth is fine, but spitte on or near my face that isn't my own will make me physically ill. There are instances where my own saliva can do it too. Like, if I have my own saliva somewhere and it's cold, that's basically the same as a stranger's spit being there.

I'm starting to get queasy talking about it. : x


Tippy was a kisser, insistent and persistent, who was also very sweet tasting. She also enjoyed having her oral cavity 'kissed' as well. Shadow not so much. I was more likely to get bit for my trouble. I've received "french" from a few others to varying degrees. Dogs can taste great, like Tip, or like shit, or any where in between. Their burps are awful, no matter who. 

I doubt the "kissing" means for them what it does for us. To them it's probably a grooming or puppy behavior taken to extremes. It is fun though, and bonding regardless.

Tippy initiated our kissing, licking my teeth and lips harder and harder til I'd open my mouth. As Eagle noticed, it can be rough enough to make you bleed. After gaining entry Tip would lick DEEP into my mouth, driving her little tongue far into my throat with her muzzle pressed against my face. Her teeth would hit mine loudly even tually hurting some. I'd try to return her efforts with tongue running along her teeth and gums, but she wanted my throat more. I'd be hard by now and other things would happen, so... I think Tippy just learned that her efforts rewarded her with sex to be honest, though that is why humans kiss too.

Shadow NEVER intiated a kiss, and would try to eat your tongue if you did, so I quit trying. She preferred giving me head to get sex and that didn't bother me none. She'd start by pressing her muzzle into my jeans, running her cold nose against my... no, no. Thats off topic, and so for another forum...



15 hours ago, Ramseys said:

Dogs yes, Sheep no.

Ruminant burps are LETHAL! 

Do not expose to electricity or open flame!



And seriously, gals; you have the whole farm, and you have to eat garlic?


9 hours ago, AmoreBestia said:

I know you jest, but here's an opportunity for a fun fact about me: saliva is sickening to me. My own saliva while it's in my mouth is fine, but spitte on or near my face that isn't my own will make me physically ill. There are instances where my own saliva can do it too. Like, if I have my own saliva somewhere and it's cold, that's basically the same as a stranger's spit being there.

I'm starting to get queasy talking about it. : x

I'M THE SAME WAY I'm glad I'm not alone LOL.  I've been in multiple human relationships and I've never been able to kiss!  Other peoples' saliva just freaks me out too much.  I can't share food or drinks either.  Kinda sucks because the concept of kissing is nice but I can't get over being too grossed out by it to enjoy it.


Ummm, yeahhh.  I'm going with that not being that uncommon.....  

(Details withheld for everyone's benefit--)


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