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What type of hobbies do you have?

Since he is talking about using a flywheel, a compound piston motor would probably be a good fit.

Low speed and low noise. Slower moving parts, less wear and tear when things come apart. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wacko.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":S" width="20" />





Yeh it would.  Not beyond the amature approach and everything goes slow  Suave idea.



Hybrid? I prefer the real deal. There's nothing like a good ol' steam engine:

<iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/EVxByLO_6cA?feature=oembed" width="480"></iframe>




17 hours ago, Ramseys said:

Since he is talking about using a flywheel, a compound piston motor would probably be a good fit.

Low speed and low noise. Slower moving parts, less wear and tear when things come apart. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wacko.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":S" width="20" />




Indeed.  Fairly large flywheel, fairly low RPM, alternate pole permanent magnets set in a groove along both sides of the rim, racks of coils set along both sides.  Very similar construction to the old low-speed pump motors on the New Orleans levy pumps.  But mounted horizontally; otherwise the gyroscope effect would make steering stupid squirrelly.  

The point of "hybrid" is 1) Constant engine speed.  No issue "coming apart" at 95 mph.  2) Load leveling.  High power on demand; charge batteries waiting at stoplights.  3) Power curve.  Ever seen the video of the Tesla getting off-the-line?  DC electric motors develop maximum torque at stall.  The only limit to stump-pulling is tire traction, only limit to top speed is not throwing the windings off the armatures.  

And a low-mass boiler, with separate tank.  So wait time isn't 30 minutes.  And, um, minimal effect if there's a boiler explosion.  "Better call AAA". . . . 

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="3478" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2018_06/598bb44bba3fc.image.jpg.4d8bb16513ec2da01f4adaec2acefb52.jpg">[Image: 598bb44bba3fc.image.thumb.jpg.cffca9a1bd...99a148.jpg]</a>


Honestly, I don't think it matters at this point. I could have a million different hobbies, but does that make me any more interesting of a human being? I think not. Some would say it does, I just think it's shallow. "Yeah, I do this and that... you know, in my spare time." I have all the time in the world. Never felt a need to cultivate anything beyond a "just good enough" understanding of the subject matter. Because really, there is no way we will be able to bring all of this knowledge with us when we die. It's better to remain a novice of the world than an expert of a country.


15 hours ago, Saturnine said:

Honestly, I don't think it matters at this point. I could have a million different hobbies, but does that make me any more interesting of a human being? I think not. Some would say it does, I just think it's shallow. "Yeah, I do this and that... you know, in my spare time." I have all the time in the world. Never felt a need to cultivate anything beyond a "just good enough" understanding of the subject matter. Because really, there is no way we will be able to bring all of this knowledge with us when we die. It's better to remain a novice of the world than an expert of a country.

But you miss the point.  We all die.  The objective is to have fun on the way.  


I wish I had a lot of hobbies like u guys . I tried to be the best I could but failed.  Dropped out of college due to depression and loneliness.  I could go back but i feel like it's too late. Went to trade  school learned to cook but dont want to cook . I feel so derectionless like I have nowhere to go, No direction. I have failed so much in life I dont care anymore I want to find love and live on my own but can't do so living in CA  , it is impossible to live hear.


14 minutes ago, Edog91 said:

I wish I had a lot of hobbies like u guys . I tried to be the best I could but failed.  Dropped out of college due to depression and loneliness.  I could go back but i feel like it's too late. Went to trade  school learned to cook but dont want to cook . I feel so derectionless like I have nowhere to go, No direction. I have failed so much in life I dont care anymore I want to find love and live on my own but can't do so living in CA  , it is impossible to live hear.

I've gone through similar, have limped along.  Have had to lean heavily on friends and family for too many years. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":/" width="20" />  I'm starting to finally crawl away after I worked as a grunt laborer in an Amazon warehouse and took advantage of their education assistance program that largely funded my trade school for truck driving.  However, despite the extreme shortage of truck drivers, my anxiety and depression gave me great difficulty trying to get going on a truck driving career and I nearly gave up entirely.  I'm more or less limping slowly on my CDL (truck driver's license) ... I really can't jump into those very high-demand trucking jobs, but am getting by with better income than I could get doing warehouse general labor with a local truck driving job.


On ‎05‎.‎06‎.‎2018 at 6:29 AM, Saturnine said:

Honestly, I don't think it matters at this point. I could have a million different hobbies, but does that make me any more interesting of a human being? I think not. Some would say it does, I just think it's shallow. "Yeah, I do this and that... you know, in my spare time." I have all the time in the world. Never felt a need to cultivate anything beyond a "just good enough" understanding of the subject matter. Because really, there is no way we will be able to bring all of this knowledge with us when we die. It's better to remain a novice of the world than an expert of a country.

 Who told you that having hobbies has the purpose to make you "any more interesting of a human being"?  Shallow? Chances are that it´s you who´s being shallow here.

"...there is no way we will be a ble to bring all of this knowledge with us when we die. It´s better to remain a novice..." Then why are you so unhealthily focused to "touch a horse"? `Cause even that experience can´t be brought with you when you die, according to your weltbild. By the way, could you please elaborate where you gathered that certainty? Have you been dead before? Nobody knows what will happen when we die and it´s no more of a guess to say that "nobody can bring knowledge" than what religious people say...or atheists...or literally anybody who hasn´t died yet. Guesses. Not facts. What if your knowledge and experiences do define your "afterlife"? What if the buddhists are right and karma is real? What if hell and heaven are real, but not in the way christians believe in; heaven and hell being part of our subconsciousness rather than external entities?

If nothing in the world can gain your interest, then you really shouldn´t be surprised when the world returns that favour to you, right? Life is participation.....no participation = no life.  


On 6/8/2018 at 9:14 PM, 30-30 said:

 Who told you that having hobbies has the purpose to make you "any more interesting of a human being"?  Shallow? Chances are that it´s you who´s being shallow here.

"...there is no way we will be a ble to bring all of this knowledge with us when we die. It´s better to remain a novice..." Then why are you so unhealthily focused to "touch a horse"? `Cause even that experience can´t be brought with you when you die, according to your weltbild. By the way, could you please elaborate where you gathered that certainty? Have you been dead before? Nobody knows what will happen when we die and it´s no more of a guess to say that "nobody can bring knowledge" than what religious people say...or atheists...or literally anybody who hasn´t died yet. Guesses. Not facts. What if your knowledge and experiences do define your "afterlife"? What if the buddhists are right and karma is real? What if hell and heaven are real, but not in the way christians believe in; heaven and hell being part of our subconsciousness rather than external entities?

If nothing in the world can gain your interest, then you really shouldn´t be surprised when the world returns that favour to you, right? Life is participation.....no participation = no life.  

Why do you keep responding to my posts?


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