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News item, Drinking dogs pee

Posted on Facebook of all places!



This is Whitney Wisconsin [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":/" width="20" />  Just does these things for attention I think and gives real zoos an even worse reputation.  She killed a puppy recently by not feeding it correctly.


Next time you're on Facebook, suggest to her that eating a steaming bowl of cow shit every day will restore her probiotic balance.

I'm sure most any cattle farmer would be delighted to give her all she wants.  And die laughing as she goes down the driveway.

Like back in the '70's when the Disco Lounge Lizards used to hit us up for cans of Boar Mate.   



A little bit of contextual knowledge about "Whitney Wisconsin":

- online prostitute openly bragging about how many dollars she can squeeze out of "horny idiots"

- attention whore par excellence. Legend has it she once smeared random people with her vaginal secretions "as a prank"; and all for clicks and dicks... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> - was once temporarily announced a "honorary mod" of the reddit zoophilia sub, by another "mod" who definitely had his neurons on vacation.

- widely known for a video called " reasons why you should fuck a dog"; clickbait for her self marketing online porn production

- has allegedly fooled people who paid Whitney lotsa bucks for "doggie vid" with animal porn vids she ripped off other animal porn sites. Probably NEVER ever actually engaging sexually with a dog herself, but eager to harvest the enormous lake of cash that sadly can be made with beasty stuff. 

- her video also gives an ample example of parroting imbecilic "justifications" so weak and retarded it´s only supporting my view of her as an impostor in it for attention and the cash this attention can be turned into.

The saddest part of this all is her relatively huge "success" in promoting herself while literally abusing/raping zoophilia, making us into her hostages only to gain more cash. Especially the "normal" people went absolutely nuts and in forums/social media sites like reddit, FB and other digital atrocities, you´ll have a hard time finding people who are not familiar with "Whitney Wisconsin"...even if it is just by picking up hearsay.  From our community, no resistance was shown...absolutely no resistance. One of us , as I mentioned above, even made her an "honorary mod" of the zoo sub in reddit, further decreasing our trustworthyness as zoophiles...that already isn´t exactly at top levels, right? "Whitney" may be one of the best recent examples why we as a community won´t achieve anything if we´re not completely rethinking everything regarding online appearance, moral stance and, most importantly, develop a real consciousness , real pride in our orientation....and keep OUR turf clear from impostors, attention whores and wannabe "zoos". As I said a million times before: it´s not "unjust society" who´s our major enemy, it´s our lack of consciousness, our lack of strategical thinking that is what hinders us the most.Because "tolerance"....

So, a new chapter in Whitney´s "Book of bullshit" has been opened, a new page has been turned, now she´s drinking dog piss to cure herself from acne. Regardless whether she actually drank dog piss/rubbed herself with it/whatever this con artists thinks generates the most upheaval (a.k.a. clicks/cash), the dollars will be amassing on her bank account. Brave new media world. Oh, and "Stop making stupid people famous!" [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> Is it really tolerance if we let obvious outsiders with no clue whatsoever do their sabotage work and we´re the ones left behind with the damage done...while the saboteur counts his money?



Quote: - online prostitute openly bragging about how many dollars she can squeeze out of "horny idiots"

a true feminist icon.


Yeah I heard the videos were a scam and not actually of her, people would pay for them and she'd send a video ripped from somewhere else.  She's currently in jail last I heard.


5 hours ago, Vermilion said:



a true feminist icon.

You mean feminism, the once justified battle for equality of men and women that somehow has been corrupted by egotistical ideas, ludicrous demands and a total lack of respect for "the others", completely dismissing the former great target off the radar and replacing it with selfish demands and claims? Hmmm, I really wonder where else I have heard of such a "special interest group" doing the EXACT same thing, going down the EXACT same shitty path...?!? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 


This has to be one of the most interesting things I have read in a while, what even convinces someone to try drinking piss in the first place? Regardless of whether or not they were just trying to get publicity for doing such a thing, my curiosity couldnt be quenched... So I look online and believe it or not I didnt have to go any further than the first page of a google search to find individuals who genuinely believe that drinking piss can be good for your health. Now ill give them some credit in mentioning that theoretically there could be some health benefits (our bodies arent perfect, we probably do lose some vitamins and minerals in our pee), but the dangers and disadvantages would definitely outweigh them. Granted none of the stuff online was about drinking another human's or animals' piss, now thats wayyyy out there.


4 hours ago, 30-30 said:

You mean feminism, the once justified battle for equality of men and women that somehow has been corrupted by egotistical ideas, ludicrous demands and a total lack of respect for "the others", completely dismissing the former great target off the radar and replacing it with selfish demands and claims? Hmmm, I really wonder where else I have heard of such a "special interest group" doing the EXACT same thing, going down the EXACT same shitty path...?!? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

It's even worse.

Third wave feminism is a symptom of the starting conservative paradigm shift. The left is simply going nuts over the rise of Trump and right wing parties in Europe and overreacts in extreme hardcore progressivism that is in fact nothing more than anti-white racism and anti-men sexism.


3 hours ago, Lateoss said:

what even convinces someone to try drinking piss in the first place?

I also have to wonder if she does at all?  Or it's just an outrageous claim for publicity and fame?  


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