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I've taken in a new rescue horse...

Yeah, I know, I'll never learn. Anyway, I took in a little brown mare, about 6-8 years and 12 hands, who has had little care. She's a little wild as well, but nothing I can't handle. Just a fun project for me, and for her.

I've rescued probably 10 -12 horses and dogs over the years, including my greatest love, Tippy. I just wondered how many of you have also rescued animals and what your experiences were...



Good job man


It's good you rescued her; I hope you two have many years to go together, anyway to answer your question all of my dogs have been rescues except one I raised from a pup; all well-behaved and great happy dogs full of love and energy, even if some of them had a rough past..

Ps: Don't feel uncomfortable btw about adopting alot lol, if I had a big enough property and had the money, I'd be adopting all the shelter animals in my town so they would have a good home and a field to run and play in; we all can dream right lol


I tried to be..um, helpful for some local dogs. Unfortunately, only one pictured at at img_0616 currently lives with me,  usually I call him Grey (I failed his friends, unfortunately...I tried to convince them all to live with me, but dog pictured at 0631 was TOO AFRAID for both entering building and walking with me up to 3rd floor (where I live), and dog pictured at 0479 definitely was unsure if he  should enter any building at all...so, most 'undomesticated' among all three .... There were other dogs, around railroad station and further away from city...One of those street dogs liked me into face as 'thank you' for some bowl of food I had for him (i think him). I also tried to financically support one of those 'free' vet clinic, even if my amount of money was laughable. And had some brief connection  with people who rescue dogs as  important part of their lives ..just for fun I ever tried to edit some draft law  about 'animal ownership' in such a way buying/selling 'animals' completely go out of text...of course it was just joke..

Lately I tried to save dolphin (ok, more accurately two dolphins initially, but one already died by the time I arrived.) Second one also died in captivity, exposing a lot of stuff in my  supposed  comrades I still dislike to see... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":/" width="20" />


so, all-in-all I can be called FAIL ....


[Image: img_0631.thumb.jpg.173793aaa212fa72e69075809251a6d2.jpg]

[Image: img_0616.thumb.jpg.cbe41933e6f33e106e3ad10223aa7343.jpg]

[Image: img_0479.thumb.jpg.8ff927234c9bee992156c085191c5a64.jpg]

You try, and that counts for something.

We can't save them all, as I learned with Ri`an, the little filly I rescued just before ZF ended. She lived 3 days and broke my soul in dying.

We give them what we can, and pray it's enough to save them. I've learned that sometimes giving them to others is best too. Such wasn't the case with Ri`an, but was with a pack of Aussies that were left on my doorstep. Beautiful, though wild, dogs and I just hadn't the time or resources to care for them at the time. I luckily found a breed rescue that could take all eleven of them. I'm loathe to give any dog to a shelter, but would have had to otherwise. Have any of you had experiences like that, and how did you handle it?



BTW, nice looking dog.

Also, the mare is doing great folks, and is letting me put a blanket on her. She still shys a bit with strangers, but has become much more comfortable with me. My buckskin protects her and she comes easily when called. I'll keep you all updated off and on.



We bought a Dobie puppy when I was maybe 10 yo (Gawd never go through the ear clip thing!)

All other dogs have been dark-of-night rescues, re-homes, retired breeders, take in from overwhelmed owners, "outlaws" (the best dog I have ever owned, BTW), survivors of dead owners.  As have been pigs, goats from kids going off to college, like that.   And a FFA sheep that had to be sold to complete the program, was supposed to go to slaughter, but I told the kid I would buy her if the bidding didn't get crazy, and no one would know.

Only one that I had to give up on, had been so badly traumatized by being savaged by her own daughter that she was beyond my capacity to help.

I would say complete success.  The hopeless one was hopeless if I tried or not; the lifetime of others have been completely joyful.


I'm sorry Ri an went away; some things are beyond our power to fix.  But such are animals.  The only way to never have something die is to never have anything alive.   Which is no way to live. 


All my dogs have been re-homes, with fairly simple (i.e., non-traumatic) origin stories (e.g., owner had two jobs and no free time; owner was going off to college and couldn't take the dog; owners divorcing and moving into smaller places that didn't allow dogs, etc.). In each case, I was in the right place at the right time. Only one of my dogs was a true "rescue" (he had been harassing/killing sheep and was scheduled for euthanasia), but even in his case, there was little or no objection from the authorities when someone offered to find him a new home where there weren't any sheep. Both my cats were kinda rescues, too: the first one came with the house I moved into, and fortunately the dogs got along with him, so he didn't have to go to a shelter; the second belonged to my parents, and when they grew too old to care for him, I offered to take him so they didn't have to give him to a shelter, either.


Regardless the source - some from breeders, some from rescues, one or two walked up and applied for membership, they live in my home underfoot, and when they have to Leave they die in my lap at home.  It is heartbreaking, but I cannot leave a pet/lover off with the vet or the shelter to die scared among strangers.




An update on the mare: I ride her now in my ring, and she ponies with my other mare on trails. She's calmed a great deal and now stands for vet and farrier. My assistant (A young lady I'm training to train) can handle her some as well. Good progress in my opinion.



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