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Clueless zoo in trouble, please help.

8 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Well, I can see some value in the discussion regardless, though thanks for the heads-up.


As can I. 

Folks, ANY animal needs some form of containment, for their safety alone if not for other reasons. With dogs, the stronger the better. I've seen Borders (not mine) go through chain link too, and over it btw. Never think dogs can't climb.

I'd note here that the OPs intent was to start a war on the subject of Zoos only keeping animals whole to have sex with them. It's an old stance for him, and one where sound discussion is not without merit. He could never manage sound discussion though.

My own impression based solely on my own life: I have kept dogs (Tippy & Shadow) whole because I was sexually active with them, but also because they were healthy as whole bitches and didn't need an elective surgery. I admit there was some selfish motive involved, however there was also added responsibility because of it. One of those responsibilities was containment and protection from "accidental" breedings. Another, for me, was keeping no whole males in the household. For others it may be different, but that is the path I chose. 

We keep many species whole with-out any thought; Horses, cows, sheep, goats etc. The only reason there is discussion on dogs or cats is a gross overpopulation of un-homed and feral animals. I also support and help fund efforts to limit that locally, though this does not take from my selfishness in keeping whole bitches. I keep one now, and one spayed bitch as well. Neither are my lover, or likely to be, but as long as the whole bitch is healthy and I am able to prevent unwanted breedings she will remain unspayed.

These are just my opinions folks. Add yours if you choose.



8 hours ago, RedRocketScience said:

It might be me,... I guess I'm not allowed to see or post the forum ever again, that seems fair. 

That is the idea of being banned. I'd also note your behavior does not change when given a "second" chance, or third or fourth etc. So, yeah, you'll be banned every time you pop up.



Except I have never been given a second chance, third chance, fourth chance, etc. Unless you were talking about the fact that I got a small little warning once, but then you permabanned me for a big argument later. 


14 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

We keep many species whole with-out any thought; Horses, cows, sheep, goats etc.

I would offer that people who keep those animals don't let them run at large.  Which is the entire point: don't let your dog/cats run at large, they won't get shot for getting in the neighbor's livestock, run over, reproduce irresponsibly.  Casual pet owners should s/n.  (In this state, if you let horse, cow, etc run at large, people can have males castrated at owner's expense, females boarded until birth at owner's expense.  Do that with pets, there'd be less feral pets.)


13 hours ago, SpeedySpeedBoy said:

Except I have never been given a second chance, third chance, fourth chance, etc. Unless you were talking about the fact that I got a small little warning once, but then you permabanned me for a big argument later. 

You were, as several different user accounts that were allowed after your banning, yet reverted to the same behavior that got you banned. So, you are banned in any persona you show up as.



Absolute nonsense. You didn't tell me about it so you can pretend you gave me chances all you want, but it won't change the facts that you didn't. You're always pretending to be the good guy...



I think I know this guy from other boards.   Or maybe there are others who sound the same?  Always the argument?


You definitely don't, considering I'm only on reddit. But you're still acting like a retard like usual, it seems.

Like, what the fuck does ''Always the argument'' mean? It's always these nonsensical bits of text you leave behind that just go nowhere.


You claim to know me, yet I've never been on reddit.  Suspicion confirmed.


Because I've been here, you dolt. I may have said I was only on reddit, but if you weren't an idiot you'd know I was here before.

Your stupidity still amazes to this day...


Oh and Eagle, thanks for giving me the advice you gave me. I had heard of ovary-saving spays before but I wasn't fine with them until you convinced me. If you ask any zoo just about anything, they will always insult you or give a nonsensical answer that goes nowhere (that explains my aggressive behavior towards other zoos, by the way).

I was lucky enough to find a vet that does an ovary-saving spay and she will go trough the surgery soon. If all goes well, I'll be getting my male pup in a few months.

I guess you guys won't be bothered anymore. Unless I get some dumb reply or something, I guess.

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