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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars)

Pig sex guides from BF and zoophile.net:

"How to have sex with a sow [for men]:"


"Sows are wonderful: they are intelligent, they are friendly, they are female, and most wonderfully they are right sized for a human male to have sex with her. If I could only be sexually active with one animal species for rest of my life well, sows will win my favor, my sexual favor. A sow's body temperature higher than a human so she will feel a bit warmer than you which is nice if it is cold outside and just plain nice and cuddly any other time of the year."

"Reasons I like sex with a sow: the first is that if a sow is not in heat she doesn’t care if you have sex with her. I read that piece of information in a book decades ago and thought that is a good thing to know I must try this soon. There is a great deal of sexual pleasure to be experienced with a sow that doesn’t care if you have sex with her. First bring lubrication (water based is best for both of you.) Find a sow who is lying down on her side (most lying on their side), then lie down next to her. Position your body so your penis is lined up to penetrate her pussy, lube up her hot little love opening. Probe her with a finger and then your thumb and then maybe few fingers. If you would like to eat some pussy slip your tongue in and enjoy her pussy. I like to suck her protruding pussy lips into mouth and gently tongue fuck her sweet pussy."

"I also enjoy tongue flicking her lovely little point at the bottom end of her pussy. I gently suck this point into my mouth with my lips covering my teeth and then I flick my tongue over the point and play around with this little morsel in my mouth. Sooner or later I take my hard penis that I have been hand stroking and slide inside of her and enjoy the pussy that is simply there and freely available to anyone with a penis to enjoy. Sows are natures’ sweet sexual gift to lonely men; all we need to do is discover this easily accessible pussy and then lube, stimulate, and love we can each receive this lovely gift. When you are finished with this gift, it simply keeps giving and giving sexual pleasure."

"If you are in an area with several sows, then guess what there are several pussies that you may penetrate, eat, and finger. I enjoy having sex with one sow while fingering the pussy of the sow next to her. If I can reach her I will finger the pussy of a third sow. If the [sows] are lying very close to each other you can have sex with one of them, and finger two other sows, and then eat the pussy of a fourth sow. This is sow laced sexual heaven for a horny man. I have had this very special experience six times. If you want to you can then rotate your penis to the next Sow and fingers and tongue to the next sow and repeat until each [sow] has had your left fingers and your right fingers and your tongue and your penis in her pussy. It is a great pleasure, I recommend pursuing this pleasure this if you can.

"I have been with ten Sows in one sex session, you just wait until the last pussy to ejaculate. A sow has a lovely pussy, it is a great pleasure to have sex with a sow. Now another hot joy you may experience with a sow is when you are laying next to her -- slide your penis in about ¾ of the length and then take your thumb and your index finger and close them around her labia minor (her protruding pussy lips) and jerk yourself off with her pussy lips while you are inside of her. It is wild that nature designed her pussy lips to stick out this far because I don’t see an use for the boar with this protrusion."

"When a sow is in heat you will have very pleasurable sex and an eager lover. My experience with a sow in heat has been that they enjoy a great deal of foreplay. You walk up behind her and tweak her little love opening with a finger or two and she starts to lubricate. She will walk away but, don’t worry this [sow] is not rejecting you she enjoys a bit of teasing with her lover; just walk with her and play with her pussy. I like to slip in a thumb and then wrap my index around the bottom tip of the pussy where the tip is pointing down and lovingly massage her pussy. After massaging her very wet pussy, I like to penetrate her a few times and she will walk off of my penis and stop after a few steps so I can re-penetrate her. This is repeated a few times and then she will take my full length, and I will start to rock back and forth inside of her sweet little tight pussy."

"At this point many us lucky guys will notice that we're bending our knees a little to have sex with this eager lover of ours. If you can it will be helpful to be able to back up to a wall and rest your body against the wall. If the wall is back a ways simply take little steps backward with withdrawing your penis fully and she will keep backing up with you. If your penis pops out, no worry, re-penetrate her pussy (who doesn’t enjoy multiple penetrations) and she will follow you or you can service her with your fingers until you two lovers reach the wall. Once you reach the wall start rock her again. If I stop rocking her and stay inside of her then she will start to rock her body back and forth on her hind legs and will ride the length of my penis and just keep riding me into a hot climax and keep riding until I am completely pumped empty of my semen. When a sow is riding your penis like there is no tomorrow you will enjoy some of the hottest erotic raw energy sex you have ever experienced."

"I hope this is helpful and encouraging." - ewe2sow (BF)


"Tomorrow I become a sow":


"Tomorrow is my big day. Come rain or shine, I'm going to be bred by a 500 pound boar. I know what to expect. I know I will feel the thin corkscrew cock twirl. I know I will feel the pain of my cervix being locked onto. And I know I will love being filled with all of that hot sperm! I want it. I need it. I met the boar yesterday before I went to work. The farmer is nice. And he's helpful. And he's promised to meet my only demand. No camera. I can't wait!!"

[Days later] "I called out of work yesterday and drove to the farm for my first breeding as a sow. I wore only my panties, shorts and a tank. I got there and he was very nice. He had done this for another sow only twice before. I was already wet with anticipation. So we went right out to the breeding pen and I began to strip. There was a breeding frame there. He recommended I use it. The last sow used it her first time but held his weight the second time by getting closer to the ground. I elected to go without the cage. He brought the boar in and he approached me. His snout went right for my clean shaven vagina and he sniffed and licked me. He began to froth and I could see his thin cock unsheathed and start to slide in and out of its sheath."

"I got down on my fours and I licked his froth and put some on my pussy too. He came at me to mount me. Even with my elbows on the ground and my big ass up, he was pretty heavy. I wasn't sure this was a good idea. Then after a few stabs at my vagina, he hit his mark. He was inside and his corkscrew cock was twirling and darting in back and forth deeper and deeper [inside my vagina]. It was heaven. Then I felt a sharp pain and gasped. He penetrated my cervix and locked in. He stood still grunting and I felt the beginning of his hot fertile sperm begin to fill my womb. He just kept cumming and grunting for like forever as I came harder and harder until after I think 15 or 20 minutes he pulled out of me. I just laid there with my ass still up as he licked me. Then he mounted me again!! "OMG!! Again lover!!" I said and he stabbed at my pussy again until he was breeding me a second time. I already could feel the heaviness in my belly. And my lover was putting more in me. I was his sow. I was there for one reason. To be bred. I am a sow. I love it oh how I love it. I left there unable to fasten my shorts." - Tiffy Bitch (BF)


"Tips to women for boar sex":


"[When] I had my first mating with [a] boar, it was the best sex in my life, I'm 24 now and I mate with dogs nearly everyday (I live in a big farm) but I see myself as a sow and now I think I had enough experience with boars, so I believe I can inform you enough that you can have a highly enjoyable and sexy experience."

"First, you should know that a breeding boar (2 years old), one that is used all the time for sows, will be hard for you. They become very aggressive and can easily injure you. You should take one of the smaller breeds (7-10 months old). or if you are a farmer You should get a male piglet and raise it so that it is your pet. Pigs are smarter than dogs and train easy."

"Second, a pig's penis is designed to get into the cervix. As he fucks, the curly tip turns inside the vagina seeking the cervix. The tip is very slender and made to slide and drill into the cervix. Once the cervical entrance is found the pig's curly tip will "lock" into your cervix and the pig's fucking will slow down."

"You really need to enjoy contact in your cervix even if it will hurt you every time when he drill through it, but don't worry, that pain won't last for more then seconds and will go away just after he lock into your womb; and after your first mating it will be less pain when he contact your cervix. And enjoy the large amounts of semen deep Inside your womb."

"Third, you should enjoy a big, big load. After he locks into your cervix he will begin to cum a lot. Some pigs can pump out from almost half of litter and the older once can cum almost 1 litter of semen. At first, the semen is thin. Then a thicker, milky semen that has most of the sperm comes, a lot comes. Lastly some very thick semen like jelly or wax is slowly pumped inside you. and it will close your womb hole so no drip of cum will leak no matter how hard you push."

"It takes a boar about 10 - 20 minutes to cum. The whole time his tip is in your cervix. Every time he squirts his tip will flex and you can feel it massage your cervix. Plus being filled really full of thick cum. That thick cum can stay in you for days so you should be ready for that. It will slide out later without much warning. so you should stay at home."

"If you have a lot of cum in your womb you can see your stomach big and bulgy, you'll look like a pregnant woman as long as that cum is Inside you. more pigs means more cum inside you and the womb can stretch with no problem, only it will be painful when you move with all that cum Inside you so try not to move too much."

"Have a nice fuck for all the human sows out there. I wish every woman can have a chance to try a pig. " - Sarahk9slut (BF)


"How to have sex with a sow [for men]":



"You will need some things in order to have sex with a sow. First of all, you will need something to protect your knees, as the sow's rear is only about 1-1.5 feet above the ground. She will NOT let you pick her up and place her on a table for easy access, like a bitch would, so you'll have to mount her on the ground, on your knees. Secondly, you'll need some lubricant. You will not have to use a lot of it, as the sow will produce her own very quickly. As always, KY will do just fine. In order to fool the sow into thinking she's about to be mounted by a boar, (and this will make her really horny) you will need the following: A tape with sounds of a boar. Play it and she will be a lot more willing. The scent of a boar. This can actually be bought in spray cans (these are common in the pig breeding industry)."


"Spray a little boar-smell on yourself. Then stay around the sow for a while, let her get used to you. Play the tape. You should see the reaction as the will come to check it out. This is the right time to lube her and yourself up, and to get ready. Now here comes the big secret. When you place your hands on her back (like a boar's paws while mounting) her instincts will tell her to stand still, and you will be able to gently mount her. Give her time to produce her own [lubricant-like] fluids, and enter her slowly, as a boar's penis is a lot thinner than a man's."

"I wish you good luck, and many happy hours with your sow!" - Zoophile.net


"Guide to [women] and boar sex":


"I am keenly interested in that kind of fun. I have researched how a male pig (or boar) functions during sex. I have been around mating pigs in my youth. Unfortunately, I don't own any animals at this time as I live in town now. However, I believe I can inform you enough that you can have a highly enjoyable and erotic experience."

"First, you should know that a breeding boar, one that is used all the time for sows, is not for you. They become very aggressive and can easily injure you. You really should think about one of the smaller breeds that normally doesn't go over 250 pounds, or so. You should get a male piglet and hand raise it so that it is your pet. Pigs are smarter than dogs and train easy since they are extremely food oriented."

"Second, you really need to enjoy contact -in- your cervix and large amounts of thick semen. A pig's penis is designed to get into the cervix. As he fucks, the curly tip turns inside the vagina seeking the cervix. The tip is very slender and made to slide into the cervix. Once the cervical entrance is found the pig's curly tip will "lock" into your cervix and the pig's fucking will slow down."

"Third, you should enjoy a big, big load. After he locks into your cervix he will begin to cum a lot. Some pigs can pump out almost two cups of cum. At first, the semen is clear and somewhat thin. Then a thicker, milky semen that has most of the sperm comes, a lot comes. Lastly some very thick semen like jelly is slowly pumped inside you."

"It takes a pig about 15 - 20 minutes to cum. The whole time his tip is in your cervix. Every time he squirts his tip will flex and massage your cervix. The shaft is narrow so it is mostly the tip in your cervix that does the sexy stuff. Plus being filled really full of thick cum. That thick cum can stay in you for days so you should be ready for that. It can slide out much later without much warning."

"Having a special pig that is kept away from other farm animals and is kept in very clean conditions is a real good idea. Pigs like to be clean if given the chance. Did you ever see the Green Acres TV show? The pig on that show is a good example of how well a pig can fit into peoples' lives." - Zoophile.net


I'm wanting to get a sow someday, so this is very helpful.


I have no sexual experience with boars (though have owned and cared for); decades of sexual experience with sows.

I would only say: this is an interesting read, but Don't take it as gospel.  These guides have been around for ages; there are a number of factual errors.


Not all pigs are receptive to humans.  They can be very dangerous, especially in numbers.  They eat flesh.  Maybe once a year or so some guy won't come in for dinner, and all they find of him is his rubber boots.  Only associate with pigs that are very socialized to humans.

Sows in heat may mount you.  Without warning.  An 800 Lb sow landing on you may leave a mark that won't be better in the morning.

When a sow is in heat she will "lock up" when you put your hands (or your body) on her back.  If she walks away she is not in heat.  "Locks up" means she becomes completely immobile.  No amount of pushing will move her, she will remain so for a while even if you walk away.

The legend of spray boar smell is mostly a myth.  Disco Lounge Lizards used to buy it in the '70's, I think they bought more than the agriculture industry.  Putting a sand bag on the sow's back works way better for A.I. 'ing a sow than the spray.  And playing boar sounds or boar smell will have the opposite effect if she isn't in heat.  

I can't emphasize enough: your best bet is a human-socialized sow that knows you.  They are shameless feed whores, if you feed her she will stand for you.  If she's in heat she may sexually pursue you, and will lock up and stand like a rock when you push on her back.  

Yes boars breed sows through her cervix, thus the corkscrew.  The cervix is about 16 inches deep in a large sow.  A guy may be able to "breed" a mature potbelly sow through her cervix if she's relaxed and had litters before, but bear in mind a potbelly boar is literally a "pencil dick", she will have to be pretty loose in the cervix to take a guy.  (Feels great though!)  

Potbelly sows can breed with 1000 Lb boars.  Not recommended.  But it happens, accidentally and on purpose.  The cases I know of the sow had the piglets without problems.  Multiple litters.  But if you have a potbelly sow, keep her well confined; she will readily dig under a fence to go to a boar.

What WON't happen:  There's a weird legend out there that a sow can or will clamp your dick in her pussy, and you can't escape.  Nope, can't happen, doesn't happen, won't happen, complete fiction.  Some sow A.I. pipettes have a knob on the end; you can feel a bit of resistance as the knob goes into or out of the cervix.    But nothing gets stuck.  Not you, not the pipette.  


Thanks HH. 

All I got to say, is they must be worth it to keep you coming back for more.



Anybody else in here who´s equally disgusted like me from these "how tos" (a.k.a. fuck algorithms a.k.a. live sex toy manuals)?

If you need to read a "how to" to have sex with an animal and have no personal experience with the animal species at all, you shouldn´t be around animals at all. For me, these "how tos" are merely more than the animal fucker equivalent to these ridiculous "the joy of sex" books from the 70s...sexuality isn´t a mechanical thing, folks. If I would´ve stuck to "how to with mares" instead of viewing my realtionship with my mare as an open field I have to find my own way in, make my own experiences and adjust to her individual personality, I´d be only "just another of those self deluded animal fuckers", I guess... 


In our day we had no choice but to feel our way, and for me it made for both awkward and tense moments for my lover and I. Such guides that exist today would have helped an emotional relationship that was becoming physical to have progressed more smoothly. I agree that each animal is an individual with individual needs, likes and dislikes, but these guides are a good starting place.

They may be used by some to try and simply fuck, but with-out non-sexual experience with the species they are useless for only that. Most here are not here looking for a quick thrill. The forum itself does not promise those types much likelihood of progression. Folks coming here do so for different reasons. Most of us don't fit your elitist view of what a zoophile, nor can these guides. The guides have been on the 'net as long as we have, or longer, and will stay on the forum to provide some safe initial suggestions to new zoophiles, whether you, or I or others, see them as such or not. If you feel they are not safe suggestions, correct them. I gladly encourage that.



Geeze I get so tired of: "Your not a real zoo, if you do X"

The same shit that went around in the mid 90's.

Group called themselves RWZs. "Real World Zoos"

If you didn't have pussy juice drying on your dick, you're really not a zoo.

I had been shagging critter for 25 years before the intenet came long for me.

Like Silverwolf said, some of those guides would have come in mighty handy.


The primary goal is to minimize harm, first to animals then to humans.      For that to happen information is needed.      More information is better.     I also learned about sex the hard way, long before the internet was invented and had some pain in the process.


That said, I have personally refuted some of the "info" in these How To, Boar Guides.


On 12/12/2017 at 7:22 PM, Mfkfznfp said:

That thick cum can stay in you for days so you should be ready for that. It will slide out later without much warning. so you should stay at home

Good advice. The last thing you want to hear is, "Ma'am, I think your water broke" followed by "why is it solid?" : )


4 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

In our day we had no choice but to feel our way, and for me it made for both awkward and tense moments for my lover and I. Such guides that exist today would have helped an emotional relationship that was becoming physical to have progressed more smoothly. I agree that each animal is an individual with individual needs, likes and dislikes, but these guides are a good starting place.

They may be used by some to try and simply fuck, but with-out non-sexual experience with the species they are useless for only that. Most here are not here looking for a quick thrill. The forum itself does not promise those types much likelihood of progression. Folks coming here do so for different reasons. Most of us don't fit your elitist view of what a zoophile, nor can these guides. The guides have been on the 'net as long as we have, or longer, and will stay on the forum to provide some safe initial suggestions to new zoophiles, whether you, or I or others, see them as such or not. If you feel they are not safe suggestions, correct them. I gladly encourage that.


Silverwolf, you know I do respect you, but here you might be wrong to scold me. My position on these how tos is that they are squite similar to openly distributed "bomb recipes". You just cannot make sure that there will be no abuse when this is out in the open and personally I know of quite a lot of cases where these "fuck algorithms" actually encouraged "fencehoppers in spe" to "just try it because I just have to push A, squeeze B, then stick C in D and everything is fine." These how tos not only give the false sense of "oh , it´s not so hard to fuck an animal, is it?", they also display a terrible mechanistic approach , the said "live sex toy manual". Do we really need that? In our current position in society? 

Besides that, due to my age I also had to find out everything myself, ´cause no internet back then. And to be honest, in retrospective this wasn´t a disadvantage for my personal development. Actually, I consider it an advantage because I could find my own sexuality rather than just mimicking or imitating what "one of the experts wrote"...and I can only encourage any young and inexperienced zoo to approach their own sexuality alike. Without any interference from outside, without any "smart fuck guides". You will learn more about your animal in a few minutes when you are with it than you will really "learn" by reading all of the available "how tos" combined. So, what´s the real use of those how tos anyway? Any why is it necessary to have them here when they´re practically all over the net? 

I wouldn´t even mind to edit a how to as all animals are individuals and what pleases one mare can easily net you a nice hoof to your groin or face with another. My Hannover mare liked me diving under her belly and suckle on her teats very much...my Tinker mare isn´t fond of that at all. Those how tos do not give tribute to that simple fact about animals, they literally encourage to treat animals like they´re identical to one another...mechanistic, with a total lack of emotion. I also don´t know where that fear of "elitism" comes from...aren´t we all supposed to steadily improve and strive for more and deeper knowledge? Is it elitism when I don´t want to see the ones I love so much that I dedicated my entire life to them treated like they´re "fuck automata"? Is it elitism when I say that these how tos give a terrible picture for the outsiders and once again only reassure them in their prejudices about us zoos?  

To abbreviate this: Silverwolf, I don´t suggest taking down these how tos. Maybe there actually can be learned something from them...and that´s how not to approach zoophilia, what not to put out in the open. So, for historical purposes I´d say you keep them, but I strongly suggest adding some disclaimer on top of the entire subform that warns those few who actually "need guidance" to not sheepishly trust those how tos and that sex is something that your focus should not lie on. Tell ´em to ask questions about the technicalities of intercourse in the forum instead following a text blindly. Would that be a solution everyone can live with, SW? 


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