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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars)

4 hours ago, Ramseys said:

Geeze I get so tired of: "Your not a real zoo, if you do X"

The same shit that went around in the mid 90's.

Group called themselves RWZs. "Real World Zoos"

If you didn't have pussy juice drying on your dick, you're really not a zoo.

I had been shagging critter for 25 years before the intenet came long for me.

Like Silverwolf said, some of those guides would have come in mighty handy.

...aaaand where has this "everyone is a real zoo, regardless of his actions" taken us today? In case you have missed it, zoophilia is a synonym for bestiality today. We want to be distinguishable from bad people, but introducing certain principles that actually make us distinguishable is "the same shit like in the nineties?" Well, maybe we wouldn´t be where we are today if that "tolerance babble" would have lost the battle in the nineties, ever thought about that?

Have you missed out on something because of your lack of how tos? And why does every paedagogue say that knowledge you have to gain yourself through impulse-reaction-experimentation is much more valuable than "learned" knowledge? 

You are "shagging critter"? Well, I don´t. I make love to my partner who just happens to be a mare. Distinguishability, remember? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 


22 hours ago, Ramseys said:

Thanks HH. 

All I got to say, is they must be worth it to keep you coming back for more.


There used to be profit in them.  (This is a working farm).  Especially if you could get free feed.  

When the profit went away and most of the pigs left, I like to keep a couple.  They are unique and interesting personalities. 

Most of the higher animals are a lot like people from different countries and cultures; they have a few million years of different perspectives but are actually more alike than we are different.  Pigs have no neck to speak of; their eyes aren't nearly as expressive as dogs or horses.  But they express themselves vocally, greet you, follow you around, explore what you're doing, lean on you for attention.  (You think being leaned on by a Great Dane is hard to ignore.....?)   

Far and away my favorite critters are Great Danes.  The "cash crop" these days is sheep.  I like having other critters around just because I like them though.  Couple of sows, goats, donkeys, cow, horses (even though I haven't had sex with a horse for more than a decade).  And just for being a big wiggly fool, an English Mastiff.

What would life be without critters?  

(Parallel observation:  What would life be with fewer humans?)


I can't help being a little suspicious of these guides. They don't portray real situations very well and basically suggest that keeping a farm animal is no more difficult than owning a bicycle--something you can just ride whenever you like, and not have to think about otherwise. That first one (with men and sows) is maybe 15% usable information and the rest is low-grade porn. Then there's the woman who fucks her dogs every day (on the big farm, she says)--plus whatever sex she has with the rest of her livestock ... when does she ever do farm chores?

Where are the cautionaries about the logistics of such a hook-up? There's bound to be a fool somewhere who will just drive out until they see pigs and then stop and ask if he can fuck one--or just hop the fence and try it. Where are the warnings about hooves? And, as heavyhorse mentioned, teeth? It's like the joke about safe sex with horses--meaning steel-toed boots and a crash helmet.

I wouldn't say to take these down, but they need to be updated with a lot of practical information, a decent anatomical tutorial of each animal, and something about their psychology and personality quirks.

Maybe add an overall cautionary to stop and think: What could possibly go wrong? Followed by a list of the worst outcomes.

I can't have a farm animal on my little half-acre; the neighbors would come over and say, "What are you going to do with it?" and I wouldn't have a sensible answer, other than, "Go broke soon." So, yeah, mention expense of upkeep, too.


6 hours ago, threelegs said:

I can't help being a little suspicious of these guides. They don't portray real situations very well and basically suggest that keeping a farm animal is no more difficult than owning a bicycle--something you can just ride whenever you like, and not have to think about otherwise. That first one (with men and sows) is maybe 15% usable information and the rest is low-grade porn. Then there's the woman who fucks her dogs every day (on the big farm, she says)--plus whatever sex she has with the rest of her livestock ... when does she ever do farm chores?

Where are the cautionaries about the logistics of such a hook-up? There's bound to be a fool somewhere who will just drive out until they see pigs and then stop and ask if he can fuck one--or just hop the fence and try it. Where are the warnings about hooves? And, as heavyhorse mentioned, teeth? It's like the joke about safe sex with horses--meaning steel-toed boots and a crash helmet.

I wouldn't say to take these down, but they need to be updated with a lot of practical information, a decent anatomical tutorial of each animal, and something about their psychology and personality quirks.

Maybe add an overall cautionary to stop and think: What could possibly go wrong? Followed by a list of the worst outcomes.

I can't have a farm animal on my little half-acre; the neighbors would come over and say, "What are you going to do with it?" and I wouldn't have a sensible answer, other than, "Go broke soon." So, yeah, mention expense of upkeep, too.

You know something @Threelegs: you've stated a problem I have with a -lot- of animal / pet / farm owners, not just the 'new zoos' or 'beasties' as it were.


Animal ownership is a big responsibility: food, medical care, training and socialization, it all adds up. Whether it's farm animals or someone wanting a 'fur baby' (dog or cat) it really annoys me to see that sort of mentality in these guides. 

Now I will say this: especially for my 'first time' with my canine love it would have been -so- much easier having access to at least anatomy material. I had none and there was some painful experimentation (on my part, not his): lucky for me at the time I never knotted. I knew the 'basics' of the whole deal but not the finite details: had I know maybe we could have consumated our relationship a little better.


That being said, this is why I love communities: like this one in particular where folks will point out flaws in material such as this. Especially for the new zoo this is where I see places on the net like this as terribly useful, not just a porn-dump but somewhere where people can find good, and as accurate as possible information on the subject. I don't know nearly as much about pigs as dogs, but it does sound like @heavyhorse  knows his way around a pig or two.


 We do need to take into consideration that nearly all the material in the "Guide" section here and elsewhere is older than dirt.  A majority of it was written in the early to mid '90s when one could actually use newsgroups.  There is a small amount of factual information tossed in here and there along with a generous helping of bullshit.  The intent was primarily shock value.

 Legend has it that the alt.sex.bestiality newsgroup where most of this stuff originated was created as a joke but people who are actually into this stuff found it and ran with it.  Maybe so, maybe not.  Who knows?


Good point, and something I forgot about. Misinformation can be just as bad as no information at all. Plus now-a-days there actually is a slight improvement in animal research: psychology, physiology,  and social structure.

A prime example of some 'newer' material that comes to mind in the realm of animal study (for me at least) is still a few years old. The 'canine self-awareness experiment' (using scent to determine if an animal understands self, and can easily recognize self), and research by U.C. Davis school of Veterinary Medicine alongside Dr. Karen Becker (SP?) on the negative sides of spaying / neutering entirely. Versus the less invasive and healthier Vasectomy or Ovary Sparing Spay for Canine species.

That being said: not just for sexual purposes but some true, and more up-to-date info would be nice, I have a feeling that 'good info' could be quite hard to come by as I doubt most researchers (human, or animal researchers) would risk their career on the topic of sex. Especially inter-species sex..


Folks, if the guides are outdated and inaccurate, improving them seems to be the course of action to take. I haven't the experience outside a few oddball bitches so am unqualified to contribute. I beg those who are to improve or totally rewrite these guides for the safety of the animal and the zoophile.



1 hour ago, silverwolf1 said:

Folks, if the guides are outdated and inaccurate, improving them seems to be the course of action to take. I haven't the experience outside a few oddball bitches so am unqualified to contribute. I beg those who are to improve or totally rewrite these guides for the safety of the animal and the zoophile.


I respectfully decline.  Writing a "fuck guide" seems headed a bit the wrong direction and unnecessary in my opinion.  (Taking boars is outside my realm, so that may be different, I just don't know).  But fucking an animal if you're hopelessly ignorant about the species isn't somewhere I want to go with the discussion, and if you DO know the animal/species by associating with them, taking care of them, being with other people who do, sex is going to be completely unnecessary to explain:

Get nekkid

Get hard

Apply lube if needed

Insert tab "A" in slot "B"

Reciprocate until cum


Although I agree with you sw; if someone's going to grouse about the "guides" beyond noting they are outdated and inaccurate, leap in there and do better!


37 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

I respectfully decline.  Writing a "fuck guide" seems headed a bit the wrong direction and unnecessary in my opinion.  (Taking boars is outside my realm, so that may be different, I just don't know).  But fucking an animal if you're hopelessly ignorant about the species isn't somewhere I want to go with the discussion, and if you DO know the animal/species by associating with them, taking care of them, being with other people who do, sex is going to be completely unnecessary to explain:

Get nekkid

Get hard

Apply lube if needed

Insert tab "A" in slot "B"

Reciprocate until cum


Although I agree with you sw; if someone's going to grouse about the "guides" beyond noting they are outdated and inaccurate, leap in there and do better!

Dog, for example, can be a good deal more complicated.       All the dog keeping and training in the world won't tell you about the special angle needed to enter a bitch.       Not knowing how a knot works can be even more disastrous.        Youngsters are going to try no matter you or I say so more info may save some poor animal an injury.


Us "old guys" and the "dead guys" before us figured it out, without the 'net and certainly without "hookups" or others to teach us.  I never fence-hopped for other species, the animals were ours, knew me from feeding and caring for them.  I still remember very well the first pony mare I "knew" (no problem figuring that out at all!).  I also recall my first time with my first bitch.  The angle is obvious if you put your finger in and feel the way first; it never even occurred to me to just throw her down and ram it in.  And anyone approaching it that way deserves to be reminded to slow down and figure it out.  I also remember my first male dog contact, again a dog that knew me very well, and exploring what he had and how it worked before trying anything.  

Yes, something needs to be said for people who "dream of being fucked by a stallion (or a bull)".    Or other insanely dangerous behavior.  That would be the purpose of the guides, even with the fantasies and inaccuracies.  And don't take my choice not to write sex guides as a vote against others doing so.  I just don't think I want to go there.  (Actually, I think the intimate moments exploring my animals' bodies and working out the details were some of the best times of my life).


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