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Gherkin sized?  There might be some recoil there, you think?

I'd like to have one of those pumpkin-shooting air guns.  Lob dead coyotes the next hill over.  Nah, I don't have issues with the neighbors.

OK, maybe I have issues with a couple of them.  Making their lives more interesting by having dead coyotes randomly falling silently from the sky should start some interesting wives' tales. 

Hey, not just me.  I used to know a guy that shot dead possums off of the 4-lane ***** River bridge with a propane potato gun.  He tried donkey turds, but they just turned to powder. 

Guess it's a hillbilly thing....... 


5 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Gherkin sized?  There might be some recoil there, you think?

I'd like to have one of those pumpkin-shooting air guns.  Lob dead coyotes the next hill over.  Nah, I don't have issues with the neighbors.

OK, maybe I have issues with a couple of them.  Making their lives more interesting by having dead coyotes randomly falling silently from the sky should start some interesting wives' tales. 

Hey, not just me.  I used to know a guy that shot dead possums off of the 4-lane ***** River bridge with a propane potato gun.  He tried donkey turds, but they just turned to powder. 

Guess it's a hillbilly thing....... 

If you want to fling bodies I strongly recommend a Trebouchet.


Well, when I worked for a station in Atlanta, we got the first t-shirt gun Joel Whatsisname made.  It would put a wrapped t-shirt atop an 8 story building.  We blew a hole in the shop wall screwing around with it.  He scaled later ones down.




5 hours ago, caikgoch said:

If you want to fling bodies I strongly recommend a Trebouchet.

True, they used to fling dead cows over castle walls.  But call me old fashioned; a really big air gun is just more satisfying..... 


5 hours ago, littlejohn said:

Well, when I worked for a station in Atlanta, we got the first t-shirt gun Joel Whatsisname made.  It would put a wrapped t-shirt atop an 8 story building.  We blew a hole in the shop wall screwing around with it.  He scaled later ones down.



Yes!  This!  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />

There's almost nothing that can be done, that can't be overdone!


1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

True, they used to fling dead cows over castle walls.  But call me old fashioned; a really big air gun is just more satisfying.....

The acceleration is different.      A trebuchet has a much longer time of acceleration and a gentler curve.      It's much easier to keep a decomposing body from flying to pieces with a trebuchet.


This has progresively swerved into a very strange topic. You can sign me up for it anyways.


1 minute ago, Fiber said:

This has progresively swerved into a very strange topic. You can sign me up for it anyways.

Well hell yes!    [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />  Off-topic can take us in interesting directions, keep things from dying.  

Just so we can keep it between the white lines and it doesn't turn into a troll-fest, enjoy the journey.  


9 hours ago, caikgoch said:

The acceleration is different.      A trebuchet has a much longer time of acceleration and a gentler curve.      It's much easier to keep a decomposing body from flying to pieces with a trebuchet.

Ech!  I don't want to deal with decomposing bodies.  Although that's the best way to spread plague and death as a biological weapon (blanket donations notwithstanding).

I want to stuff 'em in the barrel while they're still warm and limber, and let fly.  

I wonder how armadillos would do?  I would think the aerodynamics would be superior.  


Something like golf balls.



They're making a phone case that looks like a handgun.  Especially in your pocket where you can't see the squared-off front end.  Looks like a gun butt sticking out of your pocket.

(Thanks to the stupid uploader being broken I can't post the screen grab.)


Https// www.wvlt.tv/content/news/Police-Dont-buy-cell-phone-case-that-looks-like-gun--495199001.html

Can anyone say "Justified police shooting"?


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