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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars)

I wish these had been available when I was 13 - 14.  The idea that they offend someone's sensibilities is like anything else written - simply don't read it.



My opinion on those guides is the exact same as my opinion on sex education in general: people will have sex no matter what, and it's better if they have some idea on what they're doing. I don't believe any amount of "emboldening" or whatever is anywhere as harmful for sex as ignorance is. Quality and factual accuracy of guides is a very valid concern, but their existence? I don't think so. If the only thing we tell people about sex is "follow your heart"... a lot of stupid mistakes happen. Factual knowledge is important.


Was really excited to see guides on pigs of both genders(they are my main desire <3) 

Now after reading I’m definitely disappointed. Ignoring the sheer missinfo the way they talk about them is just horrific. Sows weren’t put here to be a place to put your pp. They are wonderful intelligent loving creatures. Not just warm fleshlight. Same with boars. Even though the cum is a large part of it… I wished they talk about their ability to form connection and be a loveable companion. This guide just feels like “how to make an animal have a sex with you.” Not “how to have sex with an animal” (the focus should be on a partnership not just, how do I get my rocks off) 

The missinfo is also rampant, from a ladies side, if a boar is really trying to get up in your cervix, you will not be feeling bliss. You will pass out from pain. As thin as a pigs member is, woman cervix only dilates up to 1mm on her period. Less than that most of the time. If you can find me a pig with a member that small than I’ll accept this guide as fact. Or I’ll just have to assume these women are in labor (or some other wild explanation.) 

honestly I felt like I just watched porn, in text form. Honestly I’ve read a lot of guides but this one seems… extra frivolous. 

I’m not gonna say it should be deleted, I’m all for freedom of speech, but to be honest I’m disappointed [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" /> 


4 minutes ago, idkalol said:

Was really excited to see guides on pigs of both genders(they are my main desire <3) 

Now after reading I’m definitely disappointed.

 ~                   ~                      ~


I’m not gonna say it should be deleted, I’m all for freedom of speech, but to be honest I’m disappointed [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" /> 


Interesting commentary! May I make a suggestion?

Why don't you compile a HOW TO... from your point of view and post it here. 

When I see it, I'll pin it to the top and/or make a post.




3 minutes ago, Hiway said:


Interesting commentary! May I make a suggestion?

Why don't you compile a HOW TO... from your point of view and post it here. 

When I see it, I'll pin it to the top and/or make a post.



When I get some actual experience (other than just having a cervix sand having met a few pigs) I will write one. Hope I can get a pet pig eventually, regardless if they want to pursue something sexually or not [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" /> 


 You do have to take into consideration that many, if not most of these "guides" date back to the early days of the Internet.  I first saw them on Usenet in the mid-1990s and they were rather dated then.  Most seem to be 5 percent fact, 20 percent fluff and 75 percent made-up nonsense.  Some seem to have been written strictly for the shock value.

 I would say 'use them at your own risk' but there is more risk to the animals involved than to the humans in most cases.


For sows... I can say they make great companions for nearly anyone unless you live on a big city. Then they become a problem for those without much space.

I enjoyed reading the guide, and I can tell that some sows do hump back. Specially those in heat, and trust me they might not be bigger than horses but they will surely send you to their pen for more fun after you're done.

Just be careful with passing out near them though! Pigs eat literally anything!


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