Would you be companions with, or even be intimate with a Coyote?
Yes, both.
Yes, but no intimacy.
No, I don\'t like them / don\'t find them attractive.
Unsure / Don\'t know enough about them.
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Coyotes, who's with me?

So, I figured I've been a bit opinionated, philosophical, told a lot of my life story, and been involved in some topics I consider 'serious'. Let's do something more light heart-ed for a change!

As I sit here typing this with my windows open at 2:30 AM, and it around 60 degrees outside, I can hear a pack of coyotes in the field around my house. They're close and 'talking' a lot!

I just can't resist those little caramel balls of fluffy adorableness. Their bodies look both soft and plush, as well as athletic, faces sharp and alert with just cute-as-hell ears.. What's not to love? Of course living more eastward (Ohio) we have the larger 'eastern coyote': fluffier, larger bodies and slightly stockier, contrary to a lot of the nimrods around these parts they are -not- Coywolves, there's no wolves in this state anymore that I know of. They're just a larger subset of the normally solitary, semi-small canines roaming out west. I also can't help but to kind of enjoy their 'trickster' personalities and how they seem to be good at Ventriloquism (you think you hear six, it's just two... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" /> ).

They get such a bad rap, and can be a PITA at times, but I just don't see it. Never had a 'bad' encounter with one yet if I'm honest.

Also, all this is pretty much purly hypothetical (the Poll, and the idea in general) as Coyotes make kind of lousy pets (their intelligence, trickiness and their sort of anti-social mentality) and I would never advocate for removing an animal from it's habitat period: especially for sex or as a 'trophy pet'.

That being said, as the poll question says: Would you offer your time, love and or intimacy to a Coyote if given the chance? What do you find attractive, like, or dislike about them?

Me: a definite yes! Hell I'd like to just meet one up close honestly, but that's not a good idea in the wild (especially with the likelihood of them being Rabid or having something infectious). I have heard the story of 'Wiley' (Oh god, really?) the  Coyote from Wisconsin who was rescued by a former hunter and raised as a pet.. But that's probably a one-in-a-million to my knowledge.



I would.

I suspect I know someone whom actually does.  I mean I know a) he's a true professional with animals (a practicing veterinarian), I know b) he -has- coyote companions and handles them expertly, c) he writes steamy furotica with coyote characters ... but I don't know that he is, for certain, actual zoosexual.  My 'zoodar' twitches, though. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />



I raise sheep in the midwest (OK).  I run a game-and-fish dep't installed trap line on my own property.  I have intimately examined dozens of coyotes, coy-wolves, coy-dogs within seconds of dispatch.  Even the high-wolf-percentage 80 Lb coy-wolves have such tiny genitalia that a fingertip won't fit.  So unless pregnant or just after whelping, not gonna happen.  But like foxes, go with the fantasy..... 


Like many I've seen them as both friends (at a distance or when I was still volunteering at a wildlife rehab) and an enemy ( as a farmer and subsistence hunter) here in the NY mountain country. Unlike the bear or bobcat (or wolves), they will attack the dogs and livestock which is a huge turn-off mentally. As HH has said above though, with close examination of many, genitalia is nothing like dogs in size. Those I've seen have been live and fairly large Eastern variety but have been smallish. Though larger body-wise than Shadow was they were smaller in vulva size.

In fantasy I might, as I would with wolves. In reality I wouldn't though.



They're the only canine I find physically attractive. Couldn't say why, as I find all "similar" looking animals [wolves, huskies, etc.] unappealing at best. 

Don't live out in the country, or on any sort of land really, so never had any bad experiences with them. Even if I had I doubt it would have really altered my opinion on them much. I try not to blame animals for being animals. My boyfriend, having worked on a farm in the past, is definitely not a fan though haha. 

Do plan on having one one day, as they're cheap and accessible around here. I voted yes to both on the poll, but that was an "in theory" sort of thing. I'm monogamous so when / if I do get one, nothing sexual will be going on even if he's willing. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />


Something I might note:

Coydogs look a lot like the dog parent, though longer legged and narrow body.  Some have looked like Aussies, typical black/white markings, Irish Setters, etc.  The surest way to determine if the canid-looking critter is coyote related is that they react violently crazy thrashing around as you approach, even to their own destruction.   To make things easier on them I approach in a diagonal, as if I'm going to walk past, and pause 50 or so feet away for a head shot (fastest way).   The policy of the Game and Fish Dept is whatever you catch, even non-target, is "shoot 'em and chuck 'em", don't risk injury.  But other wild animals don't react like coyotes; with technique I can and do release foxes, raptors, the odd dog, etc., maybe a bit scuffed (law requires "humane" traps, rubber jaws or smooth flattened jaws).  For comparison foxes typically bear teeth and lay down with the trapped foot extended, I can pin them with a large stick and release the trap with both hands.  Point is, I doubt a coyote or coy cross is ever going to achieve stable behavior, even raised from pup like a wolf hybrid.     


Good points SW and HH, I -hate- seeing anything killed: but especially if it's interfering with your own survival, you've got to do, what you've got to do.

Reason I stated as Hypothetical is I did know they were by and large too small to have any sort of 'easy', 'full-blown' relationship with. I still can't help but to find them adorable and at least a little cuddly though.

Like I mentioned with 'Wiley' most instances like that are a sort of one-in-a-million. You can make friends and even pets of them but even in a professional's hands, at a sanctuary a Coyote is usually more unpredictable than even an Alpha Male wolf.

Oh the subject of Wolves, I would definitely seek a relationship with one, even a full-blood if I knew them well enough and had been around them 'from the beginning'. That being said though it's still very dangerous, much more powerful than dogs in general: have a much more 'strict code of conduct' (what they will allow of you, and what they won't: and what greeting customs / body language they'll accept...).

All in all Wolves themselves are probably best left fantasy but I'd imagine it at least remotely possible with the right environment and circumstances. Their size isn't a huge limitation either.



 Some years ago, I was on my way to work shortly after sunrise.  I was waiting in traffic on an Interstate highway on-ramp and a coyote or coydog was pacing at the edge of the ramp, apparently waiting for a break in traffic.  He had a beautiful, plush coat and a nice brush of a tail.  He was about the size of an average male German Shepherd Dog.  One thing that really caught my attention was the fact that he was quite well endowed as coyotes go.  That fact leads me to lean more towards the idea that he was a coydog, though he did not have a "doggy" look about him.  I have seen dozens or perhaps hundreds of coyotes around here (northeast U.S.) and as others have observed, they are unimpressive in the genitalia department.  Not this guy.

 I've had a longtime fantasy about engaging in a sexual romp with a male coyote (or pretty much any other "wild" canid.)  Just a fantasy, though.

  There was a fast-food restaurant at a turnpike rest area not too far from here where idiot patrons were feeding one or more coyotes that hung around the place.  They were OK with people who had food, but after a while people who didn't have food would get bit.  They were removed by the State Fish and Wildlife agency, and I'd rather not think about what happened to them after that.


6 hours ago, DingoJay said:

There was a fast-food restaurant at a turnpike rest area not too far from here where idiot patrons were feeding one or more coyotes that hung around the place.  They were OK with people who had food, but after a while people who didn't have food would get bit.  They were removed by the State Fish and Wildlife agency, and I'd rather not think about what happened to them after that.

Can agree there. This is why, especially in public places and urban settings it's a -bad- idea to feed wildlife or coax them closer. It could lead to actions that guarantee their destruction, and it's not reallt their fault in the matter. You can't have people bitten, scratched, or potentially exposed to Rabies or other infectious diseases either.

Oh a lighter note: it is a shame Coyotes are 'small' by comparison.. If we're talking purely sexual for a moment they do have quite the look.



It would be cool to have one as a companion, sex on the other hand unless they are male I don't see being possible


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