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Offering a Discord: for those interested. :)

Hey everyone, it's been a while. I was in a slump for a while, couldn't figure out what I wanted to do and was just generally down. Things are looking up however: and I'm in the mood to post again. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> 

So I'm going to throw something out here. You are free to take me up on my offer or not, up to you entirely. A good RL friend and I run a Discord server, it's small and private with no 'huge publicity' surrounding it. Mainly a group of friends who talk about every sort of random crap from daily life, philosophy, engineering and anything and everything in between.

We're sort of 'chaotic', only having one 'general channel' and a voice channel: however if our populous increases I'll start fixing up some things with it and make it more presentable. I'm the co-admin of the server and can offer invite links.

Even as admins we don't have access to any of your account details or IP address, as well as other sensitive information: though it does appear on Discord's servers we've never had a problem and have posted some pretty raunchy stuff. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> We require no strict authentication and our server is set to only require valid email.

So, if you have Discord, are curious or interested, feel free to let me know.

Here's how I'll do it:

Either reply to this thread or PM me and I'll send you a one-time use link to join the server, I *will not* post a public, unlimited link to reduce the risk of the server getting attention, and to avoid the risk of a bunch of trolls joining our community. Again the server is small but open: we allow both Zoo and Non-Zoo discussions there, I can even set up roles and channels for just that purpose.

A couple things I ask though,

- Please be respectful as you can to any members or admins there and try not to start drama just for the sake of it: we can set up a system for working out problems and talk things out like civil folks if something comes up.

- You are more than free to post writings in the server, though posting it as a text file will probably be necessary due to the chat message size limits, again I'll do channels for it. A link to here or pastebin works as well.

- Roleplay chats, if there's an interest in this I'll do roles and channels for this as well.

- I'll need to make 'NSFW' channels too if anyone desires to post genitalia / anatomy images, I'm going to ask you not to reveal any 'personal features' (face, etc: think the forum's 'porn rules' applied elsewhere). Again, we allow explicit, even Zoo Explicit: just no abuse, and if we feel something is abusive we reserve the rights to remove it.

So, still interested? Shoot me a PM or reply to this thread and I'll toss you a join link! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

- Hope to see some of you in the server.

Oh also, a quick P.S: I'm in that server -constantly-, so if someone needs help or just wants to talk I'll be around a lot of times.


i have no idea what this means so it is definitly not for me...but good luck....


4 hours ago, shortleash said:

i have no idea what this means so it is definitly not for me...but good luck....

Discord is a communication / messaging program. I don't expect a lot of the members here to know what it is, or want to join really. Figured I'd toss it out since our admin is alright with the idea and has been interested in getting some new members.


If you are willing shoot me a link.


Done and done.... I sent it in a PM. 

If anyone else wants a link, just let me know.



disco me



Got'cha covered Eagle, check your PMs in the forum. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />



how safe is this? if I don't have a VPN, would I be in danger? im new to things like this but i dont want to make a risky move or anything even if it's a small chance


51 minutes ago, mrpaws said:

how safe is this? if I don't have a VPN, would I be in danger? im new to things like this but i dont want to make a risky move or anything even if it's a small chance

If you don't have a good VPN everything is risky.


Though Discord has a 'no bestiality' policy, as long as we operate like the forum here, and don't push porn we should be fine. 

Myself, nor the other admin will allow any members to post Bestiality: of themselves or someone else. We're all good with art and with Genitalia / mating (as Silverwolf has done with this forum) but there's going to be channels and special roles required to access them for just such content.

Also, Caikgoch is right: *nothing* online is 'safe' without a VPN, hell even with one things can go wrong if you have a DNS leak or something.

I've had many an interesting discussion and never had an issue with Discord: then again, small server and a decent group of friends have helped that case.


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