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A question from a fellow zoo

14 hours ago, mrpaws said:

made him bleed many times months ago because i didnt know a lack of lube was causing it. i also pulled behind his knot a few times and it made him squeak a little even though i did it softly and with lube, so its hard to believe you, sorry..

If you made him bleed and still continued to repeat it, that is why he yelped, you made his penis more sensitive, I have never had a dog whine from pulling on a tie, always use lubrication especially if your not letting him mount, even just having it exposed to air to long can dry it out and cause him pain, those abrasions can take quite sometime to heal, and won't if he keeps getting dry, or you touch him with bare skin without lube, even safe sexual contact could still hinder healing of his penis; my advice would be lay off of sexual contact for a couple months, then try again, when you do, make sure you get lube on the area behind the knot where you would be holding the most, and avoid touching the shaft to much but also make sure he has lube there too; that he stays moist at all times, remember lube does get dry after a minute, so pay attention to that, don't let him go dry or it will cause him to yelp, using his precum as lube to keep him moist would be most effective, just some advice from a zoo that's been active for decades [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />


6 hours ago, mrpaws said:

See? I know nothing about sex. But im curios, is that like a normal orgasm where you normally cum? seems strange.

Im indeed not sensitive because i masturbate daily and i never feel a single thing. Ive only had about 5 orgasms in my life i think. The anal toys i used also seemt pretty boring and not orgasm inducing ( even though it was suposed to be one ).


Thanks again for your help

Anal toys aren't all alike, and it's hard to know what will work without trying it. I bought one once that was supposed to stimulate the prostate and produce multiple orgasms, but nothing I did with it was anything but painful. The inflatable dog dildo I use is from Elypse Art; a little pricey, but very versatile. Great pumped full of hot water. I've even pumped it full of water and frozen it to cool myself with on really hot days. The thick walls of it insulate some, so the temperature sensation is mild and longer-lasting.

I've never had an orgasm from stimulating the prostate alone, but it adds a lot. If you don't know about this yet, you can find your own. Reach down between your legs from the front and get a lubed finger or two up into your rectum, as far as you can. Then pull forward and down. The prostate is a firm lump against the front wall of your rectum, quite easy to find and unmistakable. Stroke it slowly and firmly and you will express prostatic fluid, the same as pre-ejaculate. This should give a pleasurable sensation; I find it relaxing and sexually exciting at the same time.

You mentioned making the dog bleed. Before handling any such sensitive tissues, make sure your hands are smooth and free of calluses that might scratch, and trim your fingernails short and polish the edges smooth.

Best of luck.


7 hours ago, mrpaws said:

See? I know nothing about sex. But im curios, is that like a normal orgasm where you normally cum? seems strange.

Im indeed not sensitive because i masturbate daily and i never feel a single thing. Ive only had about 5 orgasms in my life i think. The anal toys i used also seemt pretty boring and not orgasm inducing ( even though it was suposed to be one ).


Thanks again for your help

It's very much like a normal orgasm, though more powerful and intense. The thing with toys is they only respond how you move them... When there's a lot of body heat, fluids, throbbing and pulsing.. It's very much a different experience. Though like I said: I can't say for sure how you'll react with him in you because I'm not you, everyone's different.

I didn't orgasm every time with my love in me, though when I did it felt like enough to make me go cross-eyed.. Very intense.. Not to mention my internal muscles locking around him in spasms with my climax seemed to drive it on. 

- Also, glad to offer what I know in hopes it'll help someone else out.



Ugh... i try 1 - 3 times a day and i still cant get it to work. I know he isnt fully hard until hes in me but can he mount me when i get him as hard as i cane make him? or should he only be slightly hard? because eventually he gets too hard and have to wait until hes smaller again. During that time he just lets out a lot of precum and humps the air and needs a break.

Ive tried backing up into him while hes slightly in me but it just wont work. He then gets off after a few seconds. I cant reach him down there when hes doing that. Not sure how to explain but if im on all fours i just cant hold his dick and push it into me. Am i really that much of an idiot?

Caikog had an excuse because he didnt have any help, but i do have them and still cant do it after so many tries... i feel depressed and like a loser un less its really his size. Im starting to lose motivation like him. Maybe i should do it with someone elses dog or something?


2 hours ago, mrpaws said:

Ugh... i try 1 - 3 times a day and i still cant get it to work. I know he isnt fully hard until hes in me but can he mount me when i get him as hard as i cane make him? or should he only be slightly hard? because eventually he gets too hard and have to wait until hes smaller again. During that time he just lets out a lot of precum and humps the air and needs a break.

Don't stroke him or stimulate him too much or he'll lose interest once he's neared his peak. Canines peak -just- as their knot reaches full inflation and will continue to slowly orgasm and pulse for as long as they stay tied and there's pressure on the knot (a good ten - forty-five minutes in some cases). Another thing, maybe don't try so much in a day. Try teasing him for a week or so -then- try going forward again.. Let him get horny, take a break and figure things out.. Most actual dog breeders will only breed a stud once, maybe twice a week tops to make sure they're good and ready (and virile..). As much as we'd like to think not: there is a such thing as 'too much sex'.. If it's constantly clouding your brain (or his) it can hurt performance too, on both sides.

2 hours ago, mrpaws said:

ve tried backing up into him while hes slightly in me but it just wont work. He then gets off after a few seconds. I cant reach him down there when hes doing that. Not sure how to explain but if im on all fours i just cant hold his dick and push it into me. Am i really that much of an idiot?

Okay, first things first, if he's waist high to you or even taller: stack some cushions to raise your -entire- body a few more inches off the floor.. If your a 'small fellow' and there's not much to grip for him he'll lose interest, again. Also a note on position, don't go up on your hands. Because your shape is different and your hips don't align like his do: your *rump* needs to be a little higher than the rest of you.. This will ensure he can hook his paws and really rock forward. Pushing back or moving too much may cause a 'new stud' (your shep, he's a virgin the same remember) to dismount or even think he's not wanted there. Look on YouTube or even a site like this, or even 'barnlove.com' for German Shepherds mating or just dog mating.. Notice how he's pretty much only latched around the bitch's hips.. He's at a bit of a higher angle and his shaft actually: when mounting a bitch, points up at about 60 - 85 degrees, so at around 'eleven o'clock'.

Remember, down on your forearms, rear up in the air and sort of 'lean' your rump back before he mounts if you can. If you think he's 'too tall' stack some pillows, cushions or if it's short enough: try leaning over the edge of your bed.. Be warned though if you're leaned over your bed, he ties, and tugs.. You're going to have to find a way to move with him, which is going to involve dropping to the floor -carefully-.

2 hours ago, mrpaws said:

Caikog had an excuse because he didnt have any help, but i do have them and still cant do it after so many tries... i feel depressed and like a loser un less its really his size. Im starting to lose motivation like him. Maybe i should do it with someone elses dog or something?

Internet or no, Caikgoch's points are still 100% valid ones paws: remember we could be 2,000 years in to the future with canines and even the best communication techniques available.. It's not going to change the principals of sex, especially inter-species sex: where bodies are different, equipment works differently, and  communication of positioning and other things is an issue. Caik is still 100% correct, and his 'timeframe' can very well still be valid. We're merely posting our anecdotes here, imperical experiences and information gathered.

That being said, every dog, every person, and every time with the same two partners is, and will always be different. We can't make it happen, but we can give you the tools to -help- make it happen.

Another, slightly more personal set of questions..

Do you enjoy him, love him? Is he the one who makes you smile every morning / afternoon / night when you wake up? I know my 'husband' was.. I still love him very deeply and it took us -ages- after the 'accidental' discovery to get it right.. Yet I still stuck with him, stayed committed and never gave up. it's like Caik said too, you're going to stumble.. Hell he even has to invest in steel-toes for his lovers.. Be glad you don't need buckets or boots.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> But seriously, it -will- come to you.

I think in some regards you're trying *too* hard, trying to push for it too much.. If the two of you relax, simply bond, experiment every once in a while and not be in a hurry it'll be so much sweeter when you -do- finally consumate your relationship.

EDIT: No you shouldn't just 'try with someone else's dog': especially without permission.. That may give you 'the feeling' you're after, but you're going to have to learn -that- dog too, and it won't really help with -your- lover.. Remember he needs the experience the same as you do. If you learn together, it'll work out a while lot better in the end. 

I mean, Caik's had a lot of canine partners, and an Equine or two..  I've had one canine partner, and some of it does carry over.. But I'm sure even Caikgoch will tell you that -no- lover will be the same. I bet he's had two of the same breed or more with two or more totally different experiences. I'm not trying to be snappy or a dick here, I'm just telling you the truth.

- Best of luck to you sir and feel free to reply at any time. I'm here a lot and following your thread. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> 



First, he doesn't have to be any amount of hard to get it in you.     He has a bone for that.

Second, he will respond to things that you cannot see, hear, or smell.    You have no way of telling what his reaction will be.     I have had a dog screw me regularly for a couple of years then just take a six month break.     Just as suddenly as he stopped, he picked back up with a week long orgy.    He never did tell me why.

So what you need to do is work on being as sexy as you can for him.      Study bitches in breeding vids.     Tease him.     The closer you can get to his natural cues, the faster he will understand what and how he needs to do.


Very true statements there Caikgoch.. I've had my love do the very same thing.. One week it's "Give me that ass, it's mine!" next couple weeks "No thanks, let's snuggle! And you'd better rub my belly..." it happens.. Just like with us.

Posturing, and more importantly scents can play a big role.. If you don't emit any pheromones that say 'I'm horny', but instead 'I'm scared!' or 'I'm depressed..' he'll pick up on that.

Canines are surprisingly good at detecting human mood, better than us at times.

Thanks for mentioning that Caik, I didn't think of that one.


19 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Remember, down on your forearms, rear up in the air and sort of 'lean' your rump back before he mounts if you can. If you think he's 'too tall' stack some pillows, cushions or if it's short enough: try leaning over the edge of your bed.. Be warned though if you're leaned over your bed, he ties, and tugs.. You're going to have to find a way to move with him, which is going to involve dropping to the floor -carefully-.

I did all of this and i still cant get the position right.

19 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Do you enjoy him, love him? Is he the one who makes you smile every morning / afternoon / night when you wake up? I know my 'husband' was..

Not really because i never feel happy. And.... husband? really?

19 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

No you shouldn't just 'try with someone else's dog': especially without permission.

Why not? you tried it with your family dog. pretty sure they wouldnt be happy either if they found out. its not really any different.

I have a few ways to easily get alone with some dogs so theres no risk involved.

19 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

it won't really help with -your- lover.

If he cant do it then theres no point in staying comited ( there isnt in the first place because dogs dont care ).

18 hours ago, caikgoch said:

First, he doesn't have to be any amount of hard to get it in you.     He has a bone for that.

I know but i just want to know if its possible if he can get in me while hes as hard as i can make him. it means that if hes as hard as i can make him that i have to wait for him to be small again.

14 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Posturing, and more importantly scents can play a big role.. If you don't emit any pheromones that say 'I'm horny', but instead 'I'm scared!' or 'I'm depressed..' he'll pick up on that.

Then thats the issue or our size. i can only know by trying with him regulary and also doing it with other dogs.


mrpaws, you said, "I have a few ways to easily get alone with some dogs so theres no risk involved."

Yes there is, which is why I also advise against it. Accidents can happen; the owner could return home unexpectedly and wonder where his dog is ... bad things can happen and you can't foretell them. And you have no way of knowing how those "other" dogs will perform. What if he dislikes the attention and bites you?

Besides, how would you feel if your neighbor came and 'borrowed' your dog (or anything else you own) without your knowledge or permission?

This is 'fence-hopping,' and it's viewed unfavorably here.



In my situation these risks would not be there.

Id say im in more risk doing it with my own dog since my family come over often and my sister and mother even have the keys to my home. The owners of dogs i can petsit arent like this because they will be on vacation.

Could have said the same for my own dog saying he could bite me and not like it. Ive already gave blowjobs to two other dogs i know not so long ago and this argument just doesnt work.

I wouldnt like it if they did it with him but if i never found out then what really is the problem? If youre so worried about the opinions of others why even admit to having sex with animals at all? it all has the same effect.

If other people see you admit to fucking animals online they get triggered. if you fuck their animals behind their back without anyone knowing no one gets bothered.

What im saying is that no one wants you to fuck your own dog either so if you REALLY cared you wouldnt have sex with your own animals either. Youre contradicting yourself...

Whether youre fucking your own or someone elses dog the risks are different and fencehopping isnt always more risky.

And really? in the last few days ive been browsing this forum very thorougly and a lot of zoos here seem to be fencehopping.

What about arcticwolf in this thread?


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