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Like some of yous guys, I'll click on a video of some guy poking his dick into a female critter... And end up shaking my head at it. They'll rub the end of their cock on it, around the labial, and pushing and pushing, and not getting very far. If you are like me, you end up shouting at the screen, "Put some lube on it, numb-nutz!"

It's amazing how a little dab will do ya' sometimes. Humans don't have the natural lubricant as a dog would. Or the super smooth texture of a bull, ram, buck dick. And even if she's willing but not in heat, most twats are DRY.

I know, I know... YOUR particular female is a slush bucket back there. But not everyone has a Ms. Juicy-Cunt.

What's a fellow to do? (If you are next to the guy that shouted 'Vaseline", Smack him!)


SILICONE is another no-no.

Who ever said, "Water Based", gets a Scooby Snack.

"water based lubricant. A unique dual purpose vaginal moisturiser andlubricant. For topical use to relieve discomfort or as a sexual lubricant. Formulated from water-retaining plant polymers to rehydrate delicate tissues. pH balanced to maintain the typical vaginal environment and combat thrush & irritation."

 Stuff not to use include, but not limited to: Crisco, butter, whipped cream (or any other oil-based food item), hand lotion, soaps, mineral oil, or anything else that is oil-based.

Instead of listing a bunch of lubes that you should use. I'll just say GOOGLE: Glycerin-free and paraben-free


Last but not least is J-Lube.

Only thing I have to say about it is, To smooth it out a bit more, freeze it and thaw before use.

Now I did find someone else that had a lot more to say about J-Lube.


J-Lube consists of a thickener/lubricant and a dispersing agent. As innocent as all this seems, it does present certain potential health hazards that are most likely (in my opinion, anyhow) minimal but it just seems wrong to not mention them if I know about them.

The sucrose in J-Lube is a sugar. It isn't anything particularly dangerous, but it does carry a few risks in certain instances. First off, it provides food for bacteria, and in the absence of any sort of preservative it is something of an invitation to the mixed product going bad and developing mold or other bacterial growth. This is easy enough to combat and prevent, but you should be aware of it so that you don't accidentally wind up with a spoiled batch of J-Lube that could lead to other nasty things like yeast infections. Second, as it is a sugar, if you are extremely concerned about coming in contact with sugar (for example, you are diabetic) you should keep that in mind depending on how you plan on using it. True, the amounts of sugar dissolved into the solution are incredibly small. Still, I have read posts online from people who refused to use J-Lube precisely because they were diabetic and afraid of how they might react to it. This is something you need to decide for yourself in terms of risk, but seeing as glycerin is a major part of many lubes out there (and glycerin is considered a carbohydrate by the US Food and Drug Administration) it seems like if you aren't afraid of glycerin lubes then there's probably no reason to be afraid of J-Lube. There's also questions of exactly how you'd manage to absorb an appreciable amount of the sucrose since there's so little of it in the final mix, but again, if you're truly health-paranoid then consider yourself warned.

The lubricant/thickener in J-Lube is the one with greater health warnings. Toxicity relating to infiltration of the peritoneum aside, there are a couple of known risks with it. There have been studies showing oral toxicity in rats, but this was for ingesting much larger quantities of polyethylene oxide than anyone is going to reasonably ingest when using it as a lubricant. If you are into sitting down with a huge bowl of dry J-Lube, a spoon, and a healthy appetite you might end up with some health problems. But for most cases, a person would not be eating it and it would be difficult to absorb it in appreciable amounts through any other route.

What is probably of greater concern is contamination by other chemicals. Polyethylene oxide is known by many different names, but the most common one is probably polyethylene glycol, also abbreviated as PEG. PEG is specified along with a number indicating the molecular weight of that particular kind of PEG. In the case of J-Lube, only the manufacturer knows exactly what kind of PEG is being used but based on my tests and comparisons against many forms of it, it is most likely what is called PEG-90M. PEG-90M is often used in shampoos, lotions, and most frequently, shaving gels. It can also be used in various industrial manufacturing and refining processes. According to the database at the Environmental Working Group's "Skin Deep" web pagesPEG-90M can contain some nasty impurities such as ethylene oxide (a known carcinogen and suspected neurotoxin) and 1,4-dioxane (an irritant and suspected carcinogen). As such, they list it as a chemical with a moderate to high hazard rating depending on usage. In the case of J-Lube the amounts of PEG-90M would exceed the typical usage by an order of magnitude at least, so if you abide by the warnings at the EWG pages then J-Lube would fall well within the "high hazard rating" category. Absent of an actual chemical analysis, I would expect the contents of J-Lube to not be considered pharmaceutical grade based on the cost and the lack of human safety requirements (it IS intended for farm animals after all, and not humans). So again, consider yourself warned.

Now, with all those statements having been said, is there a realistic health risk? As always, that is for you to decide on your own. The usage of any cosmetic carries with it certain risks, and certainly the information on the EWP page makes it sound incredibly scary. All I can say is you should decide for yourself. I have listed as much detail here as I have about the ingredients in J-Lube, which should provide anyone concerned about the potential health risks with some good starting points for further research. Anything beyond that exceeds the scope or the intention of this document. 



You *definitely* deserve credit for that one Ramseys.. Some of this stuff is easy enough to look up but that's some valuable info there.. I hadn't gotten around to digging on it yet.

Sounds like J-Lube is -fairly- safe, but something like KY would be a little better maybe? Also yeah, oils of all sorts are out..... Not easy to flush away or absorb like a water-based one is.

Very good work. Oh and to the numbnuts out there, like Ramseys says: especially with canines, LUBE YOUR SHIT! Sometimes it's a tight fit and you both need some help.. Pulling a Rocco Sifreddi and just ramming it harder isn't going to solve anything and leave you with an injured animal....



shame no one told me when i was starting out olive oil wasn't a good lube ... cause it shure seemed to work ...

any one have an answer why vegetable oils are unsafe in the small quantities we use? also mineral oil has been consumed by people for various purposes, seems like it was a goto laxative for my parents when i was a kid .... is the amounts used for lube simply to much for  an animal to get a lick or two off and cause health issues?

as far as ky... it SUCKS dissipates real fast and turns real sticky from my usages.


I really prefer what nature provides, use extra very seldom.

2 hours ago, arcticwolf said:

any one have an answer why vegetable oils are unsafe in the small quantities we use?

Oily stuff seems to provide a basis for bacteria.  Leaves a residue that doesn't flush away with natural flow of secretions.  


8 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Oily stuff seems to provide a basis for bacteria.  Leaves a residue that doesn't flush away with natural flow of secretions.  

Yeah, pretty much this.. Bacteria breeding ground and no easy way to 'flush' it since most bodily fluids (all?) are naturally water-based.

8 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

I really prefer what nature provides, use extra very seldom.

Very true for some species like Bovines, Equines... Canines however can require some 'extra'. They can be / are naturally a little wet.. But for them we're a tighter initial fit and some are 'wetter' than others from what I've gathered over the years (no expert with bitches, experience with them was limited to some oral and a bit of rubbing..).



10 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

I really prefer what nature provides, use extra very seldom.

That works real well with mares but I like stallions too and I can't come close to horse level lube naturally.


The link Ramseys gave is a very long page, but I read the whole thing, and it's worth it. For one thing, the author of that page brought up a point I was going to make: that what we're after is a mucus-like substance. I also liked the explanation of the mechanism by which J-lube works, by forming polymer strings (mucus is a polymer).

I think that the ultimate in long polymer strings produced by living creatures may be zebra spooge. It's like a huge, inseparable one-piece nutload. I think if you counted what spilled on the ground, the whole thing would be, like, twenty feet long at least.

I tried to upload still photos, but got error messages again.



I have to agree J-lube is best all-around.


I have used butter veg oil and olive oil before for anal. it works in a pinch but ONLY FOR ANAL. 

only ''improvised'' lube I've used for vaginal is spit.

j-lube is the best water based lube I have tried, and well worth the effort of having to mix it up yourself.


This thread has proven very useful. You pretty much confirmed what I thought too Kuvasz: I've seen it mentioned many places that J-Lube was one of the best.. But was a bit questioning when some of the info started popping up here.



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