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To small to fit all in

I have a pit, who roughly weighs 25 pounds or so, when she is in season she gets rather well... horny and will turn her butt into me and flag, I can get in half way before she starts to get uncomfy which is fine by me, i read on another forum that you shouldnt if you cant fit.   She is happy and i know when enough is enough.  Have you had similuar experiances?  What are your thoughts


Both Tippy and Shadow were smaller (25-30lbs) but both fully accommodated me so I really can't say.
I'd say just generally to stop if she shows any discomfort. If she's comfortable and seems to enjoy it part way though, and you know absolutely when to stop, I cannot see the harm.
I usually recommend against smaller dogs though, just as a general rule. There are, as my girls were, always exceptions. I definitely would not try forcing her to take more, by intentionally going deeper or by attempts at stretching her as some would do. That is going to be uncomfortable, and possibly dangerous, for her and thus cruel.
Just my thoughts on it,


Is she a virgin bitch?  Has she been bred before, by another human or dog...?
Is she under 2 or 3 years old?


I Agree with the previous statements, I would recommend to not try and push it further because you don't wanna harm her, like pushing past her cervix, which could be very painful if you stretch this part of her vagina..
And I hope she is fully mature if your attempting to penetrate her...  
 If she can only accommodate half of your length, that's all she may be able to take.. Having a litter of pups may increase the size of her vagina, but make sure she's matured enough before you consider that option (at least 3 years of age) ..
  My previous pit only weighed 40 pounds and before she had a litter of pups, I could only penetrate a little bit, which she still loved because I'd massage her clit with my thumb while I done short slow stroking motions.. Anyways to get to the point, after she had pups I could fit all the way no problem..
  She's the only smaller female dog I've been with, there rest were 80+ pounds, and I had no problem penetrating all the way, but I guess some dogs are just naturally tight than others, or have a shorter vagina due to their body size..


She has never been bred and is about 2 and a half, i dont plan on breeding her at all.  If she is allowing me to go this far with her  and she is comfortable  and ok with it then i am happy 


My female dog is pretty large, but she never wanted to let me in, so I refrain from that. She will not let any male dog near to her either, so I don't take it too personal. She gives pretty good lickjobs, so that has become our way.


I don't see why it would be a problem, honestly. If you're both happy then go for it! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]


Nonetheless, my view is do as you will, as long as it causes no harm (and you respect what she wants) .. If the two of you are happy than who am I to tell you otherwise.. Just take it slow and be careful, use plenty of lubrication, theirs never such thing as too much, (Think of the immense amount of precum a male dog releases) .. If she shows any discomfort than obviously don't take it any farther..


We got our way set, she lets me know when its enough.  So shes happy im happy and all is good. 


Im glad to her that; hers and your happiness should be all that matters, I'm glad she has a great; loving owner [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]


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