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Rather well done. Your writings always manage to draw me in, and hold me there.



9 hours ago, threelegs said:




Yes indeed! What a great reality you spin.


You are a master story teller


Of course all the usual warning about this containing "Zoo Sex" and if you don't like.

Then Smeg off

Copyright 2019

Part 3.

    Bill opened his eyes... The angle of the sunlight meant it was still early... 

    "Must of been a dream". The human told the old ceiling fan, high above the king sized bed. Cause as much wine as I had, my head would be pounding now. There for, I dreamed it all. Two things that were real, was that he had to piss like crazy and he had a major case of morning wood. Swinging he feet out of bed, he donned some old slippers and went out the door that led to the back deck. Living so far out in the country, he didn't have to worry about neighbors seeing his naked body, and bobbing erection. Quickly going across the deck and down the steps he got a few feet out in the back yard before he let loose a stream of yellow urine. He knew if he had tried to make it to the bathroom, this stiff dick would have made aiming at the porcelain bowl, almost impassable. He didn't make a habit of doing this, so there wasn't any danger of smell building up. Next rain and all will be gone. As the relief swept through him, he tried to remember just what did happen last night. Rosie was a stand out, she always was. And Suzie Ewe, he remembered her... But the rest had to have been a dream. Wasn't it?

    The end of the stream and the sound of cloven hooves on the deck, made the human put the thoughts of last night on hold.

    Lora and Nora were two Nubian milk goats. One of his old friends from his FFA days had a milk goat farm. His twin daughters had picked out twin goat kids to raise for showing. His friend had really great goats, but the two the girls had chosen... Well the best they could do was third place. And when it came time to breed then, they only had one kid apiece, not the normal two or three. And since the girls had headed off to school, he didn't need a pair of doe that weren't even that great of milkers. and he knew that he just couldn't sell them to be slaughtered, if he did, he would never hear the end of it. He just so happened to bump into Bill at the feed store. And after hearing his tale of woe, He offered to buy said goats. Bill's friend only wanted a few dollars for the pair. He just wanted to be able to tell his daughters that he sold them, and they went to a nice farm to eat the browse the sheep didn't want. Which was true, Bill could use some brush control and the two goats would be perfect.

    The fencing Bill had for the sheep wasn't anywhere near high enough to keep the goats in, so they pretty much had the run of the place. Which meant they hung around the house most of the time, and spend the heat of the day, on Bill's porch in the shade. Since they had been bottle raised and fussed over for the first years of their lives, they felt that living with sheep was somehow beneath them. Well it wasn't long before they had worked their way into the house, and into Bill's bed. Whether it was the comfy bed or the thick cock of the human, the pair were soon part of the shepherd's harem.

    The human retraced his steps across the yard, up the steps and back into his bedroom. Nora had already laid down in the warm spot left by the shepherd. Whether it was the dream, or the dark gray goat, with black strips and a white line along each side of her muzzle, laying in his bed, Bill's erection was harder then ever. Since it was a warm fall day, the door was left open, and the human stepped closer the bed. He could clearly see her puffy, heat swollen vulva. The lips had a sheen from the mucus that oozed out. Normally he would engage in some foreplay, sucking her teats, rubbing her belly, playing with her cunt... But his throbbing cock, was wanting her sloppy twat now!.. A little pump of lube, and Bill was 'knee walking' on the mattress, to get aligned with the reclining doe. He rubbed some of the lube on his cock and also on Nora's puffy nether lips.

    Then Bill did as he normally did, he sat back in his heels for a good ten count. This isn't the first time this goat had been in his bed, and he was sure she knew exactly what was going to take place. But he always gave her one last chance to change her mind and get up and go out the open door.

    The human rolled the doe onto her back. Her gray hair turned into a black stripe down the middle of her chest and belly before fading back to a light gray hairy udder with two peachy flesh colored floppy teats. After a few years of not being milked, her udder had shrank back somewhat, but those teats will never look like they did before she had her kid, and spent a year with a milking machine sucking on them. Pushing her hind legs forward, rolling her tush up, so her pinkish vulva was soon aligned with his shaft.

    Pulling the foreskin back, he guided his purple helmet shaped glans between the swollen lips of the animal's vulva. Slowly he pressed in, savoring every inch. By the time he was fully buried into the goat's cunt, Bill's breath had become ragged. 

    "Oh fuck... Nora... you feel so hot". The human had read how many animals that were on estrus, actually had slightly higher body temperatures. Due to the 'slam-fire' nature of bucks, and that she had a kid, she wasn't, 'snug' like the ewe's were. None the less, the soft warm flesh that surrounded his dick felt exquisite. Again and again he plowed his cock into the soft wet folds of her cunt. Bill leaned foreword... The goat's hind hooves rested on each shoulder, rolling her rump so the human had a easier angle to fuck the doe... Belly to belly, the shepherd made sure to not put too much weight on the animal... The doe's body was longer then a human's, so Bill snuggled his nose into her chest. Since these pampered animals were bathed weekly, there was only the slightest hint of goat. Not that he would have minded if it were stronger... He loved the lanolin smell of his ewes.

    Not long after Bill got the goats home, the shepherd was soon convinced that the dairy herdsman was shagging his goats. Out in the sheep barn, they both hopped up on the platform he had built for the ewes to stand on while he fucked them. Now the human knew a little about goat behavior, like how they liked to be on something high, and the low platform was about the only thing around with height... But he didn't think that included waving their tooshies about with tails held high. It didn't take Bill long to confirm that both doe loved, having a nice thick human cock, plow into their cunts.

As Bill thrust his groin against the furry loins of the goat, it would be easy to just think he was just an animal fucker... But you'd be wrong. The human felt deeply for all of his animal harem. They weren't just a warm hole to dump a load in... feeling the doe under him was more then just that. He felt love for her. Not walk her down the isle, meet the parents kind of love. But a deep desire to make her life a pleasant one. Whether or not she felt anything for the human, he had no idea. But the way she would willing come to his bed, time after time... Well she must like it too.

    Even though Bill still was convinced that last night was all a dream, he did try the, "Open one's self to the animal" trick and see if he could tap into the feelings of the goat. Changing thrusting speed, length... How much 'oomph' he put into each fuck thrust... And for a second he thought he could feel something from the doe... But a powerful orgasm brought all of that to a sudden close, as the human's milky white cum slammed into the depths on the animal's vagina. Jet after strong jet of semen hosed the entrance to her cervix. 

    'Damn that was a powerful one'. He thought to himself. Carefully rolling onto his side, and taking Nora with him... He kept himself buried in the goat's cunt. Somehow the jumble of hooves and arms, ended up with the two in their sides. "Damn I hope I dream of Pan more often", Bill told the animal.

    Coming out of the bathroom, having showered off the sex slime, Bill noted that Nora was still asleep on the bed, with her head on the pillow and rump on the towel he had slid under her, so the jizz that dribbled out of her twat, wouldn't  soak into the mattress. Going to the dresser, he pulled out one of the many pairs of khaki cargo shorts he had. His Bib-overalls were mainly for when he had to move hay, bags of feed, or going to town. A t-shirt with an antique tractor logo on the front, completed his dressing. Putting on his slippers, he'd put his work boots on after he got some breakfast, he opened the bedroom door and headed down a short hall and was just about to turn into the kitchen, When he noticed someone was reclined in his 'lazy-boy', in the living room. Then he saw the two cloven hooves on the raised foot rest.

    While not as bad as last night, Bill was staggered to see that it wasn't a dream after all. And to further compound things, why was Lora laying on top of Pan?... Which was quickly cleared up when he saw the goatman's dick was deeply planted in the doe's cunt as she was astride him, 'cow-girl' fashion. Various sex fluids  were flowing out of her vulva and over the massive goat balls. At least the alien had put a towel down first. 

    "Oh good, you're up".

    The goatman reached down on either side of his thighs and lifted the goat's hooves up so they wouldn't get caught in the chair's mechanism. Leaning foreword, he made the back come up. With an arm wrapped around the doe's body, he held her while he flipped the leaver on the side of the chair that lowered the foot/hoof rest. Lora remained surprising calm as Pan leaned even farther foreword, until her back was on the floor and he released her. Helping her roll over to her hooves, the goat got up and shook herself to get her coat back to the right place.

    "Better let her out". The alien pointed to the white blob of cum that was oozing from her cunt.

    Bill nodded and opened the front door to his home and the doe trotted out and into the yard where she squatted to expel piss and other things from her sex. Turning he closed the door. Seeing Pan had gotten up from the chair and was using a dry end of the towel to wipe off the goo from his ball sack.

    Handing the towel to the human, he asked. "Got a shower I can use"?

Gingerly Bill took the towel and told the goatman to follow him. The human led Pan through the kitchen and onto an enclosed back porch/utility room. Next to the washer and dryer was a fairly large shower. Pointing to it he said, "It's got good pressure and the water gets hot pretty quick. And there's a bottle of soap I use on everything. Me, the goats, sheep.... I use it to wash off the chaff when I've been out cutting hay. I'll get you some towels to dry off with". Bill opened the top of the washer and dropped the jizz coated towel into it, and opening a cupboard over the dryer, he took out two older, but still nice and fluffy towels and left them on top of the dryer for the alien. The sound of the shower started behind him as he went back to the kitchen.

    Lora, after expelling most of Pan's cum, had gone around the house, finding the bedroom door still open, wondered in, waking her sister, and the two proceeded to the kitchen where Bill was having his first cup of coffee. There was a old metal cookie tin on the table, the human opened it had fished out a hand full of goat treats. He tried to pace the girls, but of course they were goats after all, and they soon had treats devoured in no time. Bill hardly noticed, he was still trying to process that last night wasn't a dream after all.

    "FOOD... excellent idea". Opening the refrigerator, the alien asked, "Got any eggs? I make a mean omelet".

    "Of course he knows how to make an omelet"... Bill muttered to himself. "He's over eight hundred years old". "I'll take the girls out and feed them". The human told the goatman. He then got up and headed out through the utility room. When the twin goats heard the top of the grain barrel open they instantly followed. Taking a scoop of grain out the back door, followed closely by doe goats, he split the grain between two pans out in the back yard that were situated under a old tree.

    "That will keep 'em busy for thirty seconds... I better go close that door in my bedroom". And again the left the goatman alone in the kitchen. The sound of vegetables being chopped,  and the smell, of bacon sizzling in the pan, followed him down the hall and greeted him as he returned. "Find everything you need"?

    "Oh yes, eggs, mushrooms, onions, I'm frying up some bacon to crumble in... The bell pepper you had looked a little past, so we'll just have to make do without".

    Not knowing where else to look, Bill watched the short tail that sprouted from Pan's ass. It seamed to have a mind of it's own, as to when it wagged, for how long, and how fast. Finally another thought did come into the human's brain... "Coffee"?

    "That would be great... Black please"

    Bill busied himself with his little pod coffee maker. Since it was usually just himself here, making a big pot in the old Mr Coffee seamed so wasteful. But it was pretty fast and by the time he had made a cup for the goatman, and a second cup for himself, Pan was putting two plates on the table.

    "So what do you think". Pan was cutting onto his omelet.

    "Looks delicious".

    "No I mean about last night, all I told you, last night".

    "Oh.." Bill had taken a bit of his omelet. Chewing and swallowing quickly. "That really good."

    "I fried 'em in the bacon grease... You have a chance to think on it"?

    Again there was the sound of chewing... "Well.... When I woke up this morning, I was sure the whole thing was a dream". Taking a sip of still fairly hot coffee, Bill was trying to think of something to tell Pan. "And I had this massive case of morning wood... and there was Nora... and then there you were in the recliner, fucking Lora... and now you've just cooked the best omelet I've ever had... So, no... I've really hadn't much of a chance to do any thinking... It's all been just a blur".

    Pan leaned back in his chair and let out a loud belly laugh. "I like you human. Someone else would have tried to BS me with some made up crap. You just told me like it is".

    Bill continued to eat his breakfast and drink his coffee in silence.

    The alien watched him for a few minutes... "Questions Bill"?

    "Yea.... I guess the biggest one is... What the heck was in that wine"?

    Again Pan let out a hearty laugh... "Ahhh... You think you were drugged last night... Well you weren't... well... depending on how you look at it"...

    Bill looked perplexed.

    "There was nothing foreign or synthetic in it. Everything in that wine flask was all natural and from right here on earth. Sometimes folks would figure out the mixture, and then kept is a secrete. It's just six herbs that, in the right combination, increase stamina, seminal fluid output, semen production, libido, erection hardness.... We put all the things that makes living on this planet enjoyable, right in everyone's back yard.... "

    Bill was about to take the last bit of his omelet, when he stopped and eyed the ingredients. The flecks of green he just thought were chives or parsley, something like that... "Umm.." He pointed at his fork.

    "And they taste damn good too". Pan's grin was nearly ear to ear.

    "So... should I go bring the sheep into the barn? Or are we just going to fuck those two goats all day"?

    "Well first off. That herb mixture doesn't work that way. It just gives you the ability to perform at buck levels. It's still up to you as to what you do with it".

    "But last night?..."

    "Last night you did exactly what you always wanted to do. Fuck like a Ram. I just made it possible".

    "Oh". Bill said rather meekly, and stuffed the last bit into his mouth.

    Pan once again smiled and leaned back. "And don't worry about what to fuck, I've made some  arrangements". And with that cryptic announcement, he went back to eating.



[Image: 2b8831b72c0aab605afc076a457315f7.jpg.472...8b21c1.jpg]


Nice writing, as always.



Excellent ...always been an Equine/Canine kinda guy......this makes me think about what I'm missing !! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

Oh, boy! There's more!


On 4/30/2019 at 0:15 PM, Oregon said:

Excellent ...always been an Equine/Canine kinda guy......this makes me think about what I'm missing !! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

Missing much, you are!  


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