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California legalized prostitution of minors

Wow, never thought I'd see the day where people except that type of stuff over beastiality apparently as long as your human anything goes, meanwhile nationwide zoophilia is illegal and new laws are being passed against us but in California it's alright to fiddle a kid, as long as your paying them, wtf is this world coming to.....

Many psychologists are also excepting pedophilia as a legitimate inborn orientation that can not be changed, there is push all around the world to get this shit legal, don't believe me do a google search... Yuk



from     ht  tp://www.politifact.com/california/statements/2017/jan/04/travis-allen/lawmakers-claim-about-california-legalizing-child-/



Last year, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law Senate Bill 1322. It decriminalizes prostitution for minors by preventing law enforcement from arresting people under 18 for soliciting sex or loitering with intent to commit prostitution. Supporters of the law said it’s designed to treat children involved in prostitution as victims rather than as criminals.

It does nothing, however, to legalize commercial sex acts.

People caught having sex with minors, soliciting sex with minors or arranging clients for them can still be charged with crimes.

"The key is that the children involved are not liable, not that the conduct has been legalized," said Gabriel Chin, a criminal law professor at UC Davis School of Law, who analyzed the law upon our request.

Chin added that under the new law "child prostitution is treated just as, say, the production of child pornography is." Adults involved are subject to criminal prosecution, while the children, who are seen as victims, are not, he said.



Right but if you look at it from the point that there's no repructions for minors if they do decided to get into trafficking, it's gonna be a gateway for it to happen, why did they even feel a need to pass the bill in the first place, as in most cases the child doesn't get arrested in abuse investigations, it just doesn't make sense to me, it seems as if it's a gateway to promoting it, even if that wasn't the intention


I just think it's odd that this law got passed after the German government was outed for promoting pedophilia, as well as all the weird shows that the mainstream media is promoting, such as Victoria secrets lingerie show featuring five year old girls in very questionable outfits; amoung many other questionable shows I've noticed on tv the past few years; it just all seems like normalizing and conditioning to me..


For instance there is a show on Fox called the Mick and one of the characters is a 6 year old boy, who wants to become a girl; don't get me wrong I have nothing against transgender people, but promoting it through a child is messed up.. his character wears girls dresses, and to make it even more messed up there is a scene where he has a bondage gag on, since when was it acceptable to have that on tv and find it humorous....

Their is alot of evil people out there running our media industry, hell our government as well.. this worlds gonna fall into chaos soon I can see it coming


5 hours ago, Cynolove693 said:

since when was it acceptable to have that on tv and find it humorous...

You obviously don't watch Family Guy....  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />



15 hours ago, egoldstein said:

You obviously don't watch Family Guy....  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />


Ya lol I do, and some of the stuff on the show is messed up, but animation is one thing..  real life shows are another


6 minutes ago, Cynolove693 said:

Ya lol I do, and some of the stuff on the show is messed up, but animation is one thing..  real life shows are another

Ever heard of Soap?       And whatever you don't ever get cable.      Game of Thrones will scorch your eyeballs.


the reason they treat pedophilia better is simple politics. a lot of politicians ''like''' kids  and so they do things like this so as to save money by not having to fly to 3rd world countries to indulge themselves.


I don't see any good reasons to believe there's any sort of "pedo-normalization" going on... the sexualization of young people has been a thing since always, and there are other reasons behind it besides pedophilia... and in any case, there's no big conspiracy agenda behind it.

Well, I'm glad zoophilia is not as popular as a scarecrow as pedophilia is, at least.


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