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Anonymous Interviews

Earlier today I've made an introductory post, in which I've mentioned an ebook that I am working on, together with the fact that I have decided to potentially add another chapter, which I can't quite produce on my own. In other words, I need help from willing participants and here's why.

Most of the work is serious, in-depth argumentation dealing with ethics, however it occurred to me that it could be worthwhile to include some anonymous interviews as well. That's where you guys come in. That's where you guys come in. I need people with a strong emotional and sexual attraction to nonhumans, who are willing to participate in this sort of thing. I'm obviously not going to ask you anything, that could out you.

There are two ways of doing this, if there's anyone, who'd like to get involved. Either I can post a list of questions and people can post their respective answers, or it could all be done in DMs in a more personal fashion.


Post up the questions, people can review them and see what they like without any further action. If they like them, and see them as harmless they can DM them back? I like the above, just another method they may draw in more folks along with the methods you have listed..... Or did I misunderstand you? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

No, you didn't misunderstand at all and I think you're right.

I don't have the finalized list of questions ready yet, because I have waited to see if there will be any willingness to cooperate before I fully commit. I understand that this may feel weird for many, because I've literally just joined and I'm looking to ask people a bunch of questions. I'm very aware many of us are fairly paranoid and often justifiably so.

But like I said, I think you're right - it will probably be for the best if I post a set of questions and people can then decide whether to engage with them or not, or tell me to change certain parts.

It's getting late here, but I'll do my best to provide a decent selection of questions before I go to bed.

Also, here's one more thing - having a rigid Q&A format tends to produce more "mechanical" results, whereas 1-on-1 improvised conversation format will be more "organic". I wouldn't mind having both if at all possible, so I'll try to integrate them.


Very well, here are the questions v1.0 for anyone, who's potentially interested in helping me out. Please, do not include explicit, graphical descriptions of bestiality, as the interviews will ultimately be published as a part of a book and it is not acceptable for it to include passages, which could be considered pornographic. Go into as much detail as you want, provide a lot of information, but don't let it spill over into smut. Also bear in mind that each overarching "question" has numerous sub-questions in it not because you have to individually answer all of them, but because they are meant to inspire you and give you a general feel for what I'm getting at and what I'd like you to talk about. Feel free to go beyond what I'm asking or focus on specific parts of it. Thank you.

#0 - Please, if you don't mind, share a little bit of general context about yourself first. You can skip this one, if you want to. If you'd like to share something about yourself, it doesn't have to be very concrete at all. You don't have to state your precise age or anything like that - for example, you can simply state that you're a white, straight, college-educated, middle-aged married man. That's perfectly vague and perfectly fine. I'll leave this up to you, feel free to share anything you deem relevant, which isn't covered by other questions. Also, you can state here how do you want to be referred to - I can use your user name, I can simply call you anon, or I can use a different (fictional) name you provide.

#1 - Do you consider yourself an exclusive zoophile or are you interested in humans as well? And to what degree? Compare the personal significance, which both kinds of relationships have to you. Compare the raw magnitude of feelings you have for humans and nonhumans, as well as their qualitative differences and divergent reasons behind them. Talk about your sexuality and relationships in general.

#2 - Which species - if any - do you have the greatest affinity for? What other species do you find attractive besides that one and in which ways? Feel free to talk in-depth about your admiration for those particular species and the way those preferences and perspectives shape not just you as an individual, but your life itself.

#3 - Share the story of your realization and provide as many details as you feel comfortable with. When did you begin realizing you are a zoophile? Was there a particular event, which sparked it? How did you deal with it? Did you have troubles accepting yourself? Did your very worldview undergo a fundamental change as a result? Has it changed you as a person? If so, in what ways? Did your overall happiness and satisfaction in life suffer or improve? If so, how and why?

#4 - Have you ever personally had sex with a nonhuman animal? If so, what were the circumstance of the encounter? Who initiated it? Would you describe the interactions that took place as consensual? If so, on what basis? What is your understanding of interspecies consent as a concept, how do you define it? How do you view bestiality as whole, which parts of it would you describe as acceptable or unacceptable and why? Which individuals would you describe as abusers? What is your understanding of nonhuman sexuality?

#5 - How do you view your identity vis-a-vis the world and people around you? What is your place in the world, where do you belong? What do you think is your purpose? Is your identity providing you with unique insights, which elude others? Do you think zoophilia as a phenomenon can be useful for a society if approached in a rational way? Have you ever been attacked because of your identity? Do you feel very anxious or paranoid as a result of general social attitudes and laws? Do people around you know who you are, have you ever told anyone? Have you ever been outed against your will? What does it feel like to be a walking taboo? Do you enjoy being who you are or would you change it if you could? Would you still want to change it if you lived in a society, which accepts you? Have you ever tried changing you identity or suppressing it?

#6 - What are your views of nonhumans in general? How do you perceive them? Do you believe in nonhuman rights analogous to human rights, or universal animal rights, which go beyond species? Do you consider traditional treatment of animals cruel? Do you think it's correct and just to consider them property to be owned? Are you vegan or have you considered veganism as an ethical stance and lifestyle? Has your discovery of being a zoophile altered the way you view nonhumans? Has it deepened your empathy for them? Do you find horseback riding and racing abusive? What is your stance on trading and commodification of animals? What do you make of a society, in which it is acceptable and legal to kill an animal because you no longer want him, but a criminal offense to touch his genitals in a sexual way? What place do you think nonhumans have in a human society?

#7 - What are you general values and principles? Where do you lean politically in a broad sense removed from national parties? Are you a follower of a theist doctrine or are you irreligious? Has you being a zoophile altered these perspectives of yours in any way? Do you feel pushed towards a particular branch of anti-establishment movements as a result of being a social pariah? Has your social status made you more sympathetic towards "extremist" ideologies? Are there any demographic or ideological groups you view as particularly dangerous to yourself and your kind? Do you view any groups as allies? Has being censored by the law made you more sensitive to the issues of freedom of speech and its collapse in the West? Do you believe in individual rights and liberties? Do you find yourself to be more suspicious and critical of the establishment as a result of your identity? Would you say zoophilia has helped you be more red-pilled about the world? How do you think should a society view and treat zoophilia and bestiality?

#8 - What are your long-term goals and dreams? How do you imagine the perfect life and how does it relate to your identity and nonhuman animals? How would you go about making the world a better place? Do you have anything you'd consider your personal calling? How do you feel in life in general?

#9 - Is there anything else you'd like to say? Do you have a message for the world, something you'd like people - maybe even those around you - to know, but couldn't say under your real identity? Are there any other related or unrelated topics you'd like to address?


Very good, I do hope you get some lucid and pertinent replies.



Thank you, I do hope so as well.

Here is one more thing I should have mentioned and this goes for anyone, who'd like to participate. Please, be as honest as you can and do not attempt to "make us look good" by omitting details you might deem to be "bad PR". I'm talking mainly about your worldview and feelings about society and people in it. If it makes you desperate and angry and sometimes you just want to see it burn, say it as it is. I can promise you it's not going to make us look bad, I've already made sure of that. By the same token, don't exaggerate things either. Just be truthful and I'll handle the rest. You'll have to trust me on this one, since I'm not willing to share details regarding my specific handling of these subjects - if I reveal any of it, it'll increase the likelihood of people intentionally or subconsciously spinning things in a way that plays into the points I am making. I hope this makes sense. Thank you.


First, I don't see anything on your list that can't be found faster by simply reading the forum.

Second, if you want direct personal interaction, start by giving a little.   What else have you published?  


So, you're brushing off my attempt to inquire in good faith by saying I should just "read the forum", while simultaneously asking me something I have answered yesterday in the very first thread I have made on this forum? See, I can play this game as well, it's just that I don't enjoy it in the slightest and I'd prefer if I didn't have to. I know how forums tend to be, I know how people on the internet tend to be and I really want this experience to not devolve into that. I don't like the stress.

With that said, I specifically do not want to offer my personal interpretations and representations of what others have said. The entire point of interviewing others is for them to provide information in their own words and for me to simply copy it over so that it's completely authentic. Moreover, I don't want to feature online posts in my book, which weren't posted with the explicit knowledge that they would be featured. If I just wanted to scour the internet and dig up a bunch of old mutually unrelated posts, I could. And it would be cheap and worthless. I've already decided - either it's going to be high quality interviews, or I'm scrapping that particular chapter.

Now, please, don't push me to further defend this endeavor of mine. If you don't trust me and don't want to participate, that's fine. I understand that. But telling me to "read the forum" serves no purpose outside of being passive aggressive, which doesn't help anyone. It wastes your time and mine.


This has been tried before a few times, on Beastforum, under the guise of writing a doctoral thesis. 

It did not end well.  


1 hour ago, caikgoch said:

First, I don't see anything on your list that can't be found faster by simply reading the forum.

Agreed.  On this forum and several others.  There are threads/polls by almost the same exact names as each of your questions, on boards with wider following than this one, with more user responses than the total number of active users I see on this board.  Some boards with user names, some with users listed as "anon", your preference of format.  And likely to be a wider cross-section than you get with "solicited" responses, which will obviously bias toward "extrovert" replies rather than a representative sampling of the "community" at large.   


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