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J-Lube and inter-species vaginal intercourse.

So I know we've done the genera topic of lubes before, and I know folks typically regard J-Lube as 'GRAS' (Generally Recognized As Safe). I've used it myself during 'toy play' and with my Gshep partner countless times. As some of you may know, J-Lube is high in Sucrose, myself and a friend with a Female Husky partner got in to a pretty heated discussion over this.

He come forth saying how 'dangerous' this stuff is for Vaginal intercourse, and how 'toxic' it's components could be if entered in to the Peritoneum. This is even stated in the MSDS that you don't want it in the abdominal cavity. His argument was that 'J-Lube could cause mold growth' (later corrected, to yeast, in the vaginal canal: though he wouldn't even give this up. He also tried to 'inform' me that he was worried about 'leeching' (in to the Peritoneal cavity) due to steady use of it for Vaginal intercourse.

He refused to provide any links sourcing his claims, and said to 'just google it', and that 'the information is everywhere', 'I'm trying to fill my head with enough knowledge to keep me and partner safe'.. blah, blah. He suggested this 'alternative' called K-Lube, and again with no proof, evidence or links to back it, said it 'looked safer'. So, I did some digging, and found the K-Lube MSDS, it merely stated in the MSDS that 'plant based oils' were used 'in compliance with REACH' and to 'check appendix IV' or something along those lines.

My question to my fine fellow Zetas here, especially the more experienced / knowledgeable crowd: is there a REASON we should not trust a GRAS Vet. tested / used product for VAGINAL INTERCOURSE specifically? Especially something that has been tested and proven for years?

Is there any major quantifiable risk? Any links / resources / data on this? I know a lot about J Lube and it's uses, but nothing at all of this 'K Lube'. Some more information on this would be helpful and appreciated.

I can't imagine there being major issue here with this lube unless there's an anatomical abnormality, pre-existing health issue, bacterial infection... that would even cause a problem in the first place. From my knowledge, humans use this stuff ALL the time, even for vaginal, with no ill effect.

Any input, sources, studies, etc.. is greately appreciated.



Indeed this argument/discussion has been beat around the zoo community repeatedly.  It may even be here somewhere in the Animal Health section.

J-lube is intended for veterinary RECTAL pregnancy exams in cattle, with a gloved hand/arm.  Where there is "copious outflow".   (That's the charitable term for "a river of shit".)

KY Jelly is intended for vaginal use, and has been recommended in veterinary texts for equine A.I. where non-toxicity is paramount for success.  Non-flavored, non-scented, non-warming.  Just plain KY Jelly.  The active ingredient is cellulose.

NO type of grease or oil is considered safe for vaginal use in bitches.


Why take a chance?


That said, boatloads of people have done as they damn well please with J-lube.  Did their bitches die any earlier?  Did any guys suffer kidney disease in later life? Who can say.  Published studies of lube safety for human/bitch vaginal intercourse are notably lacking.

I don't use it.  You can buy KY in quantity sizes at the veterinary supply without anyone batting an eye.

I've said my piece, and refuse to be dragged into any further arguments about it.




1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

KY Jelly is intended for vaginal use, and has been recommended in veterinary texts for equine A.I. where non-toxicity is paramount for success.  Non-flavored, non-scented, non-warming.  Just plain KY Jelly.  The active ingredient is cellulose.

Thought so.

1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

NO type of grease or oil is considered safe for vaginal use in bitches.

This was ABSOLUTELY the point I was trying to make for this kid, but he wasn't getting it.

1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

That said, boatloads of people have done as they damn well please with J-lube.  Did their bitches die any earlier?  Did any guys suffer kidney disease in later life? Who can say.  

This was kind of my point with him as well. Another way I worded it, considering he doesn't have a 'maiden' bitch, and has used cheap 'store shelf' (NOT KY, some brand called 'nookie' or some unknown crap...) was: "You aren't putting ten gallons of the stuff up her cunt dude, you use just enough to help you get in and get started. Washing your junk and GENTLY washing the outside of her vulva to avoid any extra-bacterial transfer will likely nullify, or nnearly-make-zero, any risk of the stuff."

1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

don't use it.  You can buy KY in quantity sizes at the veterinary supply without anyone batting an eye.

I do use it, but i RECEIVE anal from a Male canine, so a little less risk there v. vaginal.That said, I may change and switch to PURE KY. Water-based, non-toxic, shouldn't degrade silicone toys either (used on ME, not my partner).

1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

I've said my piece, and refuse to be dragged into any further arguments about it.

This may come off rude, but you chose to respond. I didn't 'drag anyone' in to anything. I merely posed the more specific question of vaginal in particular over generalized 'practices' with lube. Alas, that's not the point.

I appreciate the response none the less. I'll leave this here.



I'm sorry if it came across as rude, and certainly not rude to you for asking a legitimate question.  :-)  But I fully expect other replies along the lines of what you describe as hearing from others before.   I too have seen the arguments-- pages long point-by-point discussions of molecular structure of polymers, permeability of rectal tissue, possible paths to the peritoneum, vascular capillaries or kidneys, honey douches, ad nauseam.  It's like some of those people own stock in the company.  I'm simply preemptively stating that my failure to participate in such discussions isn't a sign of agreement with such points, but a sign of exhaustion with them.  BTDT. 

Never stop inquiring!  Now go enjoy your critter.   :-)



Always enjoy time with my partner. I was meaning my comment may come across as rude, not you. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />



All good!  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="B|" width="20" />

Anyone know the composition of ordinary mucus? I think the water-based lubes are trying to emulate that. In my experience, J-Lube is far more lubricious than K-Y, Astroglide, etc. Nice that you can control its viscosity, up to the point of it spinning endless threads (watch videos of zebras mating for an example). You just don't get that with the other stuff.

I do recall in one of the how-to files (here, likely) that J-lube has to be treated carefully, i.e., use clean water and don't let it sit around very long, because it can support all kinds of microbial life. That may be why it's recommended for rectal use (lots of microbes already in there) and not for vaginas, which probably should be pretty clean, microbially speaking. However, it can be frozen. Now, who's up for a frozen lube-cube on a hot day? 


[Image: photo_2018-10-10_14-03-33.jpg.f4627032d3...bf80b3.jpg]

3 hours ago, Ramseys said:

[Image: photo_2018-10-10_14-03-33.jpg.f4627032d3...bf80b3.jpg]

NOT available at your local pharmacy.  But feel free to ask.... 


9 hours ago, threelegs said:

Anyone know the composition of ordinary mucus?

As far as abundant naturally occurring slippery stringy secretions, 2 come to mind:

Dog slobbers.  Especially Mastiffs and Saints.  By all accounts remarkably low bacteria too.

The remarkably slimy stuff on hoofed babies when they are born.  Which of course you have to wait 5 --12 months for refills.  You could probably freeze that too, but you'd probably have to set fire to the ice cube tray when you are done with it.  Maybe the refrigerator too.....  


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