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Have you ever felt one of your previous loves had been reborn in a new animal?

Ever met another bitch with that same look in her eye? Or even felt your love reborn in a different species, say a dog come back as a ram? Or maybe even (Heaven help us) a cow as a woman?

I felt, at times, with Shadow that Tippy had returned. She'd love me the same way during sex or take a familiar pose by the fire. The feelings would always be brief though as her own personality would always shine through. I'd know she was her own being, she was Shadow.

There was a horse in my past though, a mare named Misty. We were never lovers, though as I think back on it she wanted to be. She had a certain something about her, a special persona, an indescribable soul. 

I called the new mare "Misty" without thinking when she showed up in the pasture a while back. She looks a bit like her, but not a whole lot. Mostly in the eyes. For one thing, she's a palomino, the original Misty was a bay. I've searched the mountain, and two over, for her owner and none can be found; advertised her and done all the legal crap. I took her to the local 'pounds'  co-operating farm twice. It's over 50 miles & a lot of forest from here. She showed up back in my pasture both times. They gave up, told me to keep her, for now.  She'll do everything but stall. She doesn't like the barn. The old Misty didn't either. She'd lay in the pasture if she could, with me beside her, when I was a kid. The pal lays down when I approach in the evening. I can't get down beside her, and I worry about coyotes & bears. But she's there still in the morning..




I definitely believe in reincarnation. I haven't experienced the same soul I know reincarnate, but you are not the first person to mention a story like this. I have a friend of mine, non zoo, but she is someone who I know has reincarnated and remembers her previous lives. To the point where she felt so alienated coming back in a male body, she got transgendered to a woman.

It happens in humans, animals, we return again and again living different identities with similar core behaviors, especially if we remember the same people. The more memories and patterns which leak through, regardless of form, the more a spiritual connection deepens between us all.


My herds reaction to her is odd. The buckskin mare is herd boss, and steers the others away from "Misty" at turn-out. Neither challenges the other, but the buckskin holds her head lowered & tail tight as she passes. "Misty" raises to full height, ears up, but neither look at the other. I put out hay as the grass hasn't grown yet, in plates spread out along the fence-line, and the buckskin leads the herd right to it. "Misty" lets them eat, staying at a distance for a bit, then advances to the hay. The mares all move back, buckskin first, a few feet away as the new horse eats. All hold their heads low and none make a sound, but the buckskin softly paws the ground. "Misty" eats her fill, looks the mares over with her head high, whinnys and trots off. This is the first time the buckskin makes any fuss, rearing and snorting after the new mare is well away.

"Misty" ignores the herd through the day, and the herd avoids her by moving away whenever she comes near. If they don't move, she rears and chases them off, the buckskin protecting the rest.

Her only friend seems to be my Border, who will spend the day in the pasture with her, but the Border spends the day alone in the pasture anyway just watching. When I go in the pasture she ignores me as well if I am approached by the herd. When they leave me, she comes near. She's still a proud mare then, head and ears raised, but lets me touch her and talk to her. She 'talks' back softly, shows no nervousness and lets me put my hands nearly everywhere. Her head only comes down if I put mine against her neck. Then I feel it's weight and a light snort. She decides when she's had enough though and walks away. The dog can follow, but if I try she runs.

A strange mare.



I have only once. My first dog Spike i swear came back as my dog third Duke. He lay the same way, look at you with the same eyes, even turn around once before he shook your hand with his paw. Neither liked being in the house but if they where they always slept next to the door to bolt out when the door opened.


"Misty" left here yesterday with the SPCA. They thought they'd found her owners.

My fences are tight, and I check them regularly. After Misty began appearing I started searching for the breach that allowed her in. I've yet to find it.

Misty was in my pasture again this morning. I found her waiting when I went out to do chores. She gave a whinny that I swear sounded like a laugh, reared and disappeared over the hill into the morning haze. The Border ran after her to the crest of the hill, then came back to the barn. I took grain out after stall cleaning for her, but didn't find her.

The Mares all are staying close to the barn today due to a late snow so I left hay and grain over the hill by a tree. I left a message with the Shelter. I'm going to look for the mare if I can find how she's getting in.



A light snow is really helpful for tracking where critters are getting in/out.  Look for her tracks on the outside pointing in. 

I'm betting she's a fence hopper.  

Oh, wait....   >.<   


21 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

I'm betting she's a fence hopper.  

Oh, wait....   >.<   

That gave me a needed chuckle!

I did track her yesterday through the pasture until the snow melted and then a bit more in mud but the buckskin decided to come up and trample any further efforts. The SPCA returned my call & is pissed she escaped their farm AGAIN! The folks who thought they owned her gave a tattoo number to look for if we ever get a hand on her again. She's out there now. I'm watching her steal hay from the herd. She wasn't when I fed or turned out, or did chores, but once I walked in the house she appeared.

She was there last night too, when I brought the other mares in, and came up to me when I called her. She let me groom her and comb that wild mane & tail. The vulva was in sight when I got to the tail and excited me & I tried to touch it. That's not like me at all. I barely know her or her I yet. She reared away and ran. A trust was building.. Besides, I should have been looking for a tattoo, shouldn't I?

The mares again are a distance back watching her eat, the Boss not happy. The Border sits beside her rather than in here beside me. It's snowing again and I'll track her when she leaves. If she's here tonight I'll try to rebuild what I damaged.



I believe in reincarnation. It's a lot more comforting then the finality of death. I recommend watching or reading "A Dog's Purpose" or "The Art of Racing in the Rain".

5 hours ago, HeartBeatOfTheBeast said:

"A Dog's Purpose"

Got that on DVR.  Amusing as well as thoughtful.  

Reincarnation is kind of luck of the draw.  You'd be lucky not to just come back as a mayfly.  


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