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Sorta confused?

Why won't the site let me post any attachments; it just keeps on giving me an error message and logging off.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/mellow.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":|" width="20" />

What kind of attachment are you uploading, and what kind of error message? I went to test a few file extensions, and I can't replicate anything.


Some pics (jpeg) in the animal mating genitalia section; it won't let me post anything there, even when I try to create a new thread, I keep on getting a failed to upload attachment message and then it boots me off to the login screen


Oddly enough it seems to be just that section of the forum too that's giving me a upload failed message and logging out

Edit: Nevermind whatever the problem was it's gone; its letting me post now


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