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Greymuzzle-to-pup barks

Just thought I'd start a  thread for small tidbits of advice for us experienced zoos to convey to younger zoos.  Can be a little funny.  To start:


Getting an intact bitch?  Get dark red sheets and blankets.  Trust me on that. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />


Don't expect anything. Don't demand anything beyond a companion because that may be all you'll be getting. And don't abandon her when she doesn't meet your expectations. It'll haunt you forever, and should, as well as be damning to her.  

Beyond the hard lesson:

Keep a box or three of replacement flooring around for under the bed, dresser, stand, chair or where-ever it is she goes to "nest" after sex. She'll wear the floor out pretty quick!

Friendly, discreet groomers are worth their weight in gold.

Strong furniture beats pretty any day!

Invest in Drain cleaner for your shower!



I'm always happy to hear and take advice from more experienced Zoo's. Thanks for taking the time to make the thread. Great idea.


Goats are little terrorists.  Get 2 or less, they will stay with your other livestock; maybe, just maybe, you won't have goat-hoof skid-marks down the hood of your car/truck.


For some odd reason, I've personally found that female animals that have had an young'un, seam to be more amenable to sexual overtures.

The 4 Great Dane bitches I've rescued from puppy mills have been major sluts. (I'm NOT saying you should breed your bitch just to see if that works. We don't need to add to the puppy over population. RESCUE!)

Same with goats and sheep. And as a plus, you'll fit more easily when the time does come.

And one thing that can not be stressed enough. ALL ANIMALS ARE DIFFERENT! Even between litter mates. 

To echo Silverwolf, be prepared to have an animal that has no interest in sex. Not too long ago I lost a Dane bitch that I bought as a puppy. She lived for 11 years and never had any sort of sex with her. Don't get me wrong, she was a wonderful wonderful pet. And I loved her dearly.

And lastly. Don't be stupid or reckless, but also don't pass up opportunities. That thing doesn't work the same, the older you get.  




13 hours ago, Ramseys said:

For some odd reason, I've personally found that female animals that have had an young'un, seam to be more amenable to sexual overtures.

The 4 Great Dane bitches I've rescued from puppy mills have been major sluts. (I'm NOT saying you should breed your bitch just to see if that works. We don't need to add to the puppy over population. RESCUE!)

Same with goats and sheep. And as a plus, you'll fit more easily when the time does come.

And one thing that can not be stressed enough. ALL ANIMALS ARE DIFFERENT! Even between litter mates. 

To echo Silverwolf, be prepared to have an animal that has no interest in sex. Not too long ago I lost a Dane bitch that I bought as a puppy. She lived for 11 years and never had any sort of sex with her. Don't get me wrong, she was a wonderful wonderful pet. And I loved her dearly.

And lastly. Don't be stupid or reckless, but also don't pass up opportunities. That thing doesn't work the same, the older you get.  



Seconded!  Each and every point.  


If keeping dogs - especially multiples - ditch any carpet you have or any plans you might of had of laying carpet. Even the cleanest most house trained dogs will utterly destroy any carpet in short order.

Easy to clean surfaces are your friend - hard wood floors, leather furniture, etc. Even when I paint these days I spend the extra to ensure I wind up with a surface I can easily wipe down.


3 hours ago, Thunder-Bay-Syd said:

If keeping dogs - especially multiples - ditch any carpet you have or any plans you might of had of laying carpet. Even the cleanest most house trained dogs will utterly destroy any carpet in short order.

Easy to clean surfaces are your friend - hard wood floors, leather furniture, etc. Even when I paint these days I spend the extra to ensure I wind up with a surface I can easily wipe down.

One dog or one thousand, it doesn't make a difference. Big or little, Tall or small. I will say this about hardwoods, get the real deal. Toenails wear through laminate and you can't sand it down. With leather, same deal, you'll find real outlasts fake with dogs.

I've always been a Border man, so cleaning dog hair from EVERYWHERE no matter how much I groom (just like with the horses). Invest in a good, powerful, wet/dry shopvac. Not a cheap brand either. Get the better model and you'll be buying it less often. Toss that weak house vacuum and shopvac the house, you'll be happier.



I note from the vids here, when the dog ties the bitch, his knot is to the rear of her pelvis, inside the sphincter.  Which is right at the opening.  Conversely, when he ties you, his knot is inside your sphincter, which is somewhat further inside you.  Be sure he has enough 'stem' behind his knot for a comfortable breeding.



check out the equipment before taking him for a spin ... finding out after he is good and tight that he is way bigger then you can handle ... to late... you done fucked.

fake tie a dog you don't know good. Better to know how he reacts to a tie and be prepared .. then to wing it and discover he has no clue why he is stuck, and freaks out ... he will rip it out, you can not hold a knot in if he decides it's coming out.


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