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Blind bisexual goose in love triangle with 2 swans raises 68 babies, dies at the age of 40.

You can't make this up.



Holy shit, you really can't make that one up now can you? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> 

That story does kind of resonate with me on a bit of a deeper level though, first I've heard of it but it was an interesting read.

I think the big takeaway (as most of us know) is that A) we're just animals like everything else and B) our traits aren't really that unique.

I mean hell we can be polygamous, we can be bisexual, we can receive pleasure from sex...

I think a few Animal Psychologists and zoologists are maybe starting to rrealize that animals can too and can even enjoy monogamous relationships.. It's just hard to really 'expose' the idea without risking being laughed right out of a career spot..

That was definitely something I wasn't expecting to read though, nice find!



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