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Bestiality vs. Zoophilia

What really separates a sexually active Zoophile from every other Bestialist? Thoughts?

Remember to stay on topic and refrain from personal comments/ attacks.

My own opinion: The average Bestialist has sex with an Animal, The Zoophile has sex with an Individual. All else, emotions, consent etc. are distinctions debated between zoophiles and zoophiles to legitimize their actions and choices.



Bestiality is what we do.     It's any sex act between a human and a non-human.

Zoophilia is why we do it.     Specifically, it's when the human does it to please or benefit the non-human.      It may or may not also please or benefit the human.


2 hours ago, caikgoch said:

Bestiality is what we do.     [snip]     Zoophilia is why we do it.

Exactly my sentiment, almost word for word in fact. I'm sexually attracted to animals, and I'm sexually intimate with animals. According to the dictionary (as well as the law and modern psychology) I'm both a bestialist and a zoophile. And who am I to argue with Noah Webster? ; )


19 hours ago, caikgoch said:

Bestiality is what we do.     It's any sex act between a human and a non-human.

Zoophilia is why we do it.     Specifically, it's when the human does it to please or benefit the non-human.      It may or may not also please or benefit the human.


That makes sense to me...  And kinda answers a few things I was trying to figure out in my mind the other day.  Thanks!


Bestiality is definitely 'what we do' (or a lot of us anyways...): it's the direct action itself. You can be a Zoophile and never lay a sexual hand one on an animal: you can also not be a Zoo and be a complete and total asshole, merely using the animals urges or your own to abuse power or your own sexual needs.

Obviously Zoos are more apt to perform Bestiality than a non-zoo in a lot of cases due to the attraction being there, but again not always the case. I would  be 'active' if I had a partner close enough to me again who was interested: but the important difference here is, in my opinion: if you are a true Zoophile, moreso along the lines of the actual meaning then your non-human significant-other will -always- come first, no questions asked. I know that's how I always felt anyways.


Definitions suck too, I see people all the time saying 'They committed a zoophilic' act or 'they are a zoophiliac'...  Jesus Christ sometimes it puzzles me how many people seem to not know what the f** a dictionary is.. Then again when it comes to the subject of Zoos (or, more correctly the subject of Bestiality) people are very hive-minded..



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