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your animals unique mating rituals?

My dog (female) doesnt really flag. She does raise her tail and push into me once i do anything with her vagina and when she is into it.

She also seems to mount me. she mounts me from my right sholder/arm and starts humping when i put my finger on her vag. She also licks me in a certain way (that i cant explain) that means she is horny. Whenever I slide my finger down her belly to her vagina she does it or when she really wants sex she does it on her own.

Because of this i always wonder what happens to otther zoophiles if their animals have unique mating rituals. So, do any of you experience anything similar?


One of my 2 sows, (about 250Lb potbelly cross) is a lot more "forward" than the others.  If she doesn't think I'm paying attention when she's in heat, she mounts my leg like a dog, or roots under my foot with her snout to lift my leg across her back.  


Heh, Tippy when she wanted it would lay on her back, legs spread, and violently hump the air above her. A bit embarrassing when you have company or where away from home by the way. What she'd do to me was more direct, teeth and paws ripping at the front of me till I dropped pants or boxers (if she didn't shred them). She'd also initiate a mouthjob on me when I'd have my clothes off, telling me she wanted it.

Shadow was more demure. She would wait till we were home, run into the bedroom and howl and whimper till I came in finding her spread on the bed twitching her paws. 



About 15 years ago, before the local sale barn went away, after the 4-H show season they sold the sheep, keep records of all expenses, profit or loss.  Selling is required as part of the program.

I was looking at the sheep waiting to sell; a kid comes up and asks if I'm going to buy his sheep.  It was a darn good looking big tall Blackface ewe (I've always been partial to blackface sheep).  I said if the bidding doesn't go crazy, yeah, sure.  He asked if I was going to slaughter her; I said No, if I bought her she would live her natural lifespan.  The bidding went my way (I don't know if with his family's help or not) and she went home with me.

Very odd.  When I unzipped my pants she would lick my dick like crazy, very fast, for as long as I stood for her.  Walk around behind her and put my hands on her hips, she would cock her hips and stand for sex.  Long human sex, not "leap and slide off" ram sex.  Any time, not just in heat.  Then when finished turn and lick some more, as long as I'd let her (or could stand it).

I've always liked to buy ex-show sheep; they've had the best of feed and training and superior genetics.  She was the only one I ever had that was trained like that, though. . . . . . 


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