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An introduction

Hello there.
My online name is Resident Hyaena (a name that came about more by accident than design). I'm a Zoo, most specifically an Ornithophile, a lover of Birds.
Zoophile since the early seventies, I entered the then rich and varied online Zoo community in the late nineties. I established individual relations and had some small presence in various forums, beginning with The Vivarium Forum and a couple of iterations of Zoo.Org (until login malfunctions or incompatibilities blocked access to the third iteration).
And those personal webpages: Actaeon's Web Page, Pongo's Place, Dobbin's Zoo Station, Barnside's Zoo page, ZetaValley, Tigress, both versions of Ian's Zoo Links, Ren's Kennel, and so many more. And tying much of it together, the Zoo Ring.
Simpler times, but what times they were!
Also the first two versions of Silverwolf's Zoowriters Group, until their hosts (I think e-groups and Yahoo Groups) shut down all of their groups operations.
And then I found Pet Lovers Forum, which would become my longest and best forum presence.
But then came the greater community's general collapse, the end of PLF, and the disappearance or loss-of-contact of those that I knew.
Much has changed since those halcyon days, with today's online Zoo "community" showing a rather scant presence. There are now blogs, but the rich tapestry of personal webpages, links pages, forums, resource libraries, and the Zoo Ring are all gone.
I did find and joined Beast Forum a couple of years or so ago, but my particular Zoophile orientation is something of a problem there. I have managed to post some content to clarify issues and debunk some myths regarding Ornithophily, but some so-called "proven facts" remain unapproachable & therefore unreproachable.
And so I think I may have done all that I can there.
I then found a "Scalie" site called "Herpy". Though more a Reptilian "Furry" site than Zoo, they had Zoo members, were rather Zoo-friendly, and were welcoming of my Avian orientation.
It was my first "good fit" since PLF.
I was there for about six months or so, when the admins began seeking out the site's long-absent co-founder to try to solve some technical issues. But soon after finding him, the co-founder suddenly and permanently shut the site down, with no "real" explanation, and no warning.
R.I.P. Herpy.
I have spent the last year since then, fruitlessly searching for another suitable forum. Then, just last week, quite by accident, I followed a link in the results to a Zeta symbol search, to a Reddit site called  /r/zoophilia, which I had never heard of before. There, I found a current reference to Silverwolf. Searching around, I found a link to a fourth version of his Zoowriter's Group, now called the Zoo Writers Guild.
It was then that I also found out about zoophilesforum and knotty me, just days after they had both closed down! From what I have read here and at the Reddit site, I have apparently missed-out on a big opportunity.
I had over the years posted at the various forums, a fair amount of material intended to help other Zoos understand Ornithophiles, debunk misinformation, and help prevent unintended harm to Birds. But nearly everything Avian and Ornithophile that I had written or compiled before Beast Forum and Herpy, is now gone, having died with the forums & webpages that hosted them, and most of the file copies having died with my old computers.
The Beast Forum content is still up there, and prompted by the loss of a thread at Herpy, I had saved most of my posts there before it folded.
But time has not just taken the forums, web pages, and contacts. I have much less available time now for everything. And so here and at BF, I will likely not have even the rather small presence as I had in the "good old days".
As for my favorite Birds, they are mainly those that most people regard as the strangest, dirtiest, or ugliest. Pelicans, Storks, Emus, Gulls, Hornbills, Eagles, Ravens, Geese, Ostriches, Penguins, Albatrosses, Hawks, Rheas, Cormorants, Turkeys, all are high on my long list. I have even gotten to know individuals of some of those and others.
But at the very top are the Vultures. I have had the privilege of knowing several across seven species, and they are intelligent, clean, usually friendly, and loaded with personality. And if you establish a relationship with one, they will be a friend, dare I say a lover, for life.
Once you have been loved by a Vulture, you will never see the world quite the same again!
As for "literature", I have three stories in the works, a mammoth science/speculative fiction work, with some non-zoo interspecies sex, which has long been stalled by block, and by existing only in handwritten form. The second is a short story, also stalled due to certain zoo content which could be problematic.
The third is a story about halfway done, which may end up at novella length. It was started as a submission to a story-writing contest at one of Silverwolf's previously noted early Zoowriters Forums. Unfortunately, because of a major vehicle failure forcing me to "camp-out" at work, the story was not completed or submitted, but for the first chapter, long after the contest was over.
It sat untouched for many years and a decade.
It was not until the demise of Herpy that I started working on it again in earnest. Now with the discovery of this forum, it approaches full circle, and I may finally get to present it here, the successor to the site that initiated it.
More on that later, and in a different part of the forum.
Gotta try to keep this introduction manageable, so I'd better wrap it up soon. Again, hello to everyone here.
I hope that my intro hasn't been too long, and that what I may have to offer will be interesting and useful.
Resident Hyaena ^..^


Gads it's been a long time RH!
Welcome to the forum!
BTW, I find Vultures quite interesting from a scientific and conservation viewpoint.
Ravens- are heavy in my Celtic family history and are one of my spirit animals among my Native American relatives (along with the Wolf). I find them most interesting of all birds.


Hello Resident Hyaena.  I've read a lot of your writings about your experiences with birds, and they were very fascinating to read, and the writings are one of a kind available no where else.  The experiences are reflected in a very general way in the animal semen faq that I compiled from various sources.  Welcome to this forum.


Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy being a part of the community [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]


Welcome! I'm also partial to birds, and I also like some of the more unusual ones. One of my favorites is the Great Blue Heron, (though I've been known to say they don't have any blue on them); back in my past I spent a lot of time trying to get close enough to watch them hunt, and I set up a spotting scope near a rookery on occasions and watched them working on their nests in the spring. I like how dignified they look.
There's a park not far from me that has a rehab facility, and I like to go there once in a while; they have a couple of Turkey vultures. Very unappreciated, but I stop by and say hello to them, and sometimes they give me curious looks. Whenever I'm out on the road, I greet them (and the hawks).
Corvids are very high on my list too, for their intelligence and their interesting family structures.
I'll be interested in seeing your writing.


*ruffles your feathers* Hi RH, long time no squawk! : )


Ditto, RH. 
You may remember me from my batshit insane years on zoophile.org as Trangle/Trangol.  Don't worry, I've matured a lot... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]


hello and welcome....


wow, that's quite an introduction.  lots of history there that i wasn't around for.  i was in a usenet newsgroup (alt.sex.bestiality) way back, but when that got spammy, i didn't have any contact with fellow zoophiles until around 2006 or 7, zetaforum.  i was still too shy to really become part of a group, though.  it wasn't until 2012 (zoophilesforum) that i really started to talk to other zoos a lot.
welcome to the forum.  i should probably make my own introductory post at some point...  i signed up when this forum started, i think, but as a non-writer, i didn't think i would spend much time here (and haven't), but i see there are other discussions going on, so i'll try to pop in now and again.


hello...i am also interested with avians and there is little information


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