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People want to be seen as dogs now

I seen on a certain social media site that there are people who now want to be rechanized as dog, now  i know its not the most reliable source, but if this is true what do you think of it and do you think it might have a effect on the zoo/furry communitey. Either good or bad?    If i can find the article again I post it 


 This has been happening for years, I believe what your referring to is a form of therianthropy; similar to a furry but less oriented toward a sexual nature.. People that follow this belief claim to be an animal trapped in a humans body


Quote: This has been happening for years, I believe what your referring to is a form of therianthropy; similar to a furry but less oriented toward a sexual nature.. People that follow this belief claim to be an animal trapped in a humans body
I couldnt find the article, but i do believe you are right


I Believe in a form of therianthropy; that it is possible for humans to be reincarnated into a animal form and vice versa.. I've called animal spirit guides and spirits along those lines because I'm pagan/shaman and can tell you from my experiences that spirits do exist, whether or not I could prove my theories of reincarnation, or magickal workings is here nor there though, as i feel no need to prove them, as everyone has different belief systems and free will to decide what the believe.


As for therianthropy effecting zoos and furrys, I don't really think it will have much of an impact, either good or bad, as it really hasn't so far and therianthropy has been around for generations.. Maybe even longer, think of the Egyptians and their belief of cats being a reincarnate of God's and Goddesses, it is a reversed form of therianthropy


Id wanted to come back as a dog, but the way people are today, not so surec about it anymore 


I Hear ya on that one.. Lots of craziness out there


If I were to be reincarnated as a dog, I'd want to be owned by a zoo. : )


Quote:If I were to be reincarnated as a dog, I'd want to be owned by a zoo. : )
I agree with that [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy.png[/img]


Actually, let me amend that...I'd prefer to be owned by a *female* zoo. No offense, but if I'm going to stick my tongue down there or have a human lover, I'd rather it be a lady. ; )


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