Shoutbox archive
No need for apologies... I'm not seeing much activity here at all. ?
Sorry for the site downtime.
guess no one else thinks much about this chat box
SURPRISE!!!! not certainwhat to think about this yet
Images work.
This seems a lot like those situations where eBay says the part will fit, and you end up replacing most of the car trying to get it to...
I'll be trying something with the database to do a bulk update to make them work again. Can't say much for videos sadly. I"ll plan to get to work on that on the weekend coming up.
Will we ever be able to see images again?
The way I could've done it was in front of me the whole time. So now the logo is clickable.
There is a forum suggestions, but I will reword it to something else
I never got to fixing that. I removed the standard logo and tried to make the header logo not look stretched. I'll see what I can do to make it clickable.
Ah, I just realized it's there, but it's only a TINY portion of the banner image, and it's an icon of a broken image file.
I could create one myself, but I'm not a mod on here. I think we need a mega ZWG feedback and bug reporting thread for the new MyBB forum update. For example, it would be really handy if clicking on the banner up at the top returned you to the home page.
Also using the chance to correct some spelling, punctuation, grammer and content omissions. I am doing this one chapter at a time. If someone has copied the story, I would as that it be replaced with the newly edited version.
Beginning to reformat my story, "Sandey", to correct the over-spacing resulting from the transfer to this new forum.
Crap, looks like I need to spend some time and edit my profile / settings / avatar too.
This is definitely a different forum. Smile Looking interesting though.
It should let you select edit and adjust it.. I could also suggest if you had a backup file you can replace it just copying and pasting. Sorry about that, it happened on various others.
Can it be corrected, or do I need to re-submit it in a specific format?
My story transferrd over and apparently encountered a formatting error, with something like 7 or 8 lines worth of blank space between each line of text.