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Breaking barriers

Saturnine, I´m not saying that you´re a liar per se, but just hinted at the inconvenient truth that nobody in here knows anything about you. And would you mind telling me why you still desperately want something that practically is unreachable for you due to your physical condition? Say, could it be that your obsession with horses is because it IS out of your possibilities? And you´re really not into horses, but into the "unreachable" to sustain and nurture your depressive status quo that makes you spout such ridiculous statements as "nobody can understand me!!" ? Well, I´d say I know a comparable mindset pretty well because I went through some stages in my life where I wanted to be a horse so desperately it almost became pathological. Luckily I made up my mind about things that I couldn´t have, I learned to cope with it in a healthy way and finally restored my inner peace by simple acceptance of the undeniable. So, if you´re really not even ready for travel, then why keep clinging to the whole horse thing? Why not just accept that it simply is not going to happen and go on with your life? Why this obsession with something that doesn´t seem to be for you? Is it really about horses..or is it about finding something that´s completely out of your reach to suit your narrative about yourself as "the saddest guy in the world"?

Look, I´m not against supporting people with depression etc., but what I´m against is a total surrender to guys like you who are truly over obsessed with an *ideé fíxe* and unable to accept reality. People who expect from others to sort out their misery, yet becoming bitchy very quick if they aren´t the centre of attention...like you did in the thread with your horse line drawings. After a short time with nobody replying to your manga eyed horse porn drawings, you went paasive aggressive...not even considering the fact that this is a small forum with barely 350 members who aren´t online every second of their lives. Impatient, demanding, possessive, obsessive, unable to curb back your ego even one tiny little bit. What do you expect from us? You know yourself that your physical state doesn´t allow meeting horses, so why do you constantly try to blame others for that? Why do you keep trying to make us responsible for your shortcomings? What do you expect from us? We gave you adaequate advice on reddit and all you came back with were accusations and aggressions because "NO one cares! No one understands ME!" . Is somebody in here a wizard that just needs to wave his magical wand to heal your back and simultaneously summon a horse into your bedroom, but doesn´t do that because he´s "apathetic" and doesn´t care? 

So, this will be my last advice for you: get rid of your unhealthy obsession with horses and move on with your life. Get yourself out of that ego chamber and make the best of what cards you´ve been dealt. And stop bitching about your shortcomings...no one in here is responsible for those and much of our "apathy" towards you wasn´t there a priori because we´re all selfish cunts, no, you earned that all by yourself. At least that´s what I am thinking.


Hey, 30-30, we can make a deal: I'll get rid of my "unhealthy obsession" just as soon as you get rid of your equine attraction, okay?

How does that sound?


Yeah, no...that´s not how this works. Why should I get rid of my "equine attraction" ? Name ONE reason for me to do so. The reason why YOU should get rid of your obsession should be pretty clear to you by now. Hint: My attraction is NOT making me into a self pitying depressive. But just let´s stop hijacking another thread, making it solely about you.


12 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Yeah, no...that´s not how this works. Why should I get rid of my "equine attraction" ? Name ONE reason for me to do so. The reason why YOU should get rid of your obsession should be pretty clear to you by now. Hint: My attraction is NOT making me into a self pitying depressive. But just let´s stop hijacking another thread, making it solely about you.


I'm not going to get rid of my attraction to horses just because you said so. I would rather commit suicide than to do something like that.



Drama again?...

Can't we just all be friends and get along fine? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" />


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