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I'm here, for better or worse. Yes, the Eagle of old.

Resident Hyena, there´s a reason why the majority of zoos are highly sceptical when it comes to "ornithophilia" and such. To put it in simple terms: birds are no mammals. While mammals all share the same basic blueprint, have comparable sexual organs and most of the higher mammals even have similar neurochemical mechanisms, birds , reptiles and such are so different , it makes it quite hard for us to believe in what the "special interest zoos" usually say. A cloaca isn´t a vagina, to put it in bland words. Mind you, I´m not saying you´re "not a zoo", but only trying to present you with a halfway logical and decent explanation for the common rejection of people like you. And to be honest, I too have my difficulties seeing how a mutually satisfying , safe and ethically reasonable relationship with a bird or a reptile could be like. I know there are some birds among the most clever animals, such as ravens, but I have a hard time trying to identify any emotion in birds, for example. I and possibly the majority of zoos have it easier to tolerate, for example, a rat zoo because , well, at least we share the same basic evolutionary blueprint with rats. With dolphin zoos, it´s the same...it just seems less far fetched than claiming "bird love" or "reptile love"....well, as a mutual thing, you know. And this perceived onesidedness of love, with the human seeing far more in it than the involved animal, may be the real reason why so many zoos are not exactly "bird people friendly", many out of sheer instinct paired with their internalised basic ethical principles, others like me who actually have invested some time to think about this issue may not exactly share the same level of hostility towards bird folks, but a fundamental doubt just remains. Maybe we´re also victims of our mammalian reality tunnel here, but not sharing the same, closely related evolutionary blueprints, resulting in a way higher "incompatibility" on both physical and psychological "features" is something that definitely should be considered.

What else could have contributed to the general hostility towards you may be the fact that every "veteran" of those forums knows how high the fantasizer and roleplayer ratio among us is....especially people with more uncommon attractions often turn out as one of the both types I mentioned. I don´t know why both kinds of people do this and invade our grounds, but I surely know the effect of a high saturation with impostors, liars and people literally abusing you as their virtual sex toy. These folks poison our entire community although many of us still consider those impostors as a tolerable thing in our forums. What they don´t seem to deem important is the constant loss of trust in other "fellow zoos", especially when the story they are presented with is unusual. And you have to admit, among us, the "ornithophiles" are scarce.

I strongly believe you wouldn´t have faced so much opposition if our community had a different quality, with honesty being put first. I don´t mind if someone has no real experience with animals or claims to be in love with birds etc...but only if he clearly and honestly communicates that. Our community might be a little less "fun" like that, a little less cozy echo chamber, a little less trying to escape from grim reality by roleplaying a fantasy character in our forums, but stopping all of that would tremendously help not only you in getting a better start in our community, but all of us, because we could finally stop pampering each other´s egoes and start doing the actual work that´s needed to improve our stance in society.

If you´re the "real deal" and not one of those people who try to stand out from the "average" horse and dog zoos solely for the "special snowflake" effect and attention whoreism, I am sorry for how you have been treated. But I also know you can´t fully blame this on us as a community alone...it´s the strange dynamics of the internet and a couple of idiots who feel drawn towards "the animal fuckers" despite not even considering any true sexual action, relationship or any sexual interest in their real life. It´s them who have installed a certain general basic atmosphere of distrust among us, making it hard to lend pepole like you an open ear and try to objectively find out about uncommon attractions´ tolerability. Lies destroy everything, everywhere, everytime... 



The Zoo Writers' Group on Yahoo has been mentioned in this thread and elsewhere.  It still exists, the content appears intact and I still have a working logon.  The last post was 27 December 2008 and it was gibberish.  It seems to have survived the purge due to low/no activity.  If anyone would like something retrieved from there, PM me.


speaking about birds  I was a bit surprized to read this ...but only a bit...


but realistically, I think it really should be this way usually ..it doesn't even need to  _look_ like sex for human(s), as long as it serves non-humans!


To 30-30

Thank you for your measured and considered response.

Regarding my delurk, things have substantially improved in that area since then. Indeed, it began immediately after that first post. Valerio expressed a willingness to leam more, and was receptive to what I had to offer. Most of those that have responded to subsequent writings have also expressed a desire to learn more.

I have tried to answer their inquiries as best I can, and the results have been definitely positive.

It's been more of a mixed bag at that "other" forum; the Admin there is still negative on the idea of Ornithosexual activities, though by his response in the aforementioned Ostrich thread, his regard of it *may* have progressed a bit from pure dogma to "dogmatic", tempered with a measure of skepticism.

A tiny difference, but any move away from dogma, even a baby step, may be significant.

Individuals there however, have generally been much more receptive and curious as to Ornithophily.

I do fully understand your misgivings and concerns about my veracity, especially considering those same regards for the more dubious elements within the community at large. But it also appears that you may be willing to look beyond the "mammalian reality tunnel" you have named, and may want to know more about Ornithophily & Ornithosexuality, or "Avian Zoo" to use a more pronounceable term.

If you do want to know more, feel free to ask, and I will try to answer as best I can. There are considerations though. With "real world" issues commanding real time, plus limited dexterity and quick manual fatigue as regards typing,  responses - like this one - may be subject to a substantial delay.

Plus, I have an ongoing Zoo story I need to keep working on and get the installments posted.

I will try to be as honest as I can, but as per the obvious issues of safety, certain info will necessarily be modified or omitted , though that should not affect its basic veracity.

No need to feel sorry for me for any slights on other's accounts. Unlike many others who have had a hard time facing their own "Zooishness", I was fully content and "right" with my Ornithophily from the very start, and  have been so ever since.

And I will always be so, unless Alzheimer's, permanent coma, irreversible brain trauma, or a similar condition robs me of it (and thereby robs me of "Me"), or if death first takes me outright.

It is for other Ornithophiles that may not be so "lucky" that there should be concern.


Resident Hyaena ^..^



hello and welcome eagle...man these welcome threads go on...holy shit...


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