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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You

16 hours ago, profjmb said:

I have contacted the administrator and hope to get his approval. In the meantime, I would like to reassure members that I have no nefarious goals. The issue with the "whited out ZV" is likely because I have also joined Zooville (if that's what you mean) and will be trying to recruit from that site too. I composed a message and probably put it there first and then pasted it from there. I hope that is not a problem. (Zooville members are the ones who told me about this site, fyi.) The other site I intend to recruit from is forumzoone.org.

I attach a recent article I co-wrote about furries. It will give you some idea where i'm coming from scientifically.

<a class="ipsAttachLink" href="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=3994" data-fileid="3994">Hsu&Bailey2019.pdf</a>

I'm reviewing the information provided me now. I will say that motive in taking these surveys is the easiest to establish usually. Questions in ALL previous surveys have leaned heavily on the mental illness mythology that the scientific community cannot get itself past when talking about "Zoophilia" (Perhaps because the term is a Mental Illness term) and bestiality. Most also NEED to draw a parallel between bestiality, zoophilia, anti-social or introverted behavior and childhood abuse.

I've yet to see any that aren't 90% or better questions on these topics, and less than 10% on our actual lifestyle. If this is another of the same, it likely won't be approved to link here. The poster has provided me with the survey to review. I'll do so & let you know.

<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/3633-elshara/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="3633" href="<___base_url___>/profile/3633-elshara/">@elshara</a> , your last rant has been removed. Not the place for it. Start your own topic.



Hello and welcome professor, I personally think you've chosen the right place to announce your survey / study. I'll be happy to participate in any way I can help futher understanding of us and our sexuality.

As of now, I won't be releasing anything personal about myself, but feel free to PM me here, I do have an active social media if you wish to contact me there as well. Hope all goes well in your research.



I've given a final reply in PM to the OP. I'm copying it here. It includes permission for posting his survey, but should be read by the membership first:


This question-

"Which maturity level of real nonhuman animal is it most sexually arousing for you to fantasize yourself being?"

You need to add an "I do not fantasize myself being a nonhuman animal" choice.

You use the term "People" where "Partners" should be used for questions about our sexual activities or fantasies. Remember we are Zoophiles. Our sexual partners are often not humans.

There are very few questions exploring zoophilia. More, zoophilia is treated as a fetish and compared to other fetish choices. Our personality, our beliefs, our reasons, sexuality, ethics and morals are not explored at all.

Nothing about Zoophilia will be learned with this study in my opinion.

Bestiality is often a "Fetish". Zoophilia as it is recognised here is not. Post your survey here. Members may participate, or not, as they choose. I will not. Stay here though. You are a serious researcher, a respected scientist in some circles, argued in others, but a bulldog for datafrom what I've read. You can learn here.

sw "



On 4/26/2020 at 7:32 PM, profjmb said:

I have contacted the administrator and hope to get his approval. In the meantime, I would like to reassure members that I have no nefarious goals. The issue with the "whited out ZV" is likely because I have also joined Zooville (if that's what you mean) and will be trying to recruit from that site too. I composed a message and probably put it there first and then pasted it from there. I hope that is not a problem. (Zooville members are the ones who told me about this site, fyi.) The other site I intend to recruit from is forumzoone.org.

I attach a recent article I co-wrote about furries. It will give you some idea where i'm coming from scientifically.

<a class="ipsAttachLink" data-fileid="3994" href="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=3994">Hsu&Bailey2019.pdf</a>

Thank you for your further input. You appear to be genuine and thoughtful. I can see SW has given you his thoughts. I agree, stay a while, among us, learn of us and who we are in reality, better than the hubris of those who may attempt to garner your attention.


I have read through the provided material, and have to concur with sw's conclusions.

If you (members) wish to be included in a psychiatric evaluation by all means participate.  Most of the material is focused on that perspective.  If you were hoping for something more I suspect you will be disappointed.

I must say I'm a bit uncomfortable with where "Which maturity level of real nonhuman animal is it most sexually arousing for you"  seems to go.  Like we don't already have enough issues trying to lose the oft-implied connection between critters and "underage".  


2 hours ago, heavyhorse said:


If you (members) wish to be included in a psychiatric evaluation by all means participate.  Most of the material is focused on that perspective.  If you were hoping for something more I suspect you will be disappointed.

I must say I'm a bit uncomfortable with where "Which maturity level of real nonhuman animal is it most sexually arousing for you"  seems to go.  Like we don't already have enough issues trying to lose the oft-implied connection between critters and "underage".  

Fair points both........I was unaware it appears to be a psychiatric evaluation (or an approximation to such), and I do agree with the 'maturity level' thing....... the implied connection would appear to be taking us down an avenue that none of us wishes to go.


Unfortunately it seems that even is psychiatric circles, we are being lumped in with child molesters. No mater how hard we try to break that illusion, the non-zoos still latch on to that point. We know that animals can consent. We don't force them to do anything they do not wish to.

Sadly there are those out there that are not like us and will rap animals or do other unspeakable stuff that non-zoos lump with us.


In fairness to the OP it should be stated he is a noted Psychologist who has specialized for decades in human sexuality from a psychological perspective. He has little if any points of view beyond the psychiatric to judge or gauge from.

He has attempted some biological & genetic data and experimental survey in his past studies of the gay & furry communities, but with limited and in my opinion faulted results. It is my hope he will remain here and gain a broader perspective to try to understand our greatly varied community with. 



1 hour ago, silverwolf1 said:

In fairness to the OP it should be stated he is a noted Psychologist who has specialized for decades in human sexuality from a psychological perspective. He has little if any points of view beyond the psychiatric to judge or gauge from.

He has attempted some biological & genetic data and experimental survey in his past studies of the gay & furry communities, but with limited and in my opinion faulted results. It is my hope he will remain here and gain a broader perspective to try to understand our greatly varied community with. 




5 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

In fairness to the OP it should be stated he is a noted Psychologist who has specialized for decades in human sexuality from a psychological perspective. He has little if any points of view beyond the psychiatric to judge or gauge from.

He has attempted some biological & genetic data and experimental survey in his past studies of the gay & furry communities, but with limited and in my opinion faulted results. It is my hope he will remain here and gain a broader perspective to try to understand our greatly varied community with. 


I guess the old saying holds true here.

If you have a hammer, all problems look like a nail.

If you study fetishes.... 


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