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J-Lube and inter-species vaginal intercourse.

I've never used any other lube than KY Jelly for intercourse, and seldom needed any anyway with Tippy or Shadow. I used it more often with some of the women I'd been with before them. I honestly never thought to. I had on occasion in the heat of the moment used a bit of saliva with Tippy, usually when we were in a place where lube was unavailable to us (like when we just happened to get amorous in the park), but that was seldom needed. 

I always had J Lube in the barn for pregnancy checking the Jerseys, but would never have thought to use it anyway. I got it in gallon bottles, and it was way too bulky and messy to keep by the bed. I don't think I'd have trusted it in their vaginas either. I can't necessarily back that up, just a gut feeling and I've learned to trust my gut.



12 hours ago, threelegs said:

Anyone know the composition of ordinary mucus? I think the water-based lubes are trying to emulate that. In my experience, J-Lube is far more lubricious than K-Y, Astroglide, etc. Nice that you can control its viscosity, up to the point of it spinning endless threads (watch videos of zebras mating for an example). You just don't get that with the other stuff.

I do recall in one of the how-to files (here, likely) that J-lube has to be treated carefully, i.e., use clean water and don't let it sit around very long, because it can support all kinds of microbial life. That may be why it's recommended for rectal use (lots of microbes already in there) and not for vaginas, which probably should be pretty clean, microbially speaking. However, it can be frozen. Now, who's up for a frozen lube-cube on a hot day? 

This, this is what I was thinking all along. I've never had problems with J Lube, with myself or my Male canine partner (receiving from him of course). Care is ALWAYS advised with any lube IMO: there's a chance ALL water-based ones can harbor microbes too.



Long before coronavirus I always had (ethanol-based) hand sanitizer on hand.  Buy it in the half-gallon size for refilling the pump bottles, barn, house, laundry room, kennel.  Dead varmints from trapping, arm deep fishing bits of the lamb that didn't make it to term out of the ewe, picking up after the ones that did.

Wherever bitches sit, whatever they sit in, they sit on their vulva.

So besides hand washing so often they crack in winter, a squirt rubbed into hands and on and around my bitch's vulva before beginning seems prudent.


Ethanol ONLY (that's "drinking" alcohol, safe in moderation).  (Do not drink hand sanitizer !! )  


17 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Long before coronavirus I always had (ethanol-based) hand sanitizer on hand.  Buy it in the half-gallon size for refilling the pump bottles, barn, house, laundry room, kennel.  Dead varmints from trapping, arm deep fishing bits of the lamb that didn't make it to term out of the ewe, picking up after the ones that did.

Wherever bitches sit, whatever they sit in, they sit on their vulva.

So besides hand washing so often they crack in winter, a squirt rubbed into hands and on and around my bitch's vulva before beginning seems prudent.


Ethanol ONLY (that's "drinking" alcohol, safe in moderation).  (Do not drink hand sanitizer !! )  

Something often overlooked when talking farm health & safety, but YES, THIS! Long before hand sanitizers were a thing my grandpa used to keep a bottle of the best quality Jameson's in the Horse Barn. I got whooped when I was 12 for taking a swig of it and told firmly "That's for the Horses, boy! Don't you ever touch that again!". I got what he meant about a year later when we had a 'stone colt' during a blizzard and the Vet was miles away. 

I keep the sanitizers now, just as you do HH, but in the Horse Barn's a bottle of Jameson's I never really use 'cause Grandpa said so, an' I don't swig it 'cause I don't want him comin' down an' whoopin' my ass again.



I'm not clear on "stone colt"... ?



Not wishing to hijack the thread but its got me interested. I have looked at both JLube and KY Jelly here in the UK and both are expensive, as far as they only seem to come in small quantities, but want something both human and animal friendly for anal/vaginal sex.


I have been looking at other equivalents:

Agrigel : https://www.watermanscountrysupplies.co....ng/agrigel


Note the 'contains a mild chlorexidine  antiseptic.......' I am unsure if this is a good thing of not.


Any thoughts appreciated..


Thanks all


Looks like you pays your money and takes your chances. 

It's an unknown since there's no link to see the label, no country of origin, and the misspelling of "chlorhexidine" doesn't inspire confidence.  I'd suspect a knock-off house label, possibly from the Chinese chemical industry.   And why you'd use palpation lube for ear tagging is a mystery.  (Notably, available info says chlorhexidine causes deafness if it gets in the ear).     

Chlorhexidine is apparently used as surgical wash.  At this point we have no idea what the constituents of the lube itself are.  I'm not sure I'd want it on or in my bits.   That's my thoughts.      


Thats all I need to know [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> ty


Agrigel is produced by Nettex, a UK company, which is in turn a division of Rumenco Group, a UK Corporation. It is produced in the UK at one of four manufacturing plants. Nowhere on their or their parent corporation websites is there an exact ingredient list or location of manufacture for the product, or any warnings  on use. 

Curiously, the same product is sold under it's labeled name by a similarly named company in the UK as a plant root protector for transplanting and in hydroponic gardening.



Yup...gonna give this a miss.....funnily, I have found Amazon sells KY at a reasonable price if you look around, so KY it is [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> Better to spend a few £$ more and get something safe/reputable. It just got me interested so I looked at Vet lubes, but KY seems a much safer bet.


Thanks <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/1-silverwolf1/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="1" href="<___base_url___>/profile/1-silverwolf1/">@silverwolf1</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/1910-heavyhorse/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="1910" href="<___base_url___>/profile/1910-heavyhorse/">@heavyhorse</a>


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