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What animal would you be?

I was wondering if you could,  what animal would you like to be for a day or so and why?  
Me personaly  I'd love to be a dog, just to see what the world smells, taste like and general looks like.  I think it would be a neat thing to get their perspective.    You would get to keep all the experiances with you and have control over what you would do as said animal.   


A Wolf, for all the reasons you mention for a Dog, plus the independence and wild nature. And just 'cause Wolves are cool. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img] 


Quote:A Wolf, for all the reasons you mention for a Dog, plus the independence and wild nature. And just 'cause Wolves are cool. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img] 
Yes they are


I have to agree with silverwolf1 Definetly a wolf if I had that opportunity; mainly because the wolf is my spirit animal so I already have a close connection with them..


Buck Goat.
Nothing like having a harem AND having the balls to do something with it. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]


If it's just for a day, my first choice would be either a stallion or a white-tailed buck. In either case, I'd want to be surrounded by a harem of females in estrus. ; )


Propably the "not so popular" choice, but human. There are to many downsites in beeing another animal.
Quote:If it's just for a day, my first choice would be either a stallion or a white-tailed buck. In either case, I'd want to be surrounded by a harem of females in estrus. ; )
Have fun, if you're lucky enough the be a member of the 5% of stallions or bucks, that  get the opportunity to mount a female and survive the permanent stress to keep your harem together.
I know, I'm really unromantic. I would like to temporary switch places with a breeding stallion (natural mounting off course), if I would be able to keep my brain.


Honestly not sure what I would want to be. Only for a day, probably a mouse or another similar rodent. Long term, though, maybe not... Since mice are so vulnerable to just about everything, be them a pet or wild. And the pets are rarely kept properly. ?
I think I would be best suited to be a dog, though, just because my personality matches them best. 


DOG... duh! X3


Bearing in mind the proposal was for just a day or so, and most of the time male animals spend waiting around for -someone- to go into estrus, I would have to say:

Draft horse stallion, on some farm with my own field (so I don't have to whup-ass some other horse), with females provided by humans for natural service.  

I have some reservation with being a dog; male dogs always seem to have a sort of awkward look on their faces after they tie.

I also wouldn't mind standing in for a boar hog, or a jack donkey.  


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