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Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you

I am a 63 year old retired, widowed Bisexual Zoo...  I am also a stoner, hippy and Furry, HENCE the name, Budz Bunny.  I hope to read a lot of good stories here...  I love dogs, horses, and small male animals...


Hi and welcome


I took the name simply put I had a dane and I hate trying to come up with them, well that and we used to have our personal time together.  Im a transfer from the ZF and mainly have a thing for horses and dogs but am curious about  certain other critters.


Welcome Dane layer.


well it is good to see so many peeps from past boards...hello and welcome...i mostly write poetry about 700 pages on myspace and YES it still exists...but it is under my real name so if you send me a message i will send that...if you are interested..oh...hello and welcome...hope to meet more friends here as well...


Male mid 40's, pretty much just love dogs of both sexes and women ... tons of experience with dogs when younger .. got hooked so bad i was pretty much a full on slut for many years.  never understood ... why the thought of being with a guy literally makes my stomach queasy ... but a male dog excites me as much as women. Never seen a dog i don't instantly glance wanting to know the sex ... the bigger the dog or bigger the package the harder it is to keep my eyes off him. Male dogs are almost hypnotizing. The happier he seems the more hypnotizing. Bitches to a much lesser degree, takes the right bitch and the happy Happy look to truly engage me.
I hate to admit KNOWING the dangers form experience, if in heat scents worked ... even today i truly think i would be dangerous to myself. Glad they honestly do not in many ways. I would so easily slut out to every horny dog that showed up.
I have always had a bond of feelings towards dogs, like somehow feeling their happiness. The happier they get, the happier i get with them and start striving to make them even happier to make myself even happier. That's the biggest reason i think i ended up discovering i was zoo. Going to the full body stroking down their sides, seeing and feeling their happiness getting increased. Eventually leading to fondling their private parts. No other reason i have ever figured out how i somehow managed to go farther.
First with a bitch in heat then later with males.
How the hell do you actually ever get the idea to jack off a dog, then somehow even want to try to taste him, or somehow for it to cross your mind he might like to actually mount and fuck you. And WANT to let him try. My first times were all spur of the moment decisions, popped in my mind and simply did it with out thinking about it. Only afterwards did i wonder how, why. Then feel extreme guilt because such things were wrong .... swear never again ... first opportunity you was doing it again, once again never a single thought about it till afterwards. Looking back it was all mostly thinking that i could seriously make him happy if i did this, and simply did it. Even with the sometimes very painfull failure lessons of what not to do, swearing never again in my life will i touch another dog. Yet i did, and it seems most of us did as well. I truly often cared more about making them insanely happy then myself.
OK TMI! sorry, no idea what to writ here other then hi ... then somehow kept going


You did fine. 


Hello I'm a male in my mid 20's; kinda socially awkward but deep down a really nice guy.. I'm a exclusive cynophile and have been all my life.. I've hopped back and forth on many forums, but haven't really found one Ive felt at home in (could be the social anxiety makes me feel out of place and uncomfortable) but it seems like this is a great site..
Not much that I can tell about myself other than: I love dogs; more than myself honestly, when I've had the privilege of having a dog in my life they revolve around it, every aspect down to the very last detail. I guess you could say that being in a relationship with canines is all Ive really known and strived for..
I've tried to be with humans, I couldn't connect enough emotionally to be in a romantic relationship with one, hence let alone a sexual one.. But for as long as I've known I've been able to connect with dogs on a social level that I lacked with people; I knew from the start I was different from everyone else I associated with..
While everyone was out trying to hangout with each other or get into relationships, I'd always have the urge to stay home; and was completely content just having a dog by my side.. Eventually the emotional connection I had towards canines turned into a physical attraction as well when I hit puberty and that's when I realized who I really was.. 
It took me a while to accept it, and for a long time I felt guilty about my sexual desires, but over time I looked past the views of others and saw a real truth.. I love dogs and they love me as well.. And as long as the needs I have or can give is mutually sought after, then  there is no harm being done..
I've had several people who are unaware of me being zoo point out that they have noticed that dogs are abnormally attracted to me, it's honestly how it's been all my life, all dogs I've ever been around have showed an unusual amount of interest in me, like not wanting to leave my side, and continuously begging for me to pet them.. (regardless of if I've initiated anything on a sexual stance or not)
Where as people have never showed that they cared and I believe that the unconditional love and happiness canines bring and give is why I am here.. My reason for existence [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wub.png[/img]
I Hope that wasn't to long of an introduction..


Hello friends!
I'm Toffee's lover... it's probably pretty obvious what that means [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img] I am attracted mostly to male dogs, but I have interests in other animals too. I also have a human partner. I hope to start writing some nice stuff on here, and to make some new friends! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]


Quote:Hello friends!
I'm Toffee's lover... it's probably pretty obvious what that means [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img] I am attracted mostly to male dogs, but I have interests in other animals too. I also have a human partner. I hope to start writing some nice stuff on here, and to make some new friends! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]
Welcome to the forum [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]


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