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Social Anxiety and Zoophilia

Simmer down, people.  Don't give admin a reason to intervene in this thread.


Thank you.


First, what I meant is that "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."        There's no need to over complicate an issue.

@ 30-30, it's a big question so why don't you start a thread for it:  who was Zoobuster and what influence might he have had on policies and programs of the SPCA and other animal welfare organizations?


My own feelings on the subject. First, I never had social anxiety toward human interaction before in my life. I have it now, totally unrelated to my sexual preferences, and know what it does to a person. 

I tend to agree that it can be a reason folks, and I mean a LOT of folks, turn to the new popular choice of bestiality. Let's face it, there're a helluva lot more people out there fucking (or more often wishing they could fuck) an animal than there are people who care about the animal(s) they're fucking, or care so much they aren't fucking them at all.

I don't (to be more on topic) agree that your (generalized "your") social anxiety causes or contributes to, or is caused by, your zoophilic beliefs. The days of looking at zoophilia as a disease are gone IMO, as that interpretation has always been wrong. Zoophilia itself is a bad word choice in my opinion because of this classic definition. Zoophilia is sometimes a choice, a belief, a feeling, an emotion. Bestiality is ALWAYS a choice. They have no medical causes, no mental side effects, and what you have is what you brought into it. I've felt this way, and expressed as such, for decades. Just research me a bit and you'll see that unchanged opinion since 1997 and my reasons behind it. I'd iterate them here but for fear of being called "long winded". 

On a side note, and not to derail this topic, I don't and never will get why folks MUST find a cause, an impetus, a reason for their "Zoophilia" other than that it just is. Yet we accept our non-human companions zoophilic tendencies and choices with-out any reason. It's no more 'normal' for them than for us after all.

I know that's not what Cynolove is doing in the original post here, he's just thinking about possibilities, and to his thoughts I say, I doubt it is related at all. I do think it makes it more difficult for you to feel accepted by your peers, and I understand the reasoning behind your belief there might be a connection to your zoophilic beliefs. It may indeed spur your sex with your partner(s), but not your love for them. That comes from somewhere deep inside you that needs no justification.



2 hours ago, caikgoch said:


@ 30-30, it's a big question so why don't you start a thread for it:  who was Zoobuster and what influence might he have had on policies and programs of the SPCA and other animal welfare organizations?

That'd be a great post for the Historical section in my opinion.



6 hours ago, Hiway said:

Simmer down, people.  Don't give admin a reason to intervene in this thread.


Thank you.

To set the record straight folks, I locked ONE topic due to personal insults, one for violation of the Human/ Animal porn rule, and one as possible spam until it was confirmed as such since the beginning of this forum. I've deleted several posts, all human porn spam, and banned 1 user as a spammer. Not a bad record even with a low membership number. The rules here are quite liberal in my opinion as well. 

I've made one stupid threat in my time here as well. We all screw up folks, and I did there. NO-ONE however asked me to review that decision by PM. This is indeed my forum, and my decision as to what is and isn't continued in debate here or when a debate has progressed to circular argument or personal attacks. My decision can always be appealed though, to a point. That's why there is a PM system in my opinion. Like I said, we ALL make mistakes.

Lastly, the only way to not have a topic debated is to not post it, and that in my opinion would be a loss to the forum. Debates should however be kept on topic as much as possible. I've reviewed this thread, as I do ALL threads here, and see no problems with it, though I do see some straying in replies. A good topic, and some interesting answers to it. Please continue...



On 11/28/2017 at 3:34 AM, zootrashcan said:

Autism isn't a mental illness fyi. Bringing it up doesn't need to 'prove' anything. Not everything is about performative respectability politics. Sometimes people just notice something about themselves and want to know if anyone else has the same experience.

Sadly it's a common misconception that autism is an mental illness, when it's actually a neurodevelopmental disorder; which in layman's terms means that a person with autism has a difference in the way thier brain developed compared to non-autistic people.

Autistism isn't a sickness, some people with autism are actually found to have abnormally high IQs.. however there is social and psychological drawbacks that come with autism, people with autism are different not mentally ill though, I hate hearing people say that autism is an illness and people with it are somehow a lesser being, I've heard it all my life and it's not true..


Back on topic though, it seems to be a rather rare or at least undocumented occurrence for people with autism to be zoophiles although it is common for autistic individuals to have abnormal sexual desires due to lack of social skills, am I saying that all zoophiles are autistic? Obviously not but I do believe people with autism are predisposed to live different lifestyles out of the norm; I've also saw a notable connection between animals and people with autism, I do believe alot of people with autism have a higher chance of becoming zoophiles in teenage years or later in life.. here's the only study I've found online linking an autistic person and zoophilia...


Here's scholarly articles about autism and sexual behavior




I guess I'm weird in this aspect, I'm a social butterfly. I'm charming, friendly and have no problem in conversation. I do have a mental disorder but it's minor and very manageable. (Depression)

I'm a zoo because I'm sexually and emotionally invested in animals. I could easily get women, I've been married, I've dated plenty but it's not what I want. While people are trying to navel gaze about what it means to be zoo or why they are a zoo, I think the focus should shift to : how to maximize your quality of life as a zoo. 

Some do this by providing information to those coming behind them, some do this with humor while others do this by copious amount of porn. People will judge me and some will hate me but how I maximize it is by providing entertainment catering to zoos. (Saint Francis Series of Stories.)

Too many people worry about the 'why' of being a zoo when they should probably focus on the 'how'. 

Don't worry about what others think, just worry about what you do with who you are.


55 minutes ago, Petazoo said:

I guess I'm weird in this aspect, I'm a social butterfly. I'm charming, friendly and have no problem in conversation. I do have a mental disorder but it's minor and very manageable. (Depression)

I'm a zoo because I'm sexually and emotionally invested in animals. I could easily get women, I've been married, I've dated plenty but it's not what I want. While people are trying to navel gaze about what it means to be zoo or why they are a zoo, I think the focus should shift to : how to maximize your quality of life as a zoo. 

Some do this by providing information to those coming behind them, some do this with humor while others do this by copious amount of porn. People will judge me and some will hate me but how I maximize it is by providing entertainment catering to zoos. (Saint Francis Series of Stories.)

Too many people worry about the 'why' of being a zoo when they should probably focus on the 'how'. 

Don't worry about what others think, just worry about what you do with who you are.

I too was until recently very comfortable interacting socially, before the PTSD came to a head. Like yourself, I've dated "plenty" as well. I couldn't agree with you more on what's really important, though I'm with-out a mate since Shadows death. I attempt to both entertain and educate in my writings, though I doubt their impact, and in running this forum I hope to provide a platform for others to do the same.

My question for you; Have you ever questioned or doubted your feelings and desires respecting non-humans? I somehow never had before coming online, and only briefly after. Just curious if I'm alone in that.



2 hours ago, Cynolove693 said:

Back on topic though, it seems to be a rather rare or at least undocumented occurrence for people with autism to be zoophiles although it is common for autistic individuals to have abnormal sexual desires due to lack of social skills, am I saying that all zoophiles are autistic? Obviously not but I do believe people with autism are predisposed to live different lifestyles out of the norm; I've also saw a notable connection between animals and people with autism, I do believe alot of people with autism have a higher chance of becoming zoophiles in teenage years or later in life.. here's the only study I've found online linking an autistic person and zoophilia...


Here's scholarly articles about autism and sexual behavior



I don't know if there is a connection. I have noticed that it appears to be the norm that zoo's on average have some kind of social aversion, but that may just be that those who have are more vocal than those who have not.

There might be a reason, or many different reasons, we are who we are. I don't know. I've always just figured I was because I was. I've usually seen myself in the minority for this view though. I hope you find the answers you're looking for, if any.



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