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I envy those with no zoophilic leanings at all.  Life would be much simpler and safer.  I wouldn't choose this difficult path for anyone.


5 minutes ago, Eagle said:

I envy those with no zoophilic leanings at all.  Life would be much simpler and safer.  I wouldn't choose this difficult path for anyone.


10 minutes ago, Saturnine said:

I know this is going to sound weird, but if I craved human male contact as much as I do with horses, my life would be complete.

I envy those who are able to be in a relationship with a person and still be happy.

Yes indeed, when did you people figure out you were interested only in animals?

Did you ever try something (like I did) to change that, like forcing yourself to date girls/guys?


9 minutes ago, Cat said:


Yes indeed, when did you people figure out you were interested only in animals?

Did you ever try something (like I did) to change that, like forcing yourself to date girls/guys?

There is no way I could force myself to date anyone. It wouldn't work.

I've always seen myself as dating only animals. There was this one time when I had sex with a guy, but after I came, that was it.


Just now, EquusCanis said:

You don't need to ''experiment'' with it. Take for example me, who is an actual zoo exclusive.

I don't need to be in a human relationship to know that I won't like it. I think humans are disgusting in every way.

Humans don't attract me, animals do. No experiments were required other than having to deal with them daily.

I find it a bit insulting to homosexuals, just like how I find this insulting to zoo exclusives.

Zoophiles often are seen as dumb virgins who can't get real pussy so go for the easiest way to lose their virginity (although I'd like to add that the chances of having sex with an animal is less than the chances of having sex with a human). That is the stereotype of animal fuckers all around the world and I want it gone.

Not to mention I find a human attraction to be shameful to begin with. Others need to be able to see the difference between those who would have romantic / sexual relations with humans and animals and those would only have romantic / sexual relations with animals.

Like I said, a homosexual who had female partners aren't seen as homosexuals either but as bisexuals. Why should we make an exception for zoos then? It's very bothering and just makes no sense.

You're talking to the right guy then, because I lost most of my attracton.

Here's how it works: Let an endless amount of human beings torture you and be very, very depressed. It's simple as that.

Do... Do not. 

DON'T. Dooooon't.

Don't do this to me this isn't true.

do not

Dude why you suddenly feel entitled to say "oh god I am an actual zoo exclusive and none else who didn't knew it beforehand by the top of their head isn't", sounds pretty selfish and elitist; you have no idea what I've gone thru and why I decided to force myself to try people who I find disgusting to have sex with and then you treat me like if I was an insult just because I couldn't feel anything from that.

And yet insulting, lol; seriously most people don't even care about these definitions stuff; like I don't give a shit what people think, but don't come rub that in my face like that, seriously it's not nice, it's like telling a trans person they aren't really trans because they lived as a guy without issue for so long, or they don't truly act like girls, or because a gay guy tried a girl; you want to make it seem like it's only you and it's your own place, that you are the real deal and none else is. Just get it off your head, you are no better zoo or anything, for whatever reason you believe in, and you have no right to tell anyone what they are; since all that shit is highly subjective to start with; fucking ego you have man, seriously.

This reminds me why I left the community some time ago when I was in reddit for a couple of days, so much cancer and shit; and I aint used to that.


5 minutes ago, Saturnine said:

There is no way I could force myself to date anyone. It wouldn't work.

I've always seen myself as dating only animals. There was this one time when I had sex with a guy, but after I came, that was it.

Yeah was pretty similar for my case, I did it twice nevertheless, I just can't do it anymore.

Nevertheless I can manage to like people and build relationships with them, but romance is a different thing.

But I totally get you there man, I really do understand. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

I hope you get some luck out there with finding a partner. :D 


Just because you had sex with a human, it doesn't make you any less of a zoophile. You can be exclusive now but experimented in the past with other people.


7 hours ago, Saturnine said:

Just because you had sex with a human, it doesn't make you any less of a zoophile. You can be exclusive now but experimented in the past with other people.

Hmm. No, it doesn't. I've had many (and I mean many) human relationships, mostly good ones, before I decided to show my commitment to Tippy by being exclusive to her and consider myself no less a zoophile today for that. After Tippy, I've had no real desire for women so remain zoo exclusive as self described. After my next love, Shadow died, I've wanted none...  "Zooier than thou" claims are honestly bull. Zoophile as used today is a term we invented, nothing more. We're either Animal lovers, Animal Fuckers, or both, and there are few "rules" to belonging in this group. Call yourself what you want...



I've had three or four romantic-and-sexual human relationships (depending on what qualifies as relationship), with several more "friends with benefits."  I am not adverse to sex with humans, but I find myself drawn to animals more.  I don't shut out humans entirely, I've learned to avoid trying to fit myself under a label and just go with what feels right for me.

However, overall, my sex drive is pretty low.  I've gone several years without anything beyond autosexuality (masturbation) and while I had some desire, I didn't have enough of a drive to pursue.

In terms of relationships, though, a relationship with a human seems very unlikely for me.  Its not because I haven't had yearnings for some people, but I come with too much baggage and feel -- however much some earnest-feelinged few have propositioned me for a relationship -- I would not really improve anyone's life by chaining them to me.  Whenever someone tells me "I love you," part of me is convinced they're saying it out of pity or feeling that they are obligated to say it even when they don't.  I doubt the sincerity even when I have no real cause to.  I don't have a feeling of realness, and keep wondering what I'm supposed to be doing for my end of a relationship, like its a script or somesuch, and have trouble telling how I feel.

With animals, it is different.  My last mate, Covy the German Shepherd, was very depressed when I met her, and some dog experts who saw her tell me they're convinced she had been abused.  I know she went through trauma.  She would lay flat on the ground and sigh, not wag nor pant.  She was afraid of people and would shy herself away under a table or bush, or in a corner.  Gradually as I spent time with her, though, she wagged more and more, would appear and act happy, and I had no doubt at all that her happiness was genuine, and the feeling I had that I had made her happy saved my life at a time when I felt I was nothing but a drain and a strain on the humans I cared about and whom cared about me.  She gave me something I have never been able to obtain any other way -- a genuine, solid sense of value in myself.

I have never been able to have that with people, no matter how sweetly they tell me they love me.  I just don't feel it.  Its not their fault, its some emotional or mental weakness on my part.

In the human relationships I was in, especially the first one (or second if one counts four -- I had a secretly sexual relationship with another boy when I was a teenager ... our parents and family and friends thought we were just friends, but we were secretly 'friends plus'), I let myself get led around.  I let myself get talked into doing things that my conscience had qualms with.  And I was abused emotionally, and a couple times physically ... I developed "battered wife syndrome" where I convinced myself that I was the problem, things would get better if I became a better lover ... others saw how I was being led around and controlled and tried to talk me into leaving the relationship but I ignored them for years [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":/" width="20" />

I can't trust myself in a relationship at all to not get led around.

I won't completely foreswear off ever getting in a relationship with a human, but only after I achieved a level of both emotional and financial healthiness I am not certain I can achieve.



4 hours ago, Eagle said:

I've had three or four romantic-and-sexual human relationships (depending on what qualifies as relationship), with several more "friends with benefits."  I am not adverse to sex with humans, but I find myself drawn to animals more.  I don't shut out humans entirely, I've learned to avoid trying to fit myself under a label and just go with what feels right for me.

However, overall, my sex drive is pretty low.  I've gone several years without anything beyond autosexuality (masturbation) and while I had some desire, I didn't have enough of a drive to pursue.

In terms of relationships, though, a relationship with a human seems very unlikely for me.  Its not because I haven't had yearnings for some people, but I come with too much baggage and feel -- however much some earnest-feelinged few have propositioned me for a relationship -- I would not really improve anyone's life by chaining them to me.  Whenever someone tells me "I love you," part of me is convinced they're saying it out of pity or feeling that they are obligated to say it even when they don't.  I doubt the sincerity even when I have no real cause to.  I don't have a feeling of realness, and keep wondering what I'm supposed to be doing for my end of a relationship, like its a script or somesuch, and have trouble telling how I feel.

With animals, it is different.  My last mate, Covy the German Shepherd, was very depressed when I met her, and some dog experts who saw her tell me they're convinced she had been abused.  I know she went through trauma.  She would lay flat on the ground and sigh, not wag nor pant.  She was afraid of people and would shy herself away under a table or bush, or in a corner.  Gradually as I spent time with her, though, she wagged more and more, would appear and act happy, and I had no doubt at all that her happiness was genuine, and the feeling I had that I had made her happy saved my life at a time when I felt I was nothing but a drain and a strain on the humans I cared about and whom cared about me.  She gave me something I have never been able to obtain any other way -- a genuine, solid sense of value in myself.

I have never been able to have that with people, no matter how sweetly they tell me they love me.  I just don't feel it.  Its not their fault, its some emotional or mental weakness on my part.

In the human relationships I was in, especially the first one (or second if one counts four -- I had a secretly sexual relationship with another boy when I was a teenager ... our parents and family and friends thought we were just friends, but we were secretly 'friends plus'), I let myself get led around.  I let myself get talked into doing things that my conscience had qualms with.  And I was abused emotionally, and a couple times physically ... I developed "battered wife syndrome" where I convinced myself that I was the problem, things would get better if I became a better lover ... others saw how I was being led around and controlled and tried to talk me into leaving the relationship but I ignored them for years [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":/" width="20" />

I can't trust myself in a relationship at all to not get led around.

I won't completely foreswear off ever getting in a relationship with a human, but only after I achieved a level of both emotional and financial healthiness I am not certain I can achieve.


I guess we are pretty similar in that sense as well, I have a very low sex drive as well. And yes things is that with humans matters can get complicated, more complex than they need to be; and many humans have a high sex drive, which is hard to deal with when yours is so low (and in my personal case they can't get me turned on and I've only done it as a duty).

However there are also zoo contracts, basically a animal/human / human/animal relationship... basically two zoo couples that decide to live together as couples, while their true lover is the animal, they still have this degree of kinda polyamory in a way where there's a strong bond between both humans, even when it's not romantic; honestly I'd love such a thing, but that's hard to get by because simply finding another zoo interested in that is very rare at least, but specially with people that are into larger animals, owning land as a couple can be more beneficial, and because there's no sex involvement with the human there are no sexual problems and it's usually something done with heavily financial (by marrying) and safety reasons, if you got to travel somoene that you know can care of your partner and so on.

In all honesty I am kinda envious you think you would be able to have a human sexual parter given that stability, that gives you more options, I guess it's because you have had such bad experiences.


6 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Hmm. No, it doesn't. I've had many (and I mean many) human relationships, mostly good ones, before I decided to show my commitment to Tippy by being exclusive to her and consider myself no less a zoophile today for that. After Tippy, I've had no real desire for women so remain zoo exclusive as self described. After my next love, Shadow died, I've wanted none...  "Zooier than thou" claims are honestly bull. Zoophile as used today is a term we invented, nothing more. We're either Animal lovers, Animal Fuckers, or both, and there are few "rules" to belonging in this group. Call yourself what you want...


I have to contradict you, Silverwolf...exclusivity isn´t just a temporary thing, it isn´t something you choose out of respect for your animal companion. The term "zoo exclusive" was coined for all those among us who simply aren´t attracted to humans at all in entirety.  

And why is everyone so eager to call themselves an "exclusive zoo"? Could it be that many of us still subconsciously think of exclusivity as the "highest form of zoophilia"? What is it anyone achieves by calling himself an exclusive despite having had or still have occasional sex with humans? To me, this seems like a subconscious inferiority complex working here. Why do you feel threatened by exclusives claiming their terms to be used correctly? What is it that angers you when someone says you´re not an exclusive? There´s no "free animal" awarded for being an exclusive. Why can´t we just not twist and flex definitions here ´til almost anyone fits into the "top zoo category"?

So, here´s my proposal: "zoo exclusive" henceforth shall be defined by lack of sexual and emotional attraction towards humans, a lack that makes it impossible for the exclusive to engage in (sexual) relationships with humans. This way, the real meaning of the word exclusive is restored. And be assured that no exclusive feels "superior" about being an exclusive, no one will turn a non exclusive down, belittle his or such things...IF the non exclusive isn´t insisting on a title he/she doesn´t qualify for. I´m not angered by non exclusive zoos, I can talk with anyone without feeling "better than them"  just because they´ve had/still have sex with humans. But what I absolutely despise is being lied to by people, people who lie to soothe their feelings of inferiority to appear as something they´re not. Just be honest, no one´s gonna judge you for not being an exclusive, exclusivity is not the highest form of zoophilia. But exclusives indeed are different from non exclusives, not being able to have relationships with humans beyond a non sexual level of normal friendships is something that immensely shapes the lives of exclusive zoos. It matters what is inside you...feeling attracted to humans in any way is a dead giveaway you´re not an exclusive...exclusivity is not about limiting oneself to animals sexually, it is not about choice, it is about being unable to engage in human-on-human relationships at all for multiple reasons, the most dominant reason being the immense repulsion by humans as sexual and emotional partners.

Why this matters? Mainly because being an exclusive is shaping our lives...our lives heading a path that´s entirely different from those non exclusives. The usual questions exclusives have to face because they´re not showing any interest in fellow humans, for example. For us, having a human partner is NOT an option at all, under no circumstances, without any excuses. Not one exclusive is looking down on you for not being an exclusive, but we get infuriated when you´re trying to sell yourselves as something you´re not, also mocking us exclusives and our lives´ harsh reality with your definition bending. That´s where the hard responses are coming from, from that nagging feeling you folks are deliberately trying to steal our name title/definition to appear more than you really are. What is it that makes you insist on being an "exclusive" despite having had lots of sexual experience with humans? Why do you subconsciously feel inferior to us exclusives so you have to twist and turn the definition of exclusivity until it fits you? Why can´t we just take words for their meaning and call ourselves accordingly to these definitions? If anyone feels sexual and/or emotional interest in humans beyond a normal, non sexual friendship level, this isn´t exclusivity. That´s it...exclusivity is NOT an honorable title, not an achievement, not "superior"...it´s just different and these constant efforts to redefine and reshape the definition to squeeze yourselves into that "highest form of zoophilia" (as the vast majority of you falsely seem to think of it) is not gonna achieve anything besides pampering the egos of all those wannabe "exclusives"...it´s selfish and tremendously disrespectful towards the real exclusives, by the way. So, no one is looking down on you for not being an exclusive, but if you try to water down exclusivity so the definition will fit you, don´t be surprised by the angry responses from actual exclusives who never laid hand on another human with sexual intent. Just my two cents...

PS: Cat, the example of "zoo contracts" is rubbish. If their "real" partner is an animal, why live with another human? To me, this imaginary scenario you described is just an example of cherrypicking.


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