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Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia

Edit to above post, timer ran out, not only was it said that shamans had sex with animal spirits for energy, but they also were said to of had sex with animals in the physical realm as well in rituals. most commonly shamans of the Native American tribes


It would be interesting to go back to those days, native Americans were in tune with nature, and didn't have all these modern restrictions we have now..
Not to mention zoophilia was an excepted practice in most Indian tribes at the time, they had no laws against it..


I've already started to worship horses, but may soon include dogs as well. Because why not?

In terms of a spirit guide, I have yet to find one. I'm still pretty new to this stuff.

Hopefully when I die, I'll reincarnate into a horse and roam with the herd, the way I was meant to be.


16 hours ago, Saturnine said:

Hopefully when I die, I'll reincarnate into a horse and roam with the herd, the way I was meant to be.

Then I assume you must start now, or well before now, to accumulate points.  The belief systems I am aware of where reincarnation occurs require some sort of “karma points” in past lives to keep from coming back as some sort of 6-legged crunchy critter.  

And given that, the vast majority of horses live short lives as part of the food chain.  Or most of their lives in harness as cart or carriage horses, with scant food and less rest.  The few born into free-ranging herds, maybe 2% rise to alpha or near alpha, to have status for control of their lives, breeding, grazing, etc.  Look at the people here, the few who have a horse and a cow that will live full lifespans, probably more food than is healthy, shelter from weather and storms, and consider their various quirkinesses to be lovable expressions of themselves, instead of stamping their quirks out to make them part of industry.  (Which is a 2-way road I might add; how thin is the line that 1200 or 2000 Lbs must follow for 20-odd years, stay in your fence, not threaten injury, keep your hormones in check, bend your will to a weird 2-legged critter, to remain the cherry of someone’s eye.)   How long are the odds of (horse, cow, goat, pig) finding a life thread that leads them to one of us, or like us, for your goal.  (Yeah, you could miss by a couple of degrees and come back as a pygmy goat in some Zoo person’s backyard.  Them’s the breaks).

But you better get to work if you want to come back as the 2% of horses you want to be, not as a bug or a can of Ken-L-Ration.  


My spirit guide (when I find one) will help me with what I should do next. Right now, I want to focus on worship and meditation, and keep all of that "karma" business for a later date, when I'm ready for it.

They say disabled people are the products of unfavorable past lives. I must have been some crazy dictator. Hopefully all will become clear to me in time.

38 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

And given that, the vast majority of horses live short lives as part of the food chain.  Or most of their lives in harness as cart or carriage horses, with scant food and less rest.  The few born into free-ranging herds, maybe 2% rise to alpha or near alpha, to have status for control of their lives, breeding, grazing, etc.

Maybe I'll come back as a proud stallion who lives the standard lifespan of a wild horse.


as an active Hellenic pagan and cynosexual zoophile active with female dogs I agree pagan faiths, at least some of them anyway, are more receptive to zoophilia than  christianity and related monotheistic faiths.


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